Master's studies of the second cycle
Faculty of Business Economics

Entrepreneurial management
- 🎓Academic title: Master of Economics - 300 ECTS
- 🕐 One-year and two-year Master's studies

Management of banking, finance and trade
- 🎓 Academic title: Master of Economics - 300 ECTS
- 🕐 One-year and two-year Master's studies
Faculty of Legal Sciences
Faculty of Information Technologies

General-law study program
- 🎓 Academic title: Master of Law - 300 ECTS
- 🕐 One-year and two-year Master's studies

Business informatics - information technology engineering
- 🎓 Academic title: Master of Computing and Informatics - 300 ECTS
- 🕐 One-year and two-year Master's studies
Faculty of Health Sciences

- 🎓 Academic title: Master of Health Care - 300 ECTS
- 🕐 One-year and two-year Master's studies

Sanitary engineering
- 🎓 Academic title: Master of Sanitary Engineering - 300 ECTS
- 🕐 One-year and two-year Master's studies

Management in healthcare
- 🎓 Academic title: Master of Health Management and Health Care Management - 300 ECTS
- 🕐 One-year and two-year Master's studies
Faculty of Sports Sciences

Sport in target groups
- 🎓 Academic title: Master of Sports - 300 ECTS
- 🕐 One-year Master's studies

Sports management
- 🎓 Academic title: Master of Sports Management - 300 ECTS
- 🕐 One-year and two-year Master's studies
Faculty of Philological Sciences
Faculty of Traffic

Russian language
- 🎓 Academic title: Master of Russian language and literature - 300 ECTS
- 🕐 One-year Master's studies

Traffic and transport
- 🎓 Academic title: Master of Transportation - 300 ECTS
- 🕐 One-year and two-year Master's studies
Type of study
The studies of the second cycle are individual studies, designed according to the student, which are carried out by a system of personal mentoring, conducting instructional and consultative classes and exercises, and organizing scientific research projects of students.
Second cycle studies are organized for the duration of:
- One year, as two-semester studies, which are evaluated with a minimum of 60 ECTS credit points (for students who have completed the four-year level of the first cycle of studies with an entry level of 240 ECTS credit points)
- Two years, as four-semester studies, which are evaluated with 120 ECTS credit points (for students who have completed the three-year level of the first cycle of studies with an entry level of 180 ECTS credit points)
So that in the aggregate with the first cycle, the total accumulated credit points, after the completion of the second cycle study, amount to 300 ECTS points.
The university conducts second-cycle studies as a combination of a dialog system of interactive teaching with student mentoring.

Academic titles
A student who completes the studies of the second cycle and acquires a minimum of 300 ECTS points, and prepares and defends a final thesis, acquires the title of "master" in the chosen scientific field, depending on the legal solutions that regulate the use of academic titles and the acquisition of scientific and professional titles.
Access to the study of the second cycle
A person who has completed a three- or four-year course of the first cycle can enroll in the second cycle.
Depending on the scientific field of study of the first cycle, which the candidate completed, three options are possible when enrolling in the study of the second cycle:
- If the study of the first cycle is in the home area of the enrolled study of the second cycle, the candidate is enrolled without additional pedagogical obligations.
- If the study of the first cycle is partially matriculated in the scientific fields of matriculation of the enrolled second cycle study, the candidate is assigned a differential program that compensates for the missing competencies. The content of the differential program is determined by the commission for the recognition of exams and the evaluation of study programs. The differential program cannot exceed 60 ECTS points.

If the study of the first cycle is not related to the scientific field of the registered study of the second cycle, the candidate's enrollment possibilities depend on the specificity of the basic scientific field of the study program, namely:

The plan and program of the final year of the master's study takes into account the results of the previous formal education that the candidate completed, as well as the results of the candidate's other educational and cognitive experiences within the framework of informal education that the candidate had, as well as practical experiences and knowledge that he acquired through his lifelong work and creative engagement.
The university does not organize an entrance exam for enrollment, except in the case of a larger number of candidates applying than expected.
The plan and program of the final year of studies of the second cycle is reviewed and approved by the Teaching and Research Council of the faculty, especially for each student.

If the teaching from the student's personal plan and program is also conducted within another study program, or is conducted in the first study cycle, or is conducted in the elective program adopted at the University for the current school year, the student is free to participate in the work of the interdisciplinary student group. The student masters these subjects at an advanced level, which he directly agrees with the subject professor, other teaching staff and his mentor.
The curriculum of the second cycle of study includes the components of the compulsory, optional, differential and optional curriculum, divided into a theoretical-methodological compulsory block and a specialist-applied elective block, a research-action program component, and specialist, introductory and final work components.
Mandatory program ensures the acquisition of general, generic competencies of students at the level of the second cycle, and specific competencies related to theoretical-methodological, scientific-professional and general-professional knowledge essential for understanding the content of the course or narrower scientific field.
Based on the mandatory program in the first year of the second cycle, a student cannot achieve less than 40 ECTS, that is, more than 50 ECTS. In the second year, a student cannot achieve less than 15 ECTS, that is, more than 20 ECTS points.
Elective program ensures the acquisition of additional professional-applicative and specialist competencies of students in the field of second-cycle studies and in the environment of the topic of specialist and final (master's) work.
Based on the elective program in the first year of the second cycle of study, studnet cannot achieve less than 5 ECTS, i.e. more than 10 ECTS points. In the second year, a student cannot achieve less than 15 ECTS, i.e. more than 20 ECTS points.
Differential program the student acquires the missing entry competencies for the second cycle study, if he has completed the first cycle study that provides partial enrollment in the enrolled program. The differential program partially or fully replaces the elective program of the second cycle of studies if it is less than or equal to the number of ECTS points of the elective program. If the differential program, according to the committee's evaluation, is greater than the elective program, then it replaces the elective program in its entirety, and the ECTS difference increases the total planned font of ECTS points of the second cycle studies. A differential program cannot be evaluated with more than 60 ECTS points. If the differential program is greater than 60 ECTS points, the student is instructed to enroll in an additional year in the first cycle of study in order to be able to enroll in the second cycle of study.
Optional program is intended for advanced students who intend to acquire a suitable specialization in the intensive study regime in the two-year study of the second cycle, or to continue their studies at other higher education institutions.
The optional program cannot be evaluated with more than 30 ECTS credits.
Research-action program includes activities related to research within the master's thesis/thesis, which includes research of sources, participation of students in other scientific-research, i.e., professional projects, defended or published student papers, participation in scientific-professional gatherings, work, professional, clinical and laboratory practice and authorship in innovations and patents.
Based on the study activities in the research-action study program of the second cycle, a student cannot achieve less than 10 ECTS points, that is, more than 30 ECTS points, whereby research within the master thesis/thesis is a mandatory study activity.
A student is required to prepare and defend a final (master's) thesis, which is evaluated with no less than 10 ECTS points and no more than 15 ECTS points. In the two-year study of the second cycle, the student is obliged to prepare and defend an introductory paper, which is evaluated with no less than 5 ECTS points and no more than 10 ECTS points.
Structure of the curriculum The second cycle study includes the option of a two-year (four-semester) study for students who have completed a three-year study of the first cycle and acquired 180 ECTS credit points, i.e., a one-year study of the second cycle lasting two to three semesters for students who have completed a four-year study of the first cycle and acquired 240 ECTS credit points.
Credit scores
Standard credit points for second cycle studies (300 ECTS points) are accumulated based on:
- credit points obtained from previous studies, including points awarded for graduate or specialist work
- points awarded for student-candidate activities in the elective and action-research program, which are an expression of recognizable work invested and which are relevant to the content of the second cycle studies and the adopted topic of the final thesis
- credit points acquired during the second cycle studies themselves by mastering the study plan and program, which also includes the planned research program
- credit points awarded for the final thesis.
The following extracurricular activities of the master's student candidate are also valued:
- research and scientific-research activities, which are related to the preparation of the final paper
- reports and co-reports at round tables and tribunes
- verified participation in seminars, conferences, workshops
- participation in professional and scientific research projects
- certificates and certificates of completed courses, the subject and content of which is closely related to the wider scientific field of study
- works published in scientific and professional journals and anthologies, the topic and content of which is closely related to the wider scientific field of the candidate's studies
- innovations and patents that are officially recognized.

