Doctoral studies of the third cycle
Study programs of the third cycle
Pan-European University Apeiron conducts doctoral studies of the third cycle on licensed study programs:
1. Russian language and literature (Faculty of Philological Sciences) with specializations:
a. Linguistics and literary studies
► Academic title: Doctor of Philological Sciences - 480 ECTS - Linguistics and Literary Studies
b. Cultural-civilization framework of Russian language and literature
► Scientific title: Doctor of Philological Sciences - 480 ECTS - Cultural-civilization framework of Russian language and literature
2. Information systems in communications and logistics (Faculty of Information Sciences)
►Scientific title: Doctor of Science in Computing and Informatics - 480 ECTS
3. Business management in logistics (Faculty of Economic Sciences)
►Scientific title: Doctor of Economic Sciences - 480 ECTS
The main goals of the third-cycle doctoral studies are the development and acquisition of scientific competencies of doctoral candidates, which include, but are not limited to, the ability of doctoral students to conduct independent, original and publishable research in one or more scientific areas related either to fundamental or applied knowledge, and to ensure the development of doctoral students' competencies in the scientific-research process and the development of creativity, systematic understanding of the field of study and mastery of the skills and methods of research work, the ability to define a study project of research, to make their own scientific contribution through original research that expands the boundaries of knowledge in a given field, that they are able for critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis, and further development of new and complex ideas and approaches.
The basic goals assume that the improvement and expansion of knowledge in the scientific fields of doctoral study programs is carried out in accordance with international ethical standards.
Doctoral study achieves the synergy of education, research and innovation.
- Individual goals and purpose of third cycle studies which are realized at the Pan-European University include:
- Acquiring, developing and expanding the boundaries of knowledge through scientific research work and the educational process with the aim of contributing to the development of individuals, social, economic, spiritual and cultural progress of society, the gradual building of a knowledge society and increasing the competitiveness of the wider social community;
- Providing opportunities for doctoral students to, under equal conditions, extend the education acquired in the second cycle, acquire abilities, competences, knowledge and skills in the third cycle and adopt moral and humanistic values resulting from the educational goals of the third cycle;
- Achieving the strategic goals of the European area of higher education, lifelong learning and mobility of students and academic staff in the field of third cycle studies;
- Realization of the qualification framework of third cycle studies that is compatible with the Qualification Framework in the European area of higher education and which enables the acquisition of general generic abilities and competencies of the third cycle based on European standards;
- Improvement of the theoretical framework and acquisition of additional competencies of the wider scientific field in which the third cycle study is located as a basis for advanced scientific, expert and research knowledge and professional development;
- Creating and maintaining international comparability of standards, especially in the intra-institutional, inter-institutional, regional and European context, thus enabling and improving the mobility of researchers and doctoral candidates, as well as the mobility of academic staff;
- Enabling students of the third cycle to acquire deep theoretical and systematic knowledge and understanding in the field of the enrolled study, which is based on scientific research, and to expand and upgrade the previously acquired knowledge of the studies of the second cycle, which is at the same time a basis for originality in the development and application of ideas in the context research work;
- Enabling doctoral candidates to be able to apply their knowledge and understanding, as well as problem-solving skills, to new and unfamiliar areas within a broader (or interdisciplinary) context related to their field of study and scientific research;
- Training doctoral students to apply conceptual and abstract thinking, with a high level of creativity, which enables the formation of critical thinking and the development of alternative solutions, respectively. ability to redefine ideas and models (new use of known objects) and elaboration (development) of an original idea.
- Enabling students to integrate knowledge and deal with complex problems, and to formulate judgments based on the given information, with the readiness to assume social and ethical responsibilities related to the application of that knowledge or judgments;
- Acquiring additional interpersonal and teamwork skills, suitable for different contexts of learning and scientific research in the PhD study of the III cycle, enabling students to initiate, make decisions in a time deficit, manage and harmonize teams and social groups.
- Redefinition of teaching plans and reengineering of study curricula of the third cycle in order to ensure the appropriate scientific competencies of students and realize the principle of lifelong learning;
- Development of a project-oriented doctoral study based on the individualization and adaptation of studies to the scientific research project of the doctoral candidate in order to prepare and defend the doctoral thesis through an interdisciplinary elective program and research practice.
