Sanitary engineering

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Class Description
a/ Bachelor's degree of the first cycle lasting 3 years (6 semesters) – 180 ECTS
- Graduated sanitary engineer – 180 ECTS
b/ First cycle studies lasting 4 years (8 semesters) – 240 ECTS
- Graduated sanitary engineer – 240 ECTS
c/ Academic master's studies of the second cycle lasting one to two years (2-4 semesters) - 300 ECTS (with defense of the master's thesis)
- Master of Sanitary Engineering – 300 ECTS
Environmental and occupational health inspectors and associates investigate the implementation of rules related to environmental factors that may affect human health, workplace health and safety, and process safety in the production of goods and services. They can implement and evaluate programs to establish and improve safety and sanitation, under the supervision of health professionals.
Tasks include:
- Advising representatives of employers and workers on the implementation of government and other rules related to the working environment and the workplace;
- Inspecting workplaces to ensure that work environments, machinery and equipment comply with government and other rules and standards for cleanliness and/or health and safety of the environment and work environment;
- Consulting in the field of sanitary problems and environmental techniques;
- Inspecting workplaces and obtaining facts through essays, observations and other means about work practices and workplace accidents to see if everything is in compliance with safety rules;
- Inspecting areas for production, processing, transportation, handling, storage and sale of products to ensure compliance with government and other rules and standards;
- Advising companies and the public on the implementation of government and other rules concerning hygiene, cleanliness and quality of primary products, food, medicines, cosmetics and similar products;
- Inspecting devices to ensure compliance with government and other regulations regarding waste emissions and hazardous waste disposal;
- Initiation of hygiene maintenance and improvement activities and prevention of water, air, food or soil pollution;
- Promotion of preventive and corrective measures, such as control of diseases transmitted by organisms and harmful substances in the air, hygienic handling of food, clean disposal of waste and cleaning of public places;
Estimating the quantity and cost of materials and labor required for health, safety and cleanliness improvement projects.
The most general generic competencies at the level of each cycle of education, which must be possessed by every graduated student, regardless of the study program or the institution where he completed his higher education, are defined as:
- Dublin descriptors (Dublin descriptors), which represent a set of criteria on the expected achievements and abilities of students to distinguish different cycles of education, which were proposed by the Joint Quality Initiative (JQI), and which are accepted as the basis of the description of each cycle of education on ministerial meeting in Bergen in May 2005.
- The general framework for qualifications in European higher education (Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education - EQF for HE), which was adopted at the ministerial meeting in Bergen in May 2005.
Summary of general subject-professional - generic competencies (FIRST CYCLE)
Key generic competencies
Students should be able to:
- basic knowledge of the profession
- basic knowledge of the field of study
- ability to choose
- Ability to make decisions;
- Awareness of the degree of uncertainty and risks involved in making a decision;
- Realizing the implications and consequences of the choice;
- Ability to argue and defend a decision.
- communication skills
- ability to work in interdisciplinary teams
- ability to analyze
- Identification of the work environment in which problem solving takes place;
- Defining assumptions and goals for problem solving;
- Determining the resources and competencies necessary to solve the problem;
- the capacity to apply knowledge in practice - the ability to implement,
- Planning and organization for the execution of tasks/tasks;
- Appropriate setting of parameters;
- Choosing an option and making a decision;
- Argumentation and implementation of the decision;
- Understanding and Awareness;
- Leadership skills;
- creativity
- ability to manage information
- the ability to find and analyze information from different sources
- basic computer skills
- ability to adapt to new conditions
- capacity to make an oral and written presentation in their native language
- research skills
- capacity to learn
- ability to work independently
Key subject-professional competencies
Students should be able to:
- To demonstrate knowledge of the basics and history of their major field of study/discipline;
- To show (express) acquired basic knowledge in a coherent way;
- To include new professional information and interpretations in that context;
- To demonstrate an understanding of the overall structure of the field of study and the connection with scientific disciplines;
- To demonstrate that they understand and can apply methods of critical analysis and theoretical development in their field of study;
- To correctly apply appropriate disciplinary methods and techniques;
- To demonstrate an understanding of research methods in the relevant field;
- To show that they understand the experimental tests and observations on which scientific theories are based.