Tuition fees
Tuition is regulated separately for each school year by the Act of the Rules on the Amount of Fees and the Price of Services
Tuition for one-year master's studies at all faculties amounts to 3500 BAM, that is, 4500 BAM at the Faculty of Health Sciences.
Tuition for two-year master's studies at all faculties amounts to 2980 BAM for the first year of study i 3500 BAM for the second year of study, that is, 3900 BAM for the first year of study i 4500 BAM for the second year of study at the Faculty of Health Sciences.
Students who attended at least two years of basic academic studies of the first cycle (third and fourth year) at the Pan-European University, have 10% tuition fee discount for one-year studies of the second cycle.
The annual tuition can be paid in 10 installments.
Final thesis of the student
Entrance paper in the first year of the two-year study of the second cycle:
The introductory paper is an independent expression of the student's acquired knowledge in the previous study of the first cycle and during the first year of study of the second cycle.
The student acquires the right to take the subject of the introductory paper after enrolling in the first year of the second cycle.
The student is enabled to actively participate in the selection of the topic of his/her entry paper, by choosing the topic of the paper from a pre-published list of topics within the selected subject, or the student can independently define and propose the topic of the paper. The student submits the proposal of the topic and the mentor to the dean of the faculty with the appropriate request.
In the event that the student independently defines and proposes the topic, it is necessary that the topic meets the criteria of relevance for the given area, topicality, availability of research resources, sources and processing time.
The topic must be precisely defined, it must not be general, but it must not be too narrow and individual, it must not be abstract, but concrete, and it must contain the aspect of practical applicability.

Final master's thesis in the second, i.e., final year of the second cycle of study:
Students who enrolled in the second cycle of study with completed four-year study of the first cycle and an entry level of 240 ECTS credit points are required to prepare and defend only the final master's thesis.
The final master's thesis is an independent, expert, creative and research work in which the student demonstrates the knowledge and competences acquired during the second cycle of studies and the ability for research work. The final master's thesis must meet the general methodological criteria of academic literacy, standards of correct citation, requirements of the minimum volume of work and standards related to the content of the work in accordance with the Methodology for the preparation of student and final theses of the Pan-European University and the mentor's recommendations.
The final master's thesis is an independent expression of the student's knowledge, abilities, creativity and competencies acquired during the second cycle of studies.