- Introduction of modern methods of working with doctoral students through interactive teaching in small groups, scientific research seminars, research work and projects, creative participation of students in the educational process with evaluation of students' knowledge in the form of a continuous process of monitoring their achievements and synthesis of all forms of work;
- Establishing and developing versatile academic and scientific-research cooperation in the field of third-cycle studies with other higher education institutions from the country and abroad and research institutions, with an emphasis on the development of joint study programs, scientific-research projects, mobility of students, researchers and academic staff and concept development double and joint degrees;
- Support for the transfer of technologies and the strengthening of innovation capacities of business entities of the wider social community
Doctoral studies of the third cycle are based on the following principles:
- Doctoral programs are research-oriented programs that represent part of lifelong learning in knowledge-based societies;
- Doctoral study programs are based on interdisciplinary curricula within which general and special competencies are defined, which enable the recognition and transfer of acquired skills and competencies;
- The doctoral thesis represents a scientific discovery in the sense of an original contribution to knowledge or an original application of knowledge, which is based on appropriate research and application of specific scientific methodology and dissemination of new scientific knowledge within the scientific community;
- The study profile ensures alignment with the needs of the labor market and opportunities for scientific and professional career development of doctoral students;
- A critical mass of scientific, research and material-technical resources is achieved by the internationalization of programs through bilateral and multilateral cooperation between universities at the regional, national and international level by forming joint programs and joining with other institutions;
- The institutional development of doctoral studies takes place within the framework of an integral university in accordance with the defined strategy for the development of doctoral studies, the research development strategy and the university's quality assurance strategy with an action plan for the realization of each individual strategic goal;
- Doctoral study is directed towards the diversity of study programs and the development of joint programs with other higher education institutions in the country and abroad in order to increase the mobility of doctoral students and researchers;
- Candidates for doctoral studies also have the professional status of junior researchers in the development or creation of new knowledge, products, processes, methods and systems, as well as in project management;
- The skills acquired in the doctoral study programs improve and expand the generic competencies acquired in the previous study cycles and, in addition to research skills, include general, intercultural and social communication skills, presentation skills, academic writing skills, project management skills and time, human and financial resource management skills, teamwork, risk management. flexibility, creativity, entrepreneurship and active knowledge of foreign languages;
- Doctoral programs are mentor-oriented with a system of evaluation of all teaching, research, journalistic and other projects of the candidate's activities;
In the performance of the third cycle studies, the university will apply general methodological principles that encourage the research orientation of the entire study, the interactive nature of the educational process, the independence of the student and the role of the doctoral candidate as an active researcher and subject of that process.
Candidates for doctoral studies demonstrate the ability to define a research study project, and to carry out independent and original research in the scientific area of the research project, in accordance with the scientific methodology of those areas, making their own scientific contribution that expands the boundaries of knowledge. Candidates are capable of being initiators and bearers of progress in a knowledge-based society.
The university conducts third-cycle studies as a synthesis of scientific research work with a dialog system of interactive teaching and student mentoring. The university implements an integrated mixed learning model (blended learning) which assumes a synthesis of contact teaching, distance education and mobile education, or synthesis of different forms of delivery of teaching content, different teaching methods and educational styles in which problem-based learning, project-based learning and scientific-research work are preferred.
- The Pan-European University conducts third-cycle studies in full-time and part-time studies:
- in the headquarters of the University of Banja Luka,
- in the headquarters of the partner universities with which he is conducting a joint doctoral study
- in the Higher Education Institution with which he has concluded Study Agreements or Agreements on Academic, Scientific-Technical and Business Cooperation.
- in scientific-research institutions where scientific-research work is carried out on research projects from which the final theses of doctoral candidates are derived.
- The outcome of the study can be:
- individual degree;
- double degree diploma;
- joint degree diploma;
- multiple degree diploma;
- In the doctoral studies of the third cycle, the following forms and methods of pedagogical and scientific-research work are applied:
- Dialogue system of interactive teaching with student mentoring
- Integrated mixed learning model (blended learning) - synthesis of different teaching methods and different forms of delivery of teaching content - contact teaching, distance education and mobile education;
- Educational styles of problem-based learning and project-based learning.