These competencies are categorized as instrumental, interpersonal and systemic:
- Instrumental competencies include:
- Cognitive abilities, understanding and manipulation of ideas and thoughts.
- Methodological abilities to communicate with the environment: organizing time and strategies for learning, making decisions or solving problems.
- Technological abilities related to the use of technological means, computers and the application of information management skills.
- Language skills such as written and oral communication or knowledge of foreign languages.
- Interpersonal competences: Individual abilities that include the ability to express one's feelings, social skills such as interpersonal skills, working in teams, or expressing social and ethical commitment. These competencies enable processes of social interaction and cooperation.
- System competencies are those skills and abilities that relate to the entire system. They represent a combination of understanding, sensibility and knowledge, with the help of which a person will be able to see the relationship between individual parts and how they make up the whole. These abilities include the ability to plan changes in order to improve existing systems and create new systems. Systemic competences require prior acquisition of instrumental and interpersonal competences
Generic descriptors of first cycle studies according to general educational outcomes adopted at the Bergen Conference (19-20 May 2005):
Qualifications representing the successful completion of the first cycle (180-240 ECTS points) are awarded to students who:
- demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the field of study, which builds on their secondary education and is common at first cycle level, supported by appropriate learning resources at higher education level (university textbooks, information and communication technologies), which includes aspects of knowledge of advanced achievements in a given field of study;
- can apply detailed knowledge and critical understanding of the principles related to a given field of study/discipline in a way that shows a professional approach to work or profession, and possess competencies that are usually expressed by the ability to form and support opinions and positions with arguments and the ability to solve problems within the given field of study;
- have the ability to collect and interpret relevant data (within a given field of study) on the basis of which they make judgments that may also include reflections on relevant social scientific or ethical issues;
- they can apply the basic methods of acquiring knowledge and applied research in a given discipline, and are able to decide which approach to use to solve a given problem, and are aware of the extent to which the chosen approach is appropriate for solving such a problem;
- can present and convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to an audience that is specialized in a given field of study, but also to an audience that is not specialized, using the appropriate language (and where appropriate, one or more foreign languages) and using communication tools technology;
- have built learning skills necessary for further study, with a high degree of autonomy and academic skills and properties necessary for research work, understanding and evaluating new information, concepts and evidence from different sources;
- possess the foundation for future self-direction and lifelong learning;
- have acquired interpersonal and teamwork skills, suitable for employment and/or further study.
Specific competencies acquired by students in the "Sanitary Engineering" program:
Sanitary engineers deal with the environment as a system that needs to be controlled, modified and adapted to protect the health of individuals, local communities and global societies. Therefore, sanitary engineers will be trained to independently or as a team perform sanitary supervision of sanitary-technical devices for the supply of drinking water and the disposal of waste materials, in accordance with legal regulations; supervision over the circulation of foodstuffs and food in the part related to the transportation, storage and sale of foodstuffs; supervision of poison traffic; supervision of technological processes of the food industry, control and monitoring of air quality, control of production and circulation of items of general use that have an impact on public health; carry out and supervise disinfection, disinsection and pest control procedures.
Sanitary engineers will be trained to analyze environmental factors and the actions of individuals and organizations that could lead to health damage, and to warn, prevent and remediate the consequences of such actions and warn the competent services of observed omissions. A sanitary engineer also implements procedures to improve the factors that operate in the natural environment in order to prevent negative effects on health and improve the health of individuals, social groups and the population as a whole.
A sanitary engineer performs preventive health activities with a particular emphasis on an interdisciplinary approach. Performs duties of sanitary inspector and state border sanitary inspector. He can work as a reference-expert for disinfection, disinsection and pest control in institutions and companies that perform this activity, and as a reference-expert for import, production, use and transport of poisons. The same profile is provided in institutions and companies that perform physico-chemical tests of foodstuffs and items of general use. Laboratories of food manufacturers or of toxic substances must also employ experts in the field of sanitary engineering.
World Health Organization (WHO-World Health Organization) in its key action program "Health for all", as a necessary part of the development of health personnel, emphasizes the education of sanitary engineers.
According to the views of the World Health Organization, the primary content "of sanitary engineering” are engineering activities for the protection, prevention and remediation of problems in the field of public health, in which these activities partially overlap with health care activities, but since sanitary engineering is focused on these areas, it is more effective in solving public health problems than highly specialized medical activities . This public health aspect is given so much importance that it was even concluded that international education programs in the field of "of sanitary engineering” are not recognized by those programs that do not contain that component.
In the World Health Organization's global strategy for health and ecology (WHO Global Strategy for Health and Environment, WHO, Geneva, 1993) emphasized the health consequences of the interaction of harmful physical, chemical and biological factors, as well as negative social factors on the health of the population. In that strategy, the lack of appropriate personnel is emphasized and the need to strengthen national capacities in the development of personnel capable of harmonizing the relationship between the natural environment, sustainable development and public health is highlighted. As a consequence of the adoption of the Global Strategy of the World Health Organization, the European Action Plan for the Environment was adopted (Environmental Action Plan for Europe, WHO/EURO and CEC, Copenhagen, 1995). As one of the European goals in this area, the development of the education of personnel for "environmental health", especially "sanitary engineers" ("environmental health officer", "environmental health engineer", "sanitary engineer").
As specific environmental factors that significantly affect public health, the following stand out: improving the quality of drinking water, waste management and soil protection from pollution, health provision of food and foodstuffs, prevention of air pollution, including reduction of pollutant emissions, but also of smoking, care for health at the workplace and improvement of housing and living conditions in settlements and local communities. This interaction between the environment and public health points to the complexity of the problem, the solution of which requires adequately trained experts. The basic expert for all these activities is a "sanitary engineer".
The study group of the Sanitary Engineering-Ring includes the development of the chair for the management of the natural environment and sustainable development, which should become a regional catalyst of knowledge and awareness about the protection and management of the natural environment, and a promoter of sustainable development in the region.
Experts in the management of the natural environment and the management of self-sustainable harmonized development are "the missing link” in the evolution of awareness of the natural, social, cultural, information and media environment which is “friendly oriented” and humanely profiled in relation to the needs of local and regional communities, but also prospective in relation to the future needs of the descendants of those communities.
Issues of environmental protection and improvement are of crucial importance in the "sustainable development" complex. At the same time, knowledge about environmental protection is a prerequisite for any practical activity on the planning and implementation of the so-called self-sustainable development harmonized with the environment. Therefore, sanitary engineers who graduated from the Faculty of Health Care will be able to solve concrete problems of managing the natural environment at the corporate level, as well as at the level of local communities and will be able to develop future projects of natural environment protection, resource management and self-sustainable development.
On the other hand, the very management of the environment and its resources in a "self-sustainable way" becomes the subject of specific and indigenous management, the so-called "environmental management” as a set of scientific disciplines that, from a theoretical and practical aspect, study the management of sustainable natural resources focused on the management of renewable and alternative energy sources, management and protection of water, air and soil, integral management of natural, economic and socio-cultural elements of local and regional communities and their natural environment in their interaction and synthesis, management of quality of life, management of self-sustaining technologies (such as organic agriculture and prevention of genetic pollution), and management of self-sustaining public services.
Based on educational profile graduate sanitary engineer and graduate sanitary engineer - specialist, in the domain of graduate, specialist and postgraduate studies, the University has created a large number of operational and applied sub-specializations/orientations, which qualify students for professional or expert, administrative, management and consulting jobs in the sector of sanitary engineering, sanitary supervision and sanitary-environmental protection in public and private sanitary, health and laboratory institutions, inspection institutions, health funds and local government bodies, respectively. state administration bodies.
Graduate students and graduate students-specialists from the "Sanitary Engineering" study program are trained for professions and jobs:
Sanitary engineer in preventive health activities and food production and trade activities, (craft industrial facilities, megamarkets, etc.), sanitary engineer (expert) in institutions for monitoring environmental risks (ministries and institutes) and communal activities (cleanliness, water supply, cemeteries, etc. ), sanitary engineer (expert) in inspection bodies and sanitary engineer in environmental institutions and organizations.
Within the studies, the foundations for lifelong professional mobility and permanent professional development were created.