The mentor's task is:
- It helps the student-candidate of master's studies in choosing and defining the topic of the final thesis and analyzing the credibility of the thesis
- Together with the candidate, he profiles the plan and program of the final (second) year of study of the second cycle and defines the pedagogical and didactic specificities of the elective program.
- Assists in the organization and execution of studies
- Coordinates with the teaching staff of the elective program
- It provides assistance in the methodological profiling of the treatment of the topic that has been accepted for the final paper
- It provides assistance in defining, organizing and conducting research, which is foreseen within the second cycle studies
- Provides assistance in the selection of basic and auxiliary literature and in the selection and finding of other sources necessary for the successful completion of the work
- Ensure coordination with commissions involved in various phases of studies
- He revises the master's work by stages and reviews the finished work
- Prepare the master's student-candidate for the thesis defense
Mentor study
In order to ensure the necessary efficiency and credibility of the second cycle studies and to profile the curriculum and program of the final year of study, the plan and program of the research project of the master's thesis, as well as to define and justify the thesis of the final thesis, the student-candidate of the master's study must to provide a mentor immediately upon enrollment in the final year of second cycle studies.
Priority in the selection of mentors is given to teachers proposed by the student, i.e., responsible teachers for the narrower scientific field in which the final thesis is being prepared.
Along with the enrollment documentation for the final year of the second cycle of studies, the student also submits a Request for approval of the topic and appointment of a mentor, in which he declares the type and nature of the second cycle studies he wishes to study, chooses a narrower scientific area of his compulsory study program, which is of importance for professional the profile for which the student has chosen, states the tentative title and content of the final thesis topic, suggests a mentor, suggests the sources and content of the elective program and applies for recognition of subjects from the second cycle studies that he passed at other higher education institutions.
Requirement for enrollment in the final year of a two-year study of the second cycle
In order for a student to enroll in the second year of study in the two-year (four-semester) study of the second cycle, he must fulfill all the obligations from the curriculum and program provided for the first year of study, and in the study year in which he is enrolled, he must achieve 60 ECTS points.
A student can enroll in the second year of studies even if he has not obtained the 60 ECTS credit score in accordance with the transitional provisions of the Law on Higher Education, which allow the transfer of a certain number of subjects to the next year of study in the legally prescribed period.
A student who does not meet the requirements for enrolling in the second year of study renews the current year and has the right to attend classes and take exams from the following year of study up to the number of points earned in the previous year of study. A list of subjects that a student can take and take in the following year of study is determined in advance, and a special record is kept about it. The data entered in the course records from the following year, which the student passed in the renewed year, are entered in the student booklet and the register book, after the student enters the year of study for which the record was kept.
Excerpts from the second cycle study regulations
The main goal the second cycle study is for the student-candidate to acquire in-depth general knowledge based on basic professional knowledge from a wider scientific field or. scientific field that is the subject of study, and deep and specialist knowledge from the narrower area of his own interest in which he prepares the final thesis, and to acquire the necessary knowledge of using scientific methods and research techniques in the narrower area of research, in order to be able to creatively solve complex problems from his practices, or in order to be qualified for further scientific research work.
Individual study goals of the second cycle which are realized at the Pan-European University include:
- Acquiring, developing and transferring knowledge and abilities through the educational process and scientific research work with the aim of contributing to the development of individuals and the progress of society;
- Providing opportunities for individuals to, under equal conditions, extend the education acquired in the first cycle, acquire abilities, competences, knowledge and skills of higher education in the second cycle and adopt high moral and humanistic values resulting from the educational goals of the second cycle;
- Achieving the strategic goals of the European area of higher education, lifelong learning and mobility of students and academic staff in the field of second cycle studies;
- Realization of the qualification framework of second cycle studies that is compatible with the Qualification Framework in the European area of higher education and which enables the acquisition of general generic abilities and competencies of the second cycle based on European standards;
- Improvement of the theoretical framework and acquisition of additional competencies of the wider scientific field in which the second cycle study is located as a basis for improved specialist and expert knowledge and professional development;
- Creating and maintaining international comparability of standards, especially in the intra-institutional, inter-institutional, regional and European context, and thus enable, promote and improve mobility for students and academic staff, as well as for non-academic staff and citizens;
- Enabling students of the second cycle to systematically understand and master knowledge in his field of study, which is based on knowledge, that is, expands and builds on the knowledge of undergraduate studies, and at the same time represents the basis for originality in the development and application of ideas in the context of research work;
- Enabling students to apply their knowledge and understanding, as well as problem-solving skills, to new and unfamiliar environments within a broader (or interdisciplinary) context related to their field of study;
- Enabling students to apply conceptual and abstract thinking, with a high level of creativity, which enables the formation of critical thinking and the development of alternative solutions, as well as the application of research and academic work in a given discipline;
- Enabling students to integrate knowledge and deal with complex problems, and to formulate judgments based on the given information, with the readiness to assume social and ethical responsibilities related to the application of that knowledge or judgments;
- Acquisition of interpersonal skills and teamwork skills, suitable for different learning and employment contexts, enabling students to initiate, make decisions in a time deficit, lead and harmonize teams and social groups.
- Redefinition of teaching plans and reengineering of study curricula of the second cycle in order to ensure the appropriate professional competencies of students and design the educational process as a stepped spiral and realize the principle of lifelong learning;
- Individualization and adaptation of studies to the intellectual and psychological level and needs of students through an interdisciplinary elective program, research practice and internship.
- Introduction of modern methods of working with students through interactive teaching in small groups, pedagogical workshops, research work and projects, creative participation of students in the educational process with evaluation of students' knowledge in the form of a continuous process of monitoring their achievements and synthesis of all forms of work;
- Establishing and developing versatile academic cooperation in the field of second-cycle studies with other higher education institutions from the country and abroad, business entities and research institutions, with an emphasis on the development of joint study programs, scientific research projects, mobility of students and academic staff and the development of the concept of dual and joint diploma;
Study programs of second cycle studies ensure development and acquisition general (generic) competencies second cycle level in students that include but are not limited to the following abilities and skills: the ability to analyze and synthesize, to solve problems, the ability to plan and organize, the ability to make decisions, the ability to create new ideas (creativity) and adapt to new situations, information management skills (the ability to obtain and analyze information from different sources), teamwork and the ability to work in interdisciplinary teams, interpersonal skills, ability to apply knowledge in practice and research skills, abilities and skills to create and manage (management) projects, ability to learn independently, oral and written communication in native and foreign languages, ethical commitment, then the acquisition of the deepened basic general knowledge based on basic professional knowledge related to broader scientific areas and scientific fields that are the subject of study, (which include theoretical-methodological knowledge essential for understanding broader theoretical assumptions and concepts and general methodological frameworks of scientific fields), and acquisition specific academic and professional competencies related to narrower scientific fields and subjects (which include theoretical-methodological, scientific-professional and general-professional prior knowledge essential for understanding the content of the subject or narrower scientific field, current content of specific knowledge of the respective subject/discipline, approach to the subject, development of specific methodology of the subject and ways of solving problems in that specific field, and application of knowledge).