- Consultative and instructive teaching for small groups of students;
- Programmed, planned and controlled delivery of classes according to a model adapted to the scientific-research process;
- Interactive work method with individualization of the teaching process focused on independent work and scientific research work.
- Students are provided with appropriate literature and other resources for independent study in written and electronic form;
- All didactic and educational content is available to students in electronic and digital form (which includes recorded lectures and exercises, electronic and audio books, electronic presentations) in the distance learning system, via digital interactive television (Apeiron TV Channel), or on various video- presentation media (interactive multi-media optical discs, etc.).
- Installed information and communication technologies in the system of multimedia educational LMS (Learning Management System) software that enable computer assisted learning and research (Computer Assisted Learning & Research), application of computer simulations and constant feedback on student progress
- Researching sources by direct access to the search engines of databases of scientific journals and other scientific sources to which the university subscribes (EBSCO databases and citation databases WEB of Science).
- Mentoring of students with direct and "on-line" consultations through the tele-conferencing system installed at the university.
- Problem workshops (workshops) in which teaching and scientific content are presented in the form of problems or models that can be solved through individual and group interaction
- "Case-study analysis" workshops, as well as "academic workshops" intended for the deepening and development of interpersonal and intrapersonal abilities and skills of doctoral candidates.
- Simulations and modeling of scientific problems that enable the development of students' analytical abilities. Simulations represent the final stage of other interactive forms of work in which the conclusions of the previous stages are summarized so that students have to creatively apply previously acquired knowledge and research results.
- Continuous evaluation of the progress of doctoral candidates in the scientific-research process and the dynamics of the preparation of the doctoral thesis.
- System of summer and winter camps or seminars in postgraduate and doctoral schools.
- Scientific-research works of doctoral candidates (approach work, scientific articles, presentations and reports of research results, and final doctoral thesis) with public presentations and defenses of works that are evaluated and evaluated by the academic staff and other participants of the doctoral study.
- Participation of doctoral candidates in categorized scientific gatherings held at the university;
- Publication of scientific articles and research results in categorized scientific journals;
- Participation of doctoral candidates in scientific research projects organized or in which the Pan-European University participates.
- Supporting the development of original scientific projects and research of doctoral candidates in project logistics and finding partners and funding sources.
- General conditions for enrollment in doctoral studies of the third cycle
- Completed diploma/master academic studies with at least 300 ECTS credits;
- Completed postgraduate-master's studies with the acquired academic title of Master of Science according to previously valid legal regulations; A Master of Science can be awarded ECTS points based on individual exams passed during the Master's study, as well as points based on the scientific and research work performed within the Master's study and on the basis of the defended final Master's thesis;
- Obtained higher education according to the previously valid legal regulations for a duration of at least 10 (ten) semesters, which corresponds to the volume of 300 ECTS points;
- Completed specialist studies according to the regulations that were valid until the entry into force of the Law on Higher Education, with the obligation to master the differential program, so that the estimated volume of previous schooling and the differential program amounts to 300 ECTS;
- Average grade at all levels of previous academic education of at least 8,00;
- Knowledge of at least one foreign language;
- Fulfillment of other conditions depending on the degree of congruence of the native scientific field of previous studies that the candidate has completed, which is determined by the Study Program Evaluation Commission.
- If a larger number of candidates apply for the competition than prescribed by the competition, the ranking of the candidates will be carried out in accordance with the criteria of academic and scientific success from the Rulebook on studying in doctoral studies of the third cycle.
- Specific conditions
In addition to the general requirements, candidates from non-matric faculties must also meet the special requirements defined by the Regulations on studying at doctoral studies of the third cycle. - Transfer from other higher education institutions
Candidates for doctoral studies can transfer from study programs of the third cycle enrolled at other higher education institutions with the transfer of appropriate ECTS points in accordance with the assessment of the compatibility of the home scientific field of the doctoral studies enrolled at other higher education institutions;- Recognition and transfer of ECTS points can be done between different study programs of doctoral studies, as well as between accredited higher education institutions from the RS, BiH and abroad;
- Exams taken as part of doctoral studies at other higher education institutions can be recognized for doctoral candidates in the mandatory or optional program;
- The Commission for the Recognition of Examinations and Evaluation of Study Programs in its extended composition recognizes examinations taken in doctoral studies at other universities from those subjects studied in the corresponding doctoral study program of the Pan-European University, and which overlap in terms of the content of the curriculum by at least 60% with the recognized examinations.
