The project "It's easy to refuse alcohol" continues the cooperation between "Apeiron" and the institutions of the Government of the Republic of Srpska
- Posted by Apeiron Pan-European University
- Posted in Current, Events
The project "It's easy to refuse alcohol" continues the cooperation between "Apeiron" and the institution of the Board of Republika Srpska
Preventive activities of the Agency for Traffic Safety and institutions of the Government of the Republic of Srpska will begin on 17.12. 2024 at 10.00:XNUMX a.m., from the headquarters of the Pan-European University Apeiron, with a lecture by the dean of the Faculty of Transportation and a workshop in which, among others, our students will also participate.
- The aim of the preventive activity is to change the attitudes of traffic participants towards the influence of alcohol and psychoactive substances on traffic safety.
Preventive activities begin with a lecture by the dean of the Faculty of Traffic of the Pan-European University "Apeiron", prof. Danislav Drašković, Ph.D., on the topic of the influence of alcohol on traffic safety, followed by a workshop simulation of the behavior of intoxicated persons in which the students of "Apeiron" also participate.
The goal of the planned activities is to increase the level of traffic safety in the Republic of Srpska, that is, to reduce the number of traffic participants under the influence of alcohol and psychoactive substances.
"Apeiron" University with the Agency for Traffic Safety of the Republic of Srpska, the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the RS, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RS, the Automobile Association of the Republic of Srpska and local self-government units, from December 17, 2024. until January 31 of the following year, they will implement the preventive activity "It's easy to refuse alcohol".
During the duration of the preventive activity, an intensive control of drivers in traffic for the presence of alcohol and other psychoactive substances is planned. On that occasion, the distribution of promotional materials (T-shirts, mugs, pens...) is planned. Activities also include organized lectures in several high schools on the topic "Alcohol and young drivers".
- Research indicates that alcohol has a significant impact on not causing traffic accidents, especially those with the most serious consequences. It increases the driver's confidence, reduces the sense of responsibility and leads to slower reactions. The amount of 0,5 parts per thousand of alcohol in the blood increases the risk of a traffic accident by two times. At 1 per thousand, the risk is seven times greater, and at 1,4 per thousand, the risk of a traffic accident is ten times greater.
In 2023, 10615 traffic accidents occurred in the Republic of Srpska, of which 1357 (12,8%) were caused by drivers under the influence of alcohol.
This event affects the attitudes of drivers and other road users related to driving under the influence of alcohol, as well as the choice of means of transport and increased caution when traveling.
December 11th. in 2024
Public Relations Department