The university will apply in the performance of the studies of the second cycle methodological principles which encourage the interactive character of the educational process, independence and the role of the student as an active subject of that process:
- Changed the role of teachers as mentors, advisors and motivators which allows the student to see the importance and place of a certain scientific discipline in the knowledge system, mediates in developing the ability to understand and apply knowledge, assumes the role of a mediator of the student's personal interests and preferences, which looks at the student's specific abilities and deficiencies in knowledge or in the student's previous curriculum, and on the basis of these insights assists the student in the critical selection of didactic materials and sources and the organization of educational scenarios and situations;
- Student-oriented education and his real possibilities and learning abilities, or to the level of his prior knowledge - requiring a greater degree of participation (interactions) students in teaching and research, in order to develop the ability to independently manage information sources and projects, and the ability to evaluate information and research results;
- Achieving greater pedagogical relevance of the evaluation process student knowledge by introducing continuous and complex evaluation of all student achievement factors and adding specific indicators that enable more accurate and customized measurement of the effects of the educational process;
- Change in approach to educational activities through mediation in the student's scientific research work, encouraging the personal systematic participation of students in the individual and group preparation of pedagogical content, in personal and group presentations of that content and in the continuous review of the results of research and learning;
- Change in the organization and methodology of the educational process through the development of interactive teaching and innovative ways of student participation in the educational process in the form of the introduction of the research process in the learning system, changes in the learning context, changes in the approach to the organization of learning, the inclusion of concentrated programs, the rationalization and individualization of lesson plans, the definition of more flexible programs and pedagogical methods when processing teaching content which provide direct consultation and direct mentoring support to students
The studies of the second cycle are individual studies, designed according to the student, which are carried out by a system of personal mentoring, conducting instructional and consultative classes and exercises, and organizing scientific research projects of students.
Second cycle studies are organized for the duration of:
- two years, as four-semester studies, which are evaluated with 120 ECTS credit points (for students who have completed the three-year level of the first cycle of studies with an entry level of 180 ECTS credit points);
- one year, as two-semester studies, which are evaluated with a minimum of 60 ECTS credit points (for students who have completed the four-year level of the first cycle of studies with an entry level of 240 ECTS credit points);
So that in the aggregate with the first cycle, the total accumulated credit points, after the completion of the second cycle study, amount to 300 ECTS points.
The university conducts second-cycle studies as a combination of a dialog system of interactive teaching with student mentoring.
A student who completes the studies of the second cycle and acquires a minimum of 300 ECTS points, and prepares and defends the final thesis, acquires the title of "master" in the chosen scientific field, depending on the legal solutions that regulate the use of academic titles and the acquisition of scientific and professional titles.
A person who has completed a three- or four-year course of the first cycle can enroll in the second cycle.
Depending on the scientific field of study of the first cycle, which the candidate completed, three options are possible when enrolling in the study of the second cycle:
- If the study of the first cycle is in the home area of the enrolled study of the second cycle, the candidate is enrolled without additional pedagogical obligations.
- If the study of the first cycle is partially matriculated with the scientific fields of matriculation of the enrolled second cycle study, the candidate is assigned a differential program that compensates for the missing competencies. The content of the differential program is determined by the Commission for Exam Recognition and Evaluation of Study Programs. The differential program cannot exceed 60 ECTS points.
The plan and program of the final year of the master's study takes into account the results of the previous formal education that the candidate completed, but also the results of the candidate's other educational and knowledge experiences within the framework of informal education that the candidate had, as well as practical experiences and knowledge that he acquired through his lifelong work and creative engagement.
The university does not organize an entrance exam for enrollment, except in the case of a larger number of candidates applying than expected.
The plan and program of the final year of studies of the second cycle is reviewed and approved by the Teaching and Research Council of the faculty, especially for each student.
If the teaching from the student's personal plan and program is also conducted within another study program, or is conducted in the first study cycle, or is conducted in the elective program adopted at the University for the current school year, the student is free to participate in the work of the interdisciplinary student group. The student masters these subjects at an advanced level, which he directly agrees with the subject professor, other teaching staff and his mentor.
The curriculum of the second cycle of study includes the components of the compulsory, optional, differential and optional curriculum, divided into a theoretical-methodological compulsory block and a specialist-applied elective block, a research-action program component, and specialist, introductory and final work components.
Mandatory program ensures the acquisition of general, generic competencies of students at the level of the second cycle, and specific competencies related to theoretical-methodological, scientific-professional and general-professional knowledge essential for understanding the content of the course or narrower scientific field.
Based on the mandatory program in the first year of the second cycle, a student cannot achieve less than 40 ECTS, that is, more than 50 ECTS. In the second year, a student cannot achieve less than 15 ECTS, that is, more than 20 ECTS points.
Elective program ensures the acquisition of additional professional-applicative and specialist competencies of students in the field of second-cycle studies and in the environment of the topic of specialist and final (master's) work.
Based on the elective program in the first year of the second cycle, a student cannot achieve less than 5 ECTS, that is, more than 10 ECTS points. In the second year, a student cannot achieve less than 15 ECTS, that is, more than 20 ECTS points.
Differential program the student acquires the missing entry competencies for the second cycle study, if he has completed the first cycle study that provides partial enrollment in the enrolled program. The differential program partially or fully replaces the elective program of the second cycle of studies if it is less than or equal to the number of ECTS points of the elective program. If the differential program, according to the committee's evaluation, is greater than the elective program, then it completely replaces the elective program, and the ECTS difference increases the total planned pool of ECTS points for the second cycle of study. A differential program cannot be evaluated with more than 60 ECTS points. If the differentiated program is greater than 60 ECTS credits, the student is instructed to enroll in an additional year in the first cycle of study in order to be able to enroll in the second cycle of study.
Optional program is intended for advanced students who intend to acquire a suitable specialization in the two-year study program of the second cycle in an intensive study regime, i.e., which serves as preparation for continuing doctoral studies, or for continuing studies at other higher education institutions.
The optional program cannot be evaluated with more than 30 ECTS credits.
Research-action program includes activities related to research within the master's thesis/thesis, which also includes source research, student participation in other scientific-research, or professional projects, defended or published student works, participation in scientific-professional gatherings, work, professional, clinical and laboratory practice and authorship in innovations and patents.
Based on the study activities in the research-action study program of the second cycle, a student cannot achieve less than 10 ECTS points, that is, more than 30 ECTS points, whereby research within the framework of the Master's thesis/thesis is a mandatory study activity