- The commission recognizes in the elective program exams taken at the doctoral program of other HEIs in subjects that are not studied in the doctoral program of the Pan-European University, if those subjects belong to the home study area of the doctoral program the candidate enrolled in.
- These Exams are recognized as part of the elective program up to the level of 50% of ECTS points that are planned by the elective program at the Pan-European University. If the exams recognized in the optional program exceed 50% ECTS, then the exam difference can be recognized within the optional component of the doctoral study program and this difference in ECTS credit points increases the total planned pool of ECTS points for the doctoral study.
- Courses that do not belong to either the basic or secondary scientific fields of the study program that the student enrolled in cannot be recognized either in the regular program or in the elective program.
- A doctoral candidate can be recognized for works published in scientific periodicals, as well as participation in scientific meetings, if they were carried out at another higher education institution during the doctoral studies.
- Doctoral candidates can also be recognized for their seminar papers or entrance paper from another higher education institution if they belong to the scientific fields of the doctoral study program;
- A doctoral candidate transferring from another university can apply for the same or a different topic of doctoral work. The topic of the doctoral thesis that was not accepted at another university cannot be accepted at the Pan-European University.
- The doctoral candidate can also be recognized for the results of scientific research work achieved at another university, provided that the subject of the doctoral work resulting from that scientific research is accepted in the regular procedure at the Pan-European University.
- A doctoral candidate can enroll in the year of study that corresponds to the number of recognized credit points, namely:
- A minimum of 45 recognized credit points for enrollment in the second year,
- Minimum 105 credit points for enrollment in the third year of doctoral studies
- Mandatory documentation
- Short biography;
- Birth certificate;
- Certificate of citizenship for students from foreign countries and countries of the former Yugoslavia;
- A certified copy of the diploma of the first and second cycle, that is, a certified copy of the diploma of basic and master's studies for students under the old Babylonian program (the originals are submitted for inspection when submitting the documents);
- Addendum to diplomas for I and II cycle (certified copies) or certificate of passed exams for basic and master's studies, with grade point average;
- Curriculum and program (for students according to the old Babylonian system);
- Proof of knowledge of a foreign language.
- Additional documentation
- A bibliography with a list of previous scientific research works.
With additional documentation, the student proves participation in the previous scientific research work or. scientific research projects, the results he achieved in previous scientific publications or in the publication of scientific papers, participation in scientific meetings and the results he achieved on the basis of authorship in innovations and patents.
Additional documentation is not mandatory when enrolling doctoral candidates, but candidates in that case will not be scored based on the basis for which they did not submit documentation if a ranking list for enrollment in doctoral studies is formed.
The study of the third cycle includes:
- Educational component,
- Theoretical-methodological compulsory block
Compulsory program (2-3 subjects, ≤ 15 ECTS), - Methodological-applicative elective block
Elective program (≤ 8 subjects, ≥ 30 ECTS)
- Group "A"
- Group "B"
- Group "C"
Differential program (≤ 45 ECTS); Optional program (≤ 30 ECTS);
- Theoretical-methodological compulsory block
- Research-action component (mandatory)
- Previous research;
- Introductory research;
- Primary scientific research
- Final research
- Research and dissemination component, (mandatory)
- Access work;
- Elaboration of the research project;
- An introductory research report with a proposal for a doctoral thesis topic;
- Interim report on research implementation;
- Final report on research implementation;
- Scientific articles/papers published in scientific periodicals;
- Verified participation in scientific meetings;
- Doctoral work/dissertation;
- Expert-consulting component
- Publishing component.
