Center for career guidance - student internships

About the center

The Pan-European University "Apeiron" has established a Career Guidance Center as part of its collateral activities. Access to the center's website: Link

The main goal of the center is to support students in the development of knowledge and skills that are important in professional development and that will play an important role in employment. In addition, the center provides information on job offers, internships, seminars and trainings in the country and abroad, as well as invitations to volunteer camps and scholarships.

The center does not mediate directly in the employment of students, but provides relevant information on employment, connects students with employers in order to organize professional practice and organizes trainings and seminars where students acquire practical knowledge and skills, and through the Employment Mediation Agency ALUMNA, the center connects students with employers.

Information for career development:

  • informing and advising students
  • assistance in compiling CVs in English, German and Serbian
  • workshops, trainings and seminars for career development
  • brochures with useful information for students

Work and connecting with the business world

  • Information about job ads, vacancies
  • organizing professional practice in promising companies, health institutions and state institutions
  • presentations of successful companies from the environment
  • meetings with employers
  • direct contact with the ALUMNA Employment Mediation Agency

Counseling and education

  • individual counseling during the preparation of the "PASSPORT OF COMPETENCE"
  • Workshops on the development of business and negotiation skills
  • Job interview simulations
  • counseling for continuing education in the country and abroad