A student is required to prepare and defend a final (master's) thesis, which is evaluated with no less than 10 ECTS points and no more than 15 ECTS points. In the two-year study of the second cycle, the student is obliged to prepare and defend an introductory thesis, which is evaluated with no less than 5 ECTS points and no more than 10 ECTS points
Structure of the curriculum the study of the second cycle includes the options of a two-year (four-semester) study for students who have completed a three-year study of the first cycle and acquired 180 ECTS credit points, i.e., a one-year study of the second cycle lasting two to three semesters for students who have completed a four-year study of the first cycle and acquired 240 ECTS credit points.
Objectives of the election program in individualization second cycle studies are:
- Acquiring additional scientific-professional, general-professional and specialist knowledge of an interdisciplinary character from narrower scientific areas that cover specific aspects of the chosen direction or. specialization within the enrolled study of the second cycle, or which cover specific aspects related to the chosen topic of the final paper
- Acquisition specific knowledge or skill which are not part of the compulsory program, and for which the student has a personal affinity, or will need in the continuation of his studies, in scientific research work or in his professional career;
- Realization of an interdisciplinary study through the combination of different narrower scientific fields, whereby the student confirms the versatility of his personality;
- Acquiring additional specialization during the first year of second cycle studies in combination with an optional program and in the mode of intensive study;
- Preparation for transferring to another higher education institution or for continuing studies in the country or abroad.
The student designs the elective program in cooperation with the second cycle study mentor from the following sources:
- laying original optional subjects or modules which are planned for the enrolled study program;
- by taking (compulsory and/or optional) subjects from compatible study programs introduced at the Pan-European University;
- commission evaluation and recognition of exams passed at other higher education institutions in the study of the second cycle;
- by evaluating the defended seminar papers within the second cycle studies or of works published in categorized professional and scientific publications;
- evaluating participation in scientific or professional gatherings with or without presentation of papers;
- valuation participation in scientific research or professional projects or evaluation of own research work;
- valuation work, professional, clinical and laboratory practices performed during the second cycle of studies;
- authorship in innovations and patents which are officially recognized or certified;
Original election program is a set of all elective subjects of one study program within which the student can choose individual subjects to fulfill the teaching obligations related to the elective study program.
The curriculum of the elective program of the Pan-European University, sorted by scientific field, is determined by the Senate of the University every school year based on the results of a student survey about the elective program, which is conducted among students every year in the period from October 1 to November 15, while also taking into account the possibility of forming a minimum teaching groups for individual elective subjects, and about the availability of academic staff for teaching and other educational activities in selected elective subjects.
As a rule, the university will not provide the study of original elective subjects for which less than 15 students have chosen in the current school year. If, however, such a course is implemented, the regime of consultative teaching will be applied, and students prepare the subject for which consultative teaching is organized. on its own where they use all the information and communication tools and distance learning technologies introduced at the Pan-European University, as well as the instructions they received during consultations with the teaching staff
When choosing elective subjects, the student must take into account the following criteria:
- The number of ECTS credit-points from the selected optional subjects must, together with the credit-points from the compulsory study program and the points obtained from other sources of the optional program, provide the prescribed number of ECTS credit-points for the school year (60 ECTS points).
- A student cannot choose an elective subject if he does not meet the prerequisites for access to the subject in accordance with the subject's curriculum, i.e. if he does not have specific prior knowledge or competencies that are a prerequisite for successfully mastering the chosen subject
Criteria and procedures for acquiring and recognizing ECTS credits from certain specific sources of the elective program in the second cycle study are elaborated in more detail in the Second Cycle Study Curriculum.
A student can complete an elective program by taking courses from compatible study programs. All students of the Pan-European University have the right to realize their elective or optional program, regardless of which Faculty organizes the teaching process for a specific subject
The list of compatible, mutually exchangeable study programs is an integral part of the curriculum of each study program. If the chosen subject is implemented as part of the regular and compulsory program in certain study programs of other faculties of the Pan-European University, then the student freely joins the group of students on that study program and within the same group overcomes all the teaching obligations provided for that subject.
A student can complete a part of the elective program through the commission's recognition of exams taken at other higher education institutions, or at other study programs within the Pan-European University, in accordance with the provisions of the University Statutes that regulate the recognition of exams.
Exams taken during the first cycle of studies cannot be recognized by the commission as a source of the student's elective program.
By classifying subjects according to different categories, a balanced structure of the study program is achieved from the point of view of building the curriculum and achieving the planned educational outcomes. Therefore, second cycle study subjects are classified as:
Prema subject or functional area (subject area) courses belong to the following study modules:
- core (core) modules: i.e. groups of subjects that form the backbone of a certain scientific field;
- support modules (support modules): which supplement core modules with knowledge from other scientific fields to more fully explain the implications of a technological, research, work or business process;
- organizational and communication skills modules (organization and communication skills modules): are areas necessary for successful navigation in the modern working environment such as verbal and non-verbal communication skills, teamwork, study skills, time management, rhetoric, foreign languages;
- specialist modules (specialization modules): are areas in which specialist knowledge is obtained, functionally grouped differently depending on the specifics of the scientific field.
- skills transfer modules (transferable skills modules): areas that help to bridge the gap between theoretical and practical knowledge and skills, such as study practice, projects, work in the field, clinics, pedagogical workshops, case study analyses, etc.
- basic (basic level course) - provide introductory knowledge to the subject;
- medium (intermediate level course) - intended to deepen basic knowledge;
- advanced (advanced level course) - intended for versatile theoretical-methodological and general-professional elaboration of the subject;
- specialist (specialized level course) - intended to build knowledge and experience in special areas or disciplines.
- compulsory subjects (compulsory) provide contents that are necessary for the acquisition of appropriate general and professional competencies of the student;
- optional subjects (elective) enable specialization and individualization of studies;
- study modules (modules) as complexes of several related subjects and other teaching activities that are studied in a unique way with the aim of providing multidisciplinary knowledge from a specific field of application that is functionally interpreted in a unique and comprehensive way
- optional subjects are intended for the fulfillment of additional study goals or as preparation for continuing studies at other higher education institutions or at the next cycle of studies;
- academic-general education, (abbr. "general education.")
- theoretical and methodological, (abbreviation "teorij.-methodol.")
- scientific and professional or general-professional, (abbr. "general-professional")
- professional-applicative or specialist or specialist, (abbr. "professional-application.")
- General-educational common bases (abbreviated: "common-general"), are subjects of common foundations of all study programs that give students general (generic) competencies.
- Common foundations of scientific fields (abbreviated: "common-for-field"), are subjects that are taught in all or most of the study programs of a faculty, which belong to one scientific field and which provide students with general and theoretical knowledge necessary for mastering professional subjects, and for further vertical progression (toward higher cycles) within the framework of academic studies
- Common foundations of scientific fields (abbreviated: "joint expertise"), are subjects of one scientific field that enable students to specialize and further study.