- Study activity
- The doctoral student submits to the Teaching and Research Council:
- Elaboration of the doctoral study research project (II semester);
- First (public) report on research implementation (IV semester);
- Second (public) report on research implementation (XNUMXth semester);
- The doctoral student submits to the Doctoral Study Council:
- An introductory research report with a proposal for a doctoral thesis topic (III semester); The doctoral candidate's mentor submits reports to the Doctoral Study Council:
- The first report of the mentor on the realization of the doctoral candidate's studies (IV semester)
- Mentor's final report on the realization of the doctoral candidate's studies and the completion of the doctoral thesis (XNUMXth semester)
- University Senate (among other functions related to doctoral studies):
- Appoints the Committee for the evaluation of the topic of the doctoral thesis based on the proposal of the Council for Doctoral Studies (II semester);
- Considers the report of the Commission for the evaluation of the topic and approves (or rejects) the topic (III semester);
- Appoints the Committee for the evaluation and defense of the doctoral thesis (XNUMXth semester);
- Considers the report of the Committee for the Evaluation and Defense of the Doctoral Thesis and makes a decision on scheduling the defense (XNUMXth semester).
Schedule of study activities
Mentors are teachers who have achieved significant results in academic and scientific-research work and in scientific journalism. The supervisor of the doctoral study is chosen in addition to the mentor in case the study is of an interdisciplinary nature.
- As a rule, they are chosen from among the academic staff conducting doctoral studies from all higher education institutions - partners in the doctoral program.
- Teachers who are not employed at a higher education institution can also be selected.
- Academic workers who are not on the lists of nominated academic staff may also apply for reasons of international recognition of the doctoral study.
- They must have an academic title in the scientific field of the doctoral dissertation.
- A mentor can have a maximum of five ongoing active mentorships at the same time.
- The mentor's task is to provide the doctoral student with expert, scientific, consulting, logistical and peer review assistance in order to:
- achieving the efficiency and quality of doctoral studies,
- individualization of studies,
- scientific and research credibility of the doctoral study,
- The role of the mentor in the doctoral study:
- achieving the scientific credibility of the doctoral dissertation,
- realization of international ethical standards and ethical code of doctoral studies,
- respect for ethical standards of scientific practice.
- Immediate tasks of the mentor:
- The doctoral candidate's mentor is also his study advisor;
- The mentor of the doctoral study represents, in the permitted manner, the interests of the student before the collective and other bodies that manage the doctoral study;
- The doctoral mentor may not provide illegitimate help to the student that could replace the student's individual work, independence, scientific and professional integrity;
- In realizing the teaching-educational component of doctoral studies, the mentor's task is to help the student define the pedagogical and didactic specificities of the elective program;
- In realizing the research-action component of doctoral studies, the mentor assists the student in all phases of the realization of the research program;
- The mentor's role in scientific research is expert-consultative, where he supervises and monitors the dynamics of the realization of the scientific-research process;
- The mentor helps the student in defining the topic of the doctoral thesis and is the first to assess the scientific soundness of the topic and the credibility of the doctoral thesis;
- The mentor revises the doctoral work by stages and reviews the finished work, and prepares the student for the defense of the work.
- The doctoral thesis/dissertation represents the original and independent scientific work of the doctoral candidate:
- which is an expression of the knowledge, abilities, creativity and competence of the doctoral candidate acquired during the third cycle studies;
- which summarizes the results of scientific research conducted by the doctoral candidate within the topic of the doctoral thesis;
- which by its nature represents new scientific knowledge, or scientific discovery in the sense of original contribution to knowledge, or original application of knowledge;
- which is based on appropriate research and application of specific scientific methodology and dissemination of new scientific knowledge within the scientific community.
The final doctoral thesis must be processed within the plagiarism check procedure and program.
The final doctoral thesis must also meet the criteria related to formatting, composition, structure and graphic appearance, or. work style.
- Scientific monographic form
- Compendium form (the so-called Scandinavian model)
The compendium form is a set of published scientific works dedicated to a unique research project that form a rounded whole and which is accompanied by a critical review chapter.
The doctoral candidate must be the main author of at least two such papers.
The combined papers must make a new scientific contribution compared to the individual papers.
- The student must pass all exams from the compulsory and optional program
- The student must complete all other educational activities planned in his curriculum
- The student must also complete all planned research and project activities
- The student must provide at least one periodic report to the Teaching and Research Council of the faculty on the realization of the studies,
- Partial scoring of research and project activities was performed;
- The student must complete the doctoral thesis, with the positive opinion of the mentor, and pass the commission procedure of application and evaluation of the work at the competent bodies.
