Faculty of Traffic
"Your surest way to the goal"
By mastering the study program, the student acquires a thorough knowledge and understanding of engineering disciplines in the traffic and transport profession, as well as the ability to solve specific problems using scientific methods and procedures. Considering the interdisciplinary character of the study program, the ability to connect basic knowledge from different fields and their application is particularly important. Graduate students are able to write and present the results of their work in an appropriate manner. The competence of students who have graduated from the "Traffic and Transport" study program, i.e. "Traffic Engineer", is reflected in their ability and willingness to work independently.
- Acquiring, developing and transferring knowledge and abilities through the educational process and scientific research work with the aim of contributing to the development of individuals and the progress of society;
- Providing opportunities for individuals to, under equal conditions, extend the education acquired in the first cycle, acquire abilities, competences, knowledge and skills of higher education in the second cycle and adopt high moral and humanistic values resulting from the educational goals of the second cycle;
- Achieving the strategic goals of the European area of higher education, lifelong learning and mobility of students and academic staff in the field of second cycle studies;
- Realization of the qualification framework of second cycle studies that is compatible with the Qualification Framework in the European area of higher education and which enables the acquisition of general generic abilities and competencies of the second cycle based on European standards;
- Improvement of the theoretical framework and acquisition of additional competencies of the wider scientific field in which the second cycle study is located as a basis for improved specialist and expert knowledge and professional development;
- Creating and maintaining international comparability of standards, especially in the intra-institutional, inter-institutional, regional and European context, and thus enable, promote and improve mobility for students and academic staff, as well as for non-academic staff and citizens;
- Enabling students of the second cycle to systematically understand and master knowledge in his field of study, which is based on knowledge, that is, expands and builds on the knowledge of undergraduate studies, and at the same time represents the basis for originality in the development and application of ideas in the context of research work;
- Enabling students to be able to apply their knowledge and understanding, as well as problem-solving skills, to new and unfamiliar environments within a wider (or interdisciplinary) context related to their field of study;
- Enabling students to apply conceptual and abstract thinking, with a high level of creativity, which enables the formation of critical thinking and the development of alternative solutions, as well as the application of research and academic work in a given discipline;
- Enabling students to integrate knowledge and deal with complex problems, and to formulate judgments based on the given information, with the readiness to assume social and ethical responsibilities related to the application of that knowledge or judgments;
- Acquisition of interpersonal skills and teamwork skills, suitable for different learning and employment contexts, enabling students to initiate, make decisions in a time deficit, lead and harmonize teams and social groups.
- Redefinition of teaching plans and reengineering of study curricula of the second cycle in order to ensure appropriate professional competencies of students and design the educational process as a stepped spiral and realize the principle of lifelong learning;
- Individualization and adaptation of studies to the intellectual and psychological level and needs of students through an interdisciplinary elective program, research practice and internship.
- Introduction of modern