- Expert core core, (abbreviated: "core core"), are courses that belong to the same home field of study and provide students with a critical mass of academic and professional competences for pursuing their chosen profession.
By weight factor the subjects are:
Prema to the status of the case depending on the role of the subjects in the specific curriculum and their obligation:
By division according to subject type the level of abstraction or "generality" subjects that are important for defining the academic character of the studies in relation to vocational studies. According to this criterion, the subjects are divided into:
Prema community or function of courses defines the composition and arrangement of competencies that individual courses provide to students during their studies. According to this criterion, subjects are divided into:
Access paper in the first year of the two-year study of the second cycle;
The essay is an independent expression of the student's acquired knowledge in the previous study of the first cycle and during the first year of study of the second cycle.
The student acquires the right to take the subject of the introductory paper after enrolling in the first year of the second cycle.
The student is enabled to actively participate in the selection of the topic of his/her entry paper, by choosing the topic of the paper from a pre-published list of topics within the selected subject, or the student can independently define and propose the topic of the paper. The proposal of the topic and mentor is submitted by the student to the faculty dean's office upon appropriate request.
In the event that the student independently defines and proposes the topic, it is necessary that the topic meets the criteria of relevance for the given field, topicality, availability of research resources, sources and processing time
The topic must be precisely defined, it must not be general, but it must not be too narrow and individual, it must not be abstract, but concrete, and it must contain the aspect of practical applicability.
Final master's thesis in the second, i.e., final year of studies of the second cycle;
Students who enrolled in the second cycle of study with completed four-year study of the first cycle and an entry level of 240 ECTS credit points are required to prepare and defend only the final master's thesis.
The final master's thesis is an independent, professional, creative and research work in which the student demonstrates the knowledge and competences acquired during the second cycle studies and the ability for research work. The final master's thesis must meet the general methodological criteria of academic literacy, standards of correct citation, requirements of the minimum "scope of work" and standards related to "content of the work" in accordance with the Methodology for preparing student and final theses of the Pan-European University and the mentor's recommendations.
The final master's thesis is an independent expression of the student's knowledge, abilities, creativity and competencies acquired during the second cycle of studies.
The mentor's task is:
- help the student-candidate of master's studies in choosing and defining the topic of the final thesis and analyzing the credibility of the thesis,
- together with the candidate profiles the plan and program of the final (second) year of study of the second cycle and defines the pedagogical and didactic specificities of the elective program,
- assists with the organization and execution of studies,
- coordinates with the teaching staff of the elective program,
- provide assistance with the methodological profiling of the topic accepted for the final paper,
- provide assistance in defining, organizing and conducting research, which is foreseen in the framework of the second cycle studies
- provide assistance in the selection of basic and auxiliary literature and in the selection and finding of other sources necessary for the successful completion of the work
- provide coordination with commissions involved in various phases of studies,
- revises the master's work by stages and reviews the finished work,
- preparation of the student-candidate of the master's study for the defense of the work.
In order to ensure the necessary efficiency and credibility of the second cycle studies and to profile the curriculum and program of the final year of studies, the plan and program of the research project of the master's thesis, as well as to define and justify the thesis of the final thesis, the student-candidate of the master's study must to provide a mentor immediately upon enrollment in the final year of second cycle studies.
Priority in the selection of mentors is given to teachers proposed by the student, i.e., responsible teachers for the narrower scientific field in which the final thesis is being prepared.
Along with the enrollment documentation for the final year of the second cycle of studies, the student also submits a Request for approval of the topic and appointment of a mentor, in which he declares the type and nature of the second cycle studies he wishes to study, chooses a narrower scientific area of his compulsory study program, which is of importance for professional the profile for which the student has chosen, states the tentative title and content of the final thesis topic, suggests a mentor, suggests the sources and content of the elective program and applies for recognition of subjects from the second cycle studies that he passed at other higher education institutions.
In order for a student to enroll in the second year of study in a two-year (four-semester) study of the second cycle, he must fulfill all the obligations from the curriculum and program provided for the first year of study and in the study year in which he is enrolled, he must achieve 60 ECTS points.
A student can enroll in the second year of studies even if he has not obtained the 60 ECTS credit score in accordance with the transitional provisions of the Law on Higher Education, which allow the transfer of a certain number of subjects to the next year of study in the legally prescribed period.
A student who does not meet the requirements for enrolling in the second year of study renews the current year of study and has the right to attend classes and take exams from the following year of study up to the number of points earned in the previous year of study. A list of subjects that a student can take and take in the following year of study is determined in advance, and a special record is kept about it. The data entered in the course records from the following year, which the student passed in the renewed year, are entered in the student booklet and the register book, after the student enters the year of study for which the record was kept.
Academic year in the study of the second cycle lasts from October 1 of the current year to September 30 of the following year for students who are enrolled in the winter semester for the study of the second cycle, whether they are enrolled in a four-semester or a two-semester study, or from March 1 of the current year to February 28 of the following year for students who enroll in the fifth year of the second cycle of studies in the summer semester, and have completed the first four-year study cycle.
Academic year lasts from October 1 of the current year to July 31 of the following year. The month of September is intended for taking missed exams. In the month of August there are summer holidays lasting 5 weeks, and in the month of February there are winter holidays lasting 2 weeks.
Depending on the study programs and elective programs, the annual teaching is organized in a maximum of eight teaching blocks and/or in two semesters.
Individual teaching blocks are no longer than 6 weeks. The winter semester lasts 19-20 weeks, and the summer semester 20-21 weeks. As a rule, the winter semester begins on October 1 of the current year, and the summer semester begins on March 1 of the following calendar year.
The Senate of the university adopts, based on the proposal of the Board of Directors, the Study Calendar of each school year with graphic and textual attachments. The study calendar defines the institution's working hours, start dates, duration and end dates of all teaching units (school year, semesters, subject blocks, modular blocks, winter and summer vacations, final exam block), non-working days and holidays, days designated for special purposes (University Day, etc.) and part-time days.
Credit scores are numerical values allocated for a particular subject, module, or individual pedagogical activity of a student, which are evaluated separately and represent a quantitatively expressed norm of the work required to successfully complete the specified subject or educational module, or completed the required student activity. Credit points reflect the quantitative amount of work required for the successful completion of each individual subject, educational module or. pedagogical activities in relation to the total quantitatively expressed work required to complete a full year of academic studies. The evaluation of the work involved includes the measurement of the student's participation in lectures, practical work, seminars, exercises, projects, individual learning, research of sources, workshops and simulations, as well as the time required for evaluation and other forms of assessment of the student's activities.
The total number of credit points allocated for a particular subject, educational module or individual pedagogical activity depends on the type and character of the subject, the degree of abstraction of the subject and the total workload foreseen by the curriculum, which is necessary to successfully complete the said program and assess the success of the student in mastering that program.
As a rule, credit points are expressed as integer values.