- The student has fulfilled all financial obligations in accordance with the Rules on the price of services.
- to enjoy freedom of speech, organization and assembly,
- to examine and test received knowledge and to offer new ideas and controversial or unpopular opinions,
- to use all spaces and all organizational units of the Pan-European University system intended for specific types of work,
- to participate in all types of scientific research, teaching, extracurricular, optional, optional and free activities,
- to participate in elections in student representative bodies and other academic bodies,
- to participate in the quality assurance system of the higher education institution,
Students enrolled at the Pan-European University enter into a contractual relationship with the University.
The University, i.e. the organizational units of the University, act according to the Law on Administrative Procedure when deciding on the individual rights and obligations of students.
The status of a full-time student ends when the student does not complete his studies by the deadline, which is determined in double the number of school years required for the realization of the study program.
- Student rights:
- Complaints and proposals related to the quality of the teaching process, the organization and method of teaching are submitted to the university senate,
- complain about the violation of any specific and general rights arising from their status,
- suspension of rights and obligations in the doctoral study due to unfavorable conditions for experimental research, going for professional training abroad, illness or other reasons of force majeure,
- suspension of studies for a top athlete due to obligations related to competitions.
- The student can directly submit a complaint, or a submission, to the rector:
- on the grade obtained in the exam if he believes that the exam was not conducted in accordance with the Law and the Rules;
- on the act by which he is not allowed to enroll in the next year of studies;
- submit a request for suspension of rights and obligations.
- Obligations of students:
- to attend lectures, exercises, seminars and other forms of teaching organized in the study program;
- to comply with the rules established by the higher education institution in its rules and other acts;
- to show due respect for the rights of University staff and other students;
- to pay due and full attention to their studies and participate in planned academic and research activities.
- to finish the planned study obligations in the foreseen dynamics.
- Students' responsibility:
- the student is liable for breach of obligation in accordance with the Rulebook on disciplinary and material responsibility of students, which provides fair and impartial mechanisms for solving disciplinary issues.
- For minor violations of obligations, a disciplinary measure of "reprimand" or "reprimand" is imposed, and for more serious violations of student obligations, a disciplinary measure of "severe reprimand" or "exclusion" is imposed.
- The student is responsible only for the violation of the obligation, which at the time of execution was determined by the general act of the higher education institution.
- During the doctoral studies, the following is monitored and evaluated:
- individual progress of doctoral students;
- research time;
- graduation rate;
- improvement of skills acquired in the research process;
- building connections with the labor market;
- dissemination of research results;
- career of doctoral students after graduation (Career Guidance Center and Alumni Association of the University).
An act of warning is sent to a doctoral candidate whose report on the realization of scientific research is not accepted, or who has obvious problems in the realization of the doctoral study that may jeopardize the implementation of the program.
The committee for the review of doctoral studies and the status of a doctoral candidate is an ad-hoc academic body whose task is to review the general progress and dynamics of study implementation, the status of the research project and the degree of realization of the doctoral work.
- Other elements of quality:
- The final doctoral thesis must be processed within the procedure and program for checking plagiarism;
- The Scientific Research Institute of the Pan-European University conducts research into the needs of the real sector;
- In doctoral studies, innovation and development are encouraged;
- Application of the code of ethics in doctoral studies.
- The Pan-European University's own sources of funds intended for financing scientific and research work;
- Independent financing of doctoral research from the funds of the doctoral candidate
- Funding part of doctoral research from tuition fees paid by students;
- Funding of doctoral research in full or partial amount from funds provided by business entities and/or employers;
- Funding of doctoral research in full or partial amount from funds provided by government sources:
- Funds for scientific research provided by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the RS;
- Funds for scientific research from other governmental and non-governmental sources intended for financing specific scientific research projects; - International scholarships for doctoral studies;
- Sources of grant funds for the financing of scientific research projects provided by the Pan-European University;
- Sources of grant funds from scientific and research institutions - partners in the execution of the doctoral program, approved for financing scientific and research projects;
- Sources of grant funds from higher education institutions - partners in the execution of the doctoral program, approved for financing scientific research projects;
- Funds provided by a doctoral candidate who is already participating in a scientific research project from which the topic of the candidate's doctoral thesis should be derived.