Teaching and translation study program of the Russian language
Course Feature
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Class Description
a/ Bachelor's degree of the first cycle lasting 3 years (6 semesters) – 180 ECTS
- Graduate professor translator of the Russian language – 180 ECTS
b/ First cycle studies lasting 4 years (8 semesters) – 240 ECTS
- Graduated professor of Russian language and literature - 240 ECTS (graduated philologist - translator)
The most general generic competencies at the level of each cycle of education, which must be possessed by every graduated student, regardless of the study program or the institution where he completed his higher education, are defined as:
- Dublin descriptors (Dublin descriptors), which represent a set of criteria on the expected achievements and abilities of students to distinguish different cycles of education, which were proposed by the Joint Quality Initiative (JQI), and which are accepted as the basis of the description of each cycle of education on ministerial meeting in Bergen in May 2005.
- The general framework for qualifications in European higher education (Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education - EQF for HE), which was adopted at the ministerial meeting in Bergen in May 2005.
Summary of general subject-professional - generic competencies (FIRST CYCLE)
Key generic competencies
Students should be able to:
- basic knowledge of the profession
- basic knowledge of the field of study
- ability to choose
- Ability to make decisions;
- Awareness of the degree of uncertainty and risks involved in making a decision;
- Realizing the implications and consequences of the choice;
- Ability to argue and defend a decision.
- communication skills
- ability to work in interdisciplinary teams
- ability to analyze
- Identification of the work environment in which problem solving takes place;
- Defining assumptions and goals for problem solving;
- Determining the resources and competencies necessary to solve the problem;
- the capacity to apply knowledge in practice - the ability to implement,
- Planning and organization for the execution of tasks/tasks;
- Appropriate setting of parameters;
- Choosing an option and making a decision;
- Argumentation and implementation of the decision;
- Understanding and Awareness;
- Leadership skills;
- creativity
- ability to manage information
- the ability to find and analyze information from different sources
- basic computer skills
- ability to adapt to new conditions
- capacity to make an oral and written presentation in their native language
- research skills
- capacity to learn
- ability to work independently
Key subject-professional competencies
Students should be able to:
- To demonstrate knowledge of the basics and history of their major field of study/discipline;
- To show (express) acquired basic knowledge in a coherent way;
- To include new professional information and interpretations in that context;
- To demonstrate an understanding of the overall structure of the field of study and the connection with scientific disciplines;
- To demonstrate that they understand and can apply methods of critical analysis and theoretical development in their field of study;
- To correctly apply appropriate disciplinary methods and techniques;
- To demonstrate an understanding of research methods in the relevant field;
- To show that they understand the experimental tests and observations on which scientific theories are based.
These competencies are categorized as instrumental, interpersonal and systemic:
- Instrumental competencies include:
- Cognitive abilities, understanding and manipulation of ideas and thoughts.
- Methodological abilities to communicate with the environment: organizing time and strategies for learning, making decisions or solving problems.
- Technological abilities related to the use of technological means, computers and the application of information management skills.
- Language skills such as written and oral communication or knowledge of foreign languages.
- Interpersonal competences: Individual abilities that include the ability to express one's feelings, social skills such as interpersonal skills, working in teams, or expressing social and ethical commitment. These competencies enable processes of social interaction and cooperation.
- System competencies are those skills and abilities that relate to the entire system. They represent a combination of understanding, sensibility and knowledge, with the help of which a person will be able to see the relationship between individual parts and how they make up the whole. These abilities include the ability to plan changes in order to improve existing systems and create new systems. Systemic competences require prior acquisition of instrumental and interpersonal competences
Generic descriptors of first cycle studies according to general educational outcomes adopted at the Bergen Conference (19-20 May 2005):
Qualifications representing the successful completion of the first cycle (180-240 ECTS points) are awarded to students who:
- demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the field of study, which builds on their secondary education and is common at first cycle level, supported by appropriate learning resources at higher education level (university textbooks, information and communication technologies), which includes aspects of knowledge of advanced achievements in a given field of study;
- can apply detailed knowledge and critical understanding of the principles related to a given field of study/discipline in a way that shows a professional approach to work or profession, and possess competencies that are usually expressed by the ability to form and support opinions and positions with arguments and the ability to solve problems within the given field of study;
- have the ability to collect and interpret relevant data (within a given field of study) on the basis of which they make judgments that may also include reflections on relevant social scientific or ethical issues;
- they can apply the basic methods of acquiring knowledge and applied research in a given discipline, and are able to decide which approach to use to solve a given problem, and are aware of the extent to which the chosen approach is appropriate for solving such a problem;
- can present and convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to an audience that is specialized in a given field of study, but also to an audience that is not specialized, using the appropriate language (and where appropriate, one or more foreign languages) and using communication tools technology;
- have built learning skills necessary for further study, with a high degree of autonomy and academic skills and properties necessary for research work, understanding and evaluating new information, concepts and evidence from different sources;
- possess the foundation for future self-direction and lifelong learning;
- have acquired interpersonal and teamwork skills, suitable for employment and/or further study.