The ECTS system of credit points within the Curriculum of the Pan-European University "APEIRON" represents at the same time the system of transfer of credit points within the European system of student mobility and transparency of higher education, as well as the system of accumulation of credit points within the metrics of study programs and vertical mobility of students studying.
The engaged academic staff, the time, space and way of realizing the planned forms of teaching and other pedagogical activities, as well as the dates of taking exams and evaluating students' knowledge during the semester and during the school year are determined by the annual work schedule which is defined for each study program separately.
The annual work schedule is adopted by the University Senate.
The University continuously implements the procedure self-evaluation and evaluation of the quality of their study programs, work of all organizational units of the university and general working conditions, as well as self-evaluation of the quality of teaching and the work of the teaching staff for each course immediately after the completion of the course.
Self-evaluation is carried out in the prescribed manner and procedure Regulation on quality assurance at Pan-European University "APEIRON" and "Regulation on student evaluation and survey".
The report on self-evaluation and quality assessment of the Pan-European University is published so that it is available to academic staff and students. Reports on the assessment of the quality of the academic staff's work in the implementation of individual curricula are reviewed by the University Senate and are not, as a rule, available to students.
Work load (workloads) represents the total time needed to perform all study activities in order to achieve the planned educational outcomes, which includes all aspects that have an impact on the time function in achieving those pedagogical outcomes, or cumulative time spent on all subject forms that are planned in class, duration of different types of teaching activities and activities related to learning and individual student work, method of presentation and delivery of the results of educational activities, and time spent on all types of evaluation of educational outcomes
The university will calculate the students' workload and calculate the corresponding ECTS points of individual subject units based on the following parameters study metrics:
- Total weekly engagement of students................................... 40 hours
- Number of teaching hours (contact hours) per week ........................... 20 < class < 25
- Duration of the block in question .................................................... ......... < 6 weeks
- Semester duration ................................................ .................... > 15 weeks
- Classes of the winter semester (starts on October 01.10 of the current year).... 19-20 weeks
- Teaching of the summer semester (starts from 01.03. of the following year). 20-21 weeks
- Passing back exams 01.09. – 30.09. next year ............ 4 weeks
- Summer break - holiday (15.07. – 31.08. of the following year) ............... 5 weeks
- Winter break ................................................... ................................ 2 weeks
- Total working weeks in the school year .................................... 45 weeks
- Total fund of work hours (workload) of the school year ........................ 1.800 hours
- Total hours of work (workload) per 1 ECTS ......................................... .. 30 hours
- Standard annual number of ECTS credits (European norm) ............ 60 ECTS
- Standard semester number of ECTS points (European norm) ....... 30 ECTS
- Intensive study (full calendar years) ............................... < 75 ECTS
- Diploma - specialist thesis (< 300 hours of work).......................... < 10 ECTS
- Master thesis (< 450 hours of work) ........................................... .............. < 15 ECTS
The metric of the total weekly engagement of students and the weekly number of hours of contact classes differs for part-time students compared to full-time students in terms of their content, given that part-time students take up to 40% of the total volume of contact classes and the focus of the teaching process is on individual work, consultations and instructional classes , and distance learning methods.
- Dialogue system of interactive teaching with student mentoring with the application of an integrated mixed learning model (blended learning) which assumes a synthesis of contact teaching, distance education and mobile education, or a combination of different forms of delivery of teaching content and different teaching methods
- The university develops and encourages educational styles of problem-based learning and project-based learning (project based-learning).
- Programmed and controlled performance classes for regular and separate classes for part-time students according to the established schedule with the use of modern presentation and demonstration tools and telecommunication technologies.
- Through an interactive method of working with students and assigning them to independently prepare the following teaching units, insight is gained into their prior knowledge and specific experiences based on the studied issues, on the basis of which the teaching process is partially individualized and the continuity of mastering the material is controlled.
- They are for students before the start of the processing of teaching subjects appropriate textbooks provided or other resources for self-study in written and electronic form. Textbooks and other learning resources are a mandatory part of the academic portfolio of engaged teaching staff. Literature or textbooks that are not covered by the publishing activities of the University are provided through the University library or. they are freely reproduced and distributed to students in the form of compendiums or scripts.
- All didactic and educational content is available to students in electronic and digital form (which include recorded lectures and exercises, electronic and audio books, electronic presentations), via the Internet in the distance learning system, via digital interactive television (Apeiron TV Channel), or on different video presentation media (video cassettes, interactive multimedia optical media, etc.).
- They were introduced and installed at the University information and communication technologies which enable students to through computer-supported learning and research (Computer Assisted Learning & Research) to achieve an active relationship in the process of acquiring knowledge, to achieve a deeper interaction with teaching content and to apply research methods already in the process of acquiring basic knowledge. The computer-supported learning system applied at the University includes appropriate multimedia educational software (Learning Management System), application of computer simulations, individual acquisition of knowledge using computer, multimedia and network technologies, constant feedback on student progress and more realistic evaluation of the process of acquisition and acquisition of knowledge and skills, use of network and Internet media for researching sources by direct access to search engines of databases with scientific journals on subscribed by the university (EBSCO database) and for empirical research with the use of adequate software.
- Mentoring of students with programmed immediate consultations or "on-line" consultations through the teleconferencing system installed at the university.
- Carrying out exercises, practicums and training sessions intended for the acquisition of practical skills and the elaboration of practical aspects of basic topics through analysis of case studies and complex pedagogical modeling in pedagogical workshops with division of roles (role-playing workshops, trial simulations, legal clinics, etc.).
At the university, as specific forms of exercises, i repeaters where associate demonstrators prepare students for exams by offering them a concise overview of the main points of a particular subject or conversatories in which students deepen their knowledge of certain areas in the form of independent presentations of certain topics, dialogues and discussions at the student round table. - Seminars and seminar papers with a public presentation of results that are evaluated and evaluated by all participants using LEG-speaker evaluation scales.
- Problem workshops (workshops) in which the contents related to certain topics are presented in the form of a concrete problem, the solution of which should be offered through individual and group interaction.
Specific processing workshops are also applied at the study" (case-study analysis), as well as "psychological workshops" intended for the deepening and development of interpersonal and intrapersonal abilities and skills of students. - System VIP panel (very important person panel), round tables and tribunes implemented through work in sections and forums;
- Simulations in which a real situation created by the application of learned knowledge and skills is simulated, as well as simulations with by dividing roles
(role-playing games), or simulations in the form of modeling real situations and relationships that enable students to distinguish the essential elements of the subject presented by the model and to use the analytical method and contemplation to arrive at their structure and functions, enabling thought operations of analysis and synthesis.
Simulations represent the final stage of other interactive forms of work in which the conclusions of the previous stages are summarized so that students have to creatively apply the knowledge and skills previously acquired through lectures, workshops and trainings. - Continuously evaluation progress in the student's work through the system of pre-exam and exam obligations with assessments of his acceptance of teaching content and in-depth understanding of the subject of study
