
- The local government should actively create an attractive environment for investments and to constantly examine the needs of citizens, is the message of Bojana Kondić Panić, MSc, Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to France, who spoke at the Pan-European University on November 9 on the topic "ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOCAL COMMUNITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH EU AND MFI REQUIREMENTS" held a lecture open to the public.

It was pointed out that communities, cities and governments around the world are increasingly turning to local economic development (LED) strategies and that this represents a response to the challenges of globalization and the drive for decentralization.

- Local economic development means more than just economic growth. It promotes participation and local dialogue, connects people and their resources for better employment and a higher quality of life. The essence is in creating a partnership between the private and public sectors, said Bojana Kondić Panić, MSc. She emphasized that the local government should create the conditions for the creation and development of businesses and provide excellent infrastructure for these needs, reduce taxes and create a fertile environment for investments, and develop a culture of socially responsible business and development, which must become an obligation of all stakeholders. local environment.

Projects were also discussed, as well as the importance of business zones and the famous stereotype that zones threaten agricultural land. It was emphasized that with the development of business zones, land is used rationally, because factories are grouped by adequate spatial planning.

In the concluding presentation, it was emphasized that the municipality must become a leader in encouraging economic development.