SPECIFIC COMPETENCIES of the "Teaching and Translation Study Program of the Russian Language" derive from the teaching modules of the study core in the field of Russian language philology. Basic academic studies should prepare students for professional work in the field of teaching the Russian language, literature and culture, as well as translation from Russian (as a real interlanguage translation) and into the Russian language.
In accordance with a specially developed curriculum, students of the Teaching and Translation course acquire versatile theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of the Russian language, theory, history and methodology of translation, history and culture, and especially the literary and artistic creativity of Russia, as well as the foundations of geopolitical, international, legal, economic and political relations related to Russia and the area of the dominant Russian language. Students have professional oral and written translation skills, at least in a combination of two languages (Russian-Serbian, and vice versa).
All disciplines provided for in the curriculum are aimed at preparing professional translators, who are able to solve translation tasks of any level of complexity and responsibility.
The main goal of the study program is to prepare professional translators who will fully master the most modern translation technologies, specialist researchers in the field of theory, history and methodology of translation for work in the country and abroad in the political, economic, legal, cultural and educational spheres, among other things, in the leading international organizations, non-governmental interstate structures, as well as in national and transnational corporations and companies.
Individual goals of the program:
• education of professors and teachers of the Russian language for basic levels of education;
• preparation of experts in the field of specialized translation with the aim of increasing professional qualifications;
• acquiring practical skills of professional (oral and written) translation in parallel with the study of theory and practice, history and methodology of translation;
• general improvement of language competence (mother tongue and Russian);
• deepening knowledge about the culture and science of the Russian language;
• improvement of intercultural competence in order to increase the effectiveness of intercultural communication in the field of professional activity.
Students master the most modern translation technologies, among other things, information technologies in the service of translation, acquire professional skills in oral and written translation, at least in a combination of two languages (Russian-Serbian, and vice versa).
The specificity of the Teaching and Translation course at the Department of Russian Language, Faculty of Philological Sciences of the Pan-European University "Apeiron" will be the preparation of experts for professional oral consecutive and simultaneous translation, furthermore, for scientific and technical translation, which is a mandatory part of the curriculum, as well as for the translation of video materials .
Furthermore, the program enables the acquired knowledge to be applied in working with various types of text, its translation and editing, to acquire the skills of simultaneous translation from and into Russian, the skills of business communication in the Russian language and the compilation of documentation. The adoption of program contents enables the development of the ability to collect material in the studied areas, independent analysis and writing of texts from the profession, and argumentation of one's own conclusions. Students will be enabled to acquire and improve the skills of professional use of dictionaries (of all types) and databases.
The student's generic abilities presuppose the following skills and abilities:
a/ Ability to analyze (which presupposes abilities):
- Identification of the technical-technological and business environment in which problem solving takes place;
- Defining assumptions and goals for problem solving;
- Determining the resources and competencies necessary to solve the problem;
b/ Ability to choose;
- Ability to make decisions;
- Awareness of the degree of uncertainty and risks involved in making a decision;
- Realizing the implications and consequences of the choice;
- Ability to argue and defend a decision.
c/ Ability to implement presupposes:
- Planning and organization for the execution of jobs / tasks
- Appropriate setting of parameters
- Choosing an option and making a decision
- Argumentation and implementation of the decision
- Understanding and awareness
- Leadership skills
Within the studies, the foundations for lifelong professional mobility and permanent professional development were created.