- Consultative and instructive teaching which is applied for small groups of students, part-time students, in classes "one on one" and for students in postgraduate and doctoral school.
- System summer and winter instructional camps which are applied in the organization of seminars and forums, as well as in postgraduate and doctoral schools.
- Clinical and professional practice, scientific research works and professional projects students.
A specific form of professional practice is "internal practice" which students perform in professional units organized at the University such as: Business Incubation Center, Career Guidance Center, Public Relation Center, Institute for Integral Management, Reengineering and Transition. - Student "business" projects within Business incubation center and the teaching module "Innovative entrepreneurship in business incubation centers" intended for the initiation of student entrepreneurial projects in the form of a small business within which the university provides the aggregation of micro-financial support.
- student "action research" as a flexible form of active participation of participants in research aimed at understanding the phenomena in which the action affects the phenomenon, but during the research the action parameters also change depending on the changes caused in the phenomenon being investigated, in accordance with the goal of the research (knowing by changing and changing by knowing).
- Development and participation in scientific research projects during second and third cycle studies.
- Possibility of acquisition specialization during the studies of the second cycle in the regime of intensive studies or possibility of acquisition dual degrees in compatible fields of study through optional studies and individualizing the electoral program
Recognition and transfer of ECTS points can be done between different study programs, as well as between accredited higher education institutions in the Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad in accordance with the provisions of this Statute and in accordance with specific criteria established by the Senate of the Pan-European University.
A student who transfers from another higher education institution during the year, or a student who has passed exams in a previous schooling, the passed exams are recognized by the decision of the dean of the Faculty, based on the proposal of the Commission for the recognition of exams and evaluation of study programs.
The Commission for the recognition of exams and the evaluation of study programs is elected by the Scientific and Teaching Council of the Faculty. The method of selection and the work of this commission is prescribed in more detail by the appropriate rulebook adopted by the University Senate. For the committee's work, the student is obliged to pay the fee stipulated in Rules on the amount of study fees and the price of services
Exams passed in previous schooling or at other higher education institutions, students can be recognized in the compulsory or optional program.
Exam recognition from the previous paragraph is carried out on the basis of inspection of certified and authentic documents that prove the plan and program of previous education, passed exams and achieved success, such as: transcript of grades, certificate of passed courses with achieved grades, original student booklet, diploma supplement (additional diploma), transcript of records, curriculum or an extract from the curriculum of previous schooling and other documents that have the nature of a public document and that are determined by legal and by-laws.
The committee recognizes the student's passed exams from previous schooling or exams passed at other higher education institutions in the compulsory program from those subjects whose content according to their syllabus overlaps at least 60% with the syllabus of the corresponding subject studied at the Pan-European University
The commission recognizes in the student's elective program, exams passed in previous education or exams passed at other higher education institutions if belong to the home study area of the study program which the student enrolled in, and are not planned in the regular and original elective program of the enrolled study program. These exams are recognized for students within the elective program, under the name and with the content of those courses at the higher education institutions from which the students come.
Compliance with the main study area of subjects that are recognized as optional for the student, as well as the scope of ECTS credit points that are recognized, is determined by the Commission for the recognition of exams and evaluation of study programs, and the corresponding decision on the recognition of those courses is signed by the dean of the Faculty
Courses that do not belong to either the basic or secondary fields of the study program that the student enrolled in cannot be recognized either in the regular program or in the elective program.
In accordance with the principle of lifelong learning and recognition of the right to education as a basic human right, the University will enable the extension of education and will not discriminate against students who transfer from another university, or students who have a diploma from their previous education, or students who have passed exams in their previous education any basis (a diploma obtained in one of the republics of the former Yugoslavia, a diploma obtained in a higher school, a diploma obtained in a school that has ceased to operate, the political structure of lecturers, etc.) in accordance with the home areas of the University and the provisions of this Statute.
If the exams that are transferred were taken at a higher education institution which is parent from the same scientific fields in which the main study program the student enrolls in is, then he can enroll in the next year of study in relation to the year of study that was recognized for him at that higher education institution.
For the enrolled year of study on the basis of transfer from another higher education institution, or on the basis of extension of education, the student pays the full tuition fee.
In further education at the University, the student is obliged to pass all exams and to acquire the number of credit points provided for enrollment in the following years of study in accordance with the provisions of this Statute.
In the process of assessing the compliance of the higher education institution where the student obtained a diploma in the previous education with the Pan-European University, the Commission previously evaluates the study program of the higher education institution where the student completed the previous cycle of higher education, and evaluates the type and new knowledge and skills the student has achieved in in accordance with the Law on Higher Education of the Republic of Srpska. Once a positive evaluation of the study program has been made, it is valid for all subsequent cases
After the evaluation of foreign study programs, the commission compares these programs with the study programs of the Pan-European University, and determines the existence of an equivalent program, as well as the degree of compliance of the program by assigning the attributes native, partially native and non-native.
Students for whom a public higher education document is evaluated prove the legality of that document with appropriate documents that are recognized as public documents according to legal regulations, and which were issued by the higher education institution or other competent authority or. institution.
Students who have obtained a diploma at higher education institutions whose registration partially coincides with the registration of the Pan-European University, can extend their education with the condition of taking a differential program that completes the missing competencies and professional core of the study program.
The Academic Commission for Exam Recognition and Evaluation of Study Programs is obliged to unambiguously define the content of the differential program that students take in parallel with the continuing education program. If the differential program is less than or equal to the number of optional subjects provided for in the program of extension of education, then the differential program replaces the optional study program. If the differential program is larger than the elective program, then it is identified with the optional program of intensive studies. Based on the compulsory and differential program, a student cannot acquire more than 75 ECTS credit points during one school year
Based on the committee's proposal, the Dean of the Faculty issues the appropriate Decision on the conditions of enrollment and extension of education for students who extend their education.
Students are required to acquire a minimum of 300 ECTS credit points with previous education before obtaining a second-degree diploma by mastering the program of the corresponding study program and mastering the differential study program, if such a program is determined by the Decision on continuing education at the Pan-European University.
If, during his previous education, the student passed one of the subjects that are studied in the program of continuing his education at the Pan-European University, then he can take one of the optional professional subjects of the mentioned study program instead of that subject. The replacement of subjects from the previous paragraph is approved by the dean of the Faculty based on a special written request of the student.
Rulebook from page 63 to page 74 (Article 82 - Article 106)
LinkRulebook from page 80 to page 85 (Article 127 - Article 132)
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