Business law

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Class Description
a/ Bachelor's degree of the first cycle lasting 3 years (6 semesters) – 180 ECTS
- Bachelor of Business Law - 180 ECTS
b/ First cycle studies lasting 4 years (8 semesters) – 240 ECTS
- Bachelor of Business Law - 240 ECTS
Legal-business and administrative-legal associates realize and support communication, documentation and internal management communication activities in their economic organizations and institutions and organize the flow of information between different organizational units.
These jobs include: realization and support of communication, documentation and internal coordination activities of an organizational unit in order to help the director or manager of that unit and other management personnel; keeping meeting minutes and business notes; studying and making extracts from laws, regulations and other documents; keeping complete records and creating reports on financial transactions; collecting, processing and presenting mathematical, statistical and actuarial data.
Legal and related business assistants assist directors and legal professionals and other professionals with legal matters, including those related to insurance, loan approvals and other financial transactions.
These jobs include:
- studying or arranging to study laws, regulations, legal documents and relevant documents;
- preparation of documents summarizing legal points of view or determination of conditions under which loans are granted or insurance contracts are taken out;
- advising clients and agents on legal and technical issues related to their cases;
- preparation of documents related to the transfer of real estate, shares and other issues that require formal registration;
- checking the validity of documents and forwarding them to the register of company shareholders;
- performance of related work;
- supervision of other associates.
The most general generic competencies at the level of each cycle of education, which must be possessed by every graduated student, regardless of the study program or the institution where he completed his higher education, are defined as:
- Dublin descriptors (Dublin descriptors), which represent a set of criteria on the expected achievements and abilities of students to distinguish different cycles of education, which were proposed by the Joint Quality Initiative (JQI), and which are accepted as the basis of the description of each cycle of education on ministerial meeting in Bergen in May 2005.
- The general framework for qualifications in European higher education (Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education - EQF for HE), which was adopted at the ministerial meeting in Bergen in May 2005.
Summary of general subject-professional - generic competencies (FIRST CYCLE)
Key generic competencies
Students should be able to:
- basic knowledge of the profession
- basic knowledge of the field of study
- ability to choose
- Ability to make decisions;
- Awareness of the degree of uncertainty and risks involved in making a decision;
- Realizing the implications and consequences of the choice;
- Ability to argue and defend a decision.
- communication skills
- ability to work in interdisciplinary teams
- ability to analyze
- Identification of the work environment in which problem solving takes place;
- Defining assumptions and goals for problem solving;
- Determining the resources and competencies necessary to solve the problem;
- the capacity to apply knowledge in practice - the ability to implement,
- Planning and organization for the execution of tasks/tasks;
- Appropriate setting of parameters;
- Choosing an option and making a decision;
- Argumentation and implementation of the decision;
- Understanding and Awareness;
- Leadership skills;
- creativity
- ability to manage information
- the ability to find and analyze information from different sources
- basic computer skills
- ability to adapt to new conditions
- capacity to make an oral and written presentation in their native language
- research skills
- capacity to learn
- ability to work independently
Key subject-professional competencies
Students should be able to:
- To demonstrate knowledge of the basics and history of their major field of study/discipline;
- To show (express) acquired basic knowledge in a coherent way;
- To include new professional information and interpretations in that context;
- To demonstrate an understanding of the overall structure of the field of study and the connection with scientific disciplines;
- To demonstrate that they understand and can apply methods of critical analysis and theoretical development in their field of study;
- To correctly apply appropriate disciplinary methods and techniques;
- To demonstrate an understanding of research methods in the relevant field;
- To show that they understand the experimental tests and observations on which scientific theories are based.
These competencies are categorized as instrumental, interpersonal and systemic:
- Instrumental competencies include:
- Cognitive abilities, understanding and manipulation of ideas and thoughts.
- Methodological abilities to communicate with the environment: organizing time and strategies for learning, making decisions or solving problems.
- Technological abilities related to the use of technological means, computers and the application of information management skills.
- Language skills such as written and oral communication or knowledge of foreign languages.
- Interpersonal competences: Individual abilities that include the ability to express one's feelings, social skills such as interpersonal skills, working in teams, or expressing social and ethical commitment. These competencies enable processes of social interaction and cooperation.
- System competencies are those skills and abilities that relate to the entire system. They represent a combination of understanding, sensibility and knowledge, with the help of which a person will be able to see the relationship between individual parts and how they make up the whole. These abilities include the ability to plan changes in order to improve existing systems and create new systems. Systemic competences require prior acquisition of instrumental and interpersonal competences
Generic descriptors of first cycle studies according to general educational outcomes adopted at the Bergen Conference (19-20 May 2005):
Qualifications representing the successful completion of the first cycle (180-240 ECTS points) are awarded to students who:
- demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the field of study, which builds on their secondary education and is common at first cycle level, supported by appropriate learning resources at higher education level (university textbooks, information and communication technologies), which includes aspects of knowledge of advanced achievements in a given field of study;
- can apply detailed knowledge and critical understanding of the principles related to a given field of study/discipline in a way that shows a professional approach to work or profession, and possess competencies that are usually expressed by the ability to form and support opinions and positions with arguments and the ability to solve problems within the given field of study;
- have the ability to collect and interpret relevant data (within a given field of study) on the basis of which they make judgments that may also include reflections on relevant social scientific or ethical issues;
- they can apply the basic methods of acquiring knowledge and applied research in a given discipline, and are able to decide which approach to use to solve a given problem, and are aware of the extent to which the chosen approach is appropriate for solving such a problem;
- can present and convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to an audience that is specialized in a given field of study, but also to an audience that is not specialized, using the appropriate language (and where appropriate, one or more foreign languages) and using communication tools technology;
- have built learning skills necessary for further study, with a high degree of autonomy and academic skills and properties necessary for research work, understanding and evaluating new information, concepts and evidence from different sources;
- possess the foundation for future self-direction and lifelong learning;
- have acquired interpersonal and teamwork skills, suitable for employment and/or further study.
SPECIFIC COMPETENCIES of the "Business Law" study program derive from the teaching modules of the study core in the field of business law, which include knowledge of the business, normative, legal, institutional and social environment so that students can use the respective legal and other instruments, understanding the parameters of business organization, administrative environment and identifying the impact of these elements on the legal status, organization and institutional construction of their economic and business organizations and associations.
Students are trained to > understand the details of legal institutes and administrative functions, types of legal affairs and administrative operations, specificities of different types and sizes of business organizations, public bodies, organizations and institutions, administrative and administrative affairs, different sectors of the economy and administration and to connect these factors with the key business parameters of business entities. Competences of analysis, synthesis and critical reflection in business, legal, administrative, administrative and managerial areas enable the successful preparation and management of legal aspects of business operations, legal acts, administration, planning, control and audit of market operations and administrative organization.
Students also acquire basic competencies in secondary areas that are indirectly related to business logistics, administrative process and the process of normative and legal construction, such as: forwarding, administrative business, nomotechnics, rhetoric, legal documentary, technology and engineering applied in business, legal and administrative fields, understanding the technological background of administrative processes and links to public opinion research, technological forecasting, social and marketing psychology and communication, and statistical methods and tools.
The goals of the "Business Law" study program largely correspond to the goals of the "General Law" study program. Students of "Business Law" acquire the basic competencies of legal studies in key historical, theoretical, civil-law and criminal-law areas. However, the focus of these studies is on the field of commercial and corporate law, and international commercial law. Students also get competencies that students of general law do not possess, related to business economics, finance, commercial contracts, stock exchanges, securities. Graduates in this field should possess sufficient knowledge and competence to be able to participate equally in the creation, organization and supervision of the business process and to assume any managerial functions, including the functions of directors within the framework of their economic entities. Business law students are trained to take on broker jobs after the usual training. intermediary in securities trade.
Other goals that are identical to the goals of common law are:
- Establishment of a competent institution of legal sciences based on the curricula and programs of modern law studies, promotion of the rule of law, human rights, international legal norms, legal foundations of the modern market economy, entrepreneurial and administrative management,
- The curriculum should provide a pragmatic and modern approach to legal science, modularly developed and redesigned curricula adapted to reform studies focused on the areas of application of legal knowledge and legal practice, international law, business economics and business law, applied political studies, communication studies, organizational sciences. , business informatics and documentary studies, and modern management methods;
- Implementation of a modern didactic approach of interactive dialogue-teaching and a mentor-supported study process, which combines basic studies with legal clinics, modular teaching, practical engagement of students and student research papers.
- Hiring teaching staff with competencies that will enable pedagogical mobilization and high motivation of students, as a basis for high passing rates and educational achievements of students.
- The design of the curriculum and schedule enables "finalization" already after the first cycle of three-year studies, i.e. qualification for a specific job and competitiveness on the labor market, which implies:
- training first-cycle students for paralegal jobs,
- providing theoretical and professional foundations for continuing studies,
- adequate workload of students considering the high work intensity of three-year studies,
- a flexible plan and program that is appropriate to the needs of students and the demands of the labor market.
- A better balance of theoretical teaching and practical skills, which presupposes a greater connection with practice, especially business practice;
- Expanding the range of specialist and postgraduate studies (which achieves competitiveness, given that classical legal studies are largely unified).
European profiling of legal studies is of particular importance. which presupposes the introduction of a European and comparative legal component in all teaching programs.
An essential element of the social credibility and competitiveness of legal studies is the possibility for students to acquire practical knowledge and skills. Legal clinics, practicums, workshops, internships and other forms of practical teaching are represented more and more effectively than in a classic state legal study with the appropriate involvement of experts from practice, but also the involvement of students in real practice.
The true measure of diversification and differentiation of teaching subjects implies a far greater number of elective subjects, which will not violate the unity of the legal profession ensured through key contents within the framework of compulsory teaching subjects.
Learning outcomes should give students the skills to formulate:
- Questions related to the background of legal aspects of business;
- Research questions;
- Dispute/problem resolution methodology;
- Analysis of disputes
- Conclusions related to the elaboration of legal aspects of business;
- Recommendations related to resolving disputes/problems
- Sources for further elaboration of the legal basis of the problem;
- Orchestrating and harmonizing the teams that solve the problem or mediate the parties in dispute;
- Presentation of the dispute/problem and communication related to the dispute;
Based on the educational profile of a law graduate and a law graduate specializing in the fields of business law in the field of graduate and postgraduate studies, the University has created a large number of operational and applied specializations / sub-specializations, which qualify students for legal, administrative, management and consulting jobs in the public sector and in the corporate sector. sector, banks, specialized marketing agencies, investment funds, consulting and representative agencies, local and state administration bodies, public institutions, non-governmental and non-profit organizations, political organizations and agencies dealing with public relations and administration bodies.
Graduate students and graduate students-specialists in the study program of business law are qualified for prestigious professions and jobs:
- a/ in the field of liberal professions:
consultants and advisors for legal aid and legal representation, notaries and notary trainees, administrators in offices and agencies - b/ in the field of economy:
managers-executives at all levels of business and corporate organization, analysts and advisors for the legal areas of trade and export affairs, business finance, insurance and logistics, advisors for legal aspects of business related to labor relations, taxes, securities and stock exchange business, development advisors expert teams. - c/ in the field of state and public administration
legal advisors, secretaries, administrators, managers and advisors of state and public administration and public activities, public finance systems, personnel affairs and public relations, advisors of political parties, experts for the legal system of the European Union and the American legal system. - d/ in the field of justice:
advisers and professional associates, heads of judicial bodies, secretaries and administrators in the judiciary
Within the studies, the foundations for lifelong professional mobility and permanent professional development were created.
Students should be able to:
- To use and evaluate tools for analyzing the application of legal institutes in legal disputes and normative construction, analyzing the functions of business organizations, public institutions, administrative bodies and organizations and their social and institutional environment;
- To work in specific areas of activity of companies, authorities and public administration and to specialize in that area to a certain extent;
- To create a link with other functions in the domain of normative and legal affairs;
- To have self-awareness;
- To argue the principles they use in legal disputes and finding solutions through mediation methods at the operational and tactical level;
- That they are qualified to defend proposed solutions in legal cases;
- That they are prepared for decision-making, mainly at the operational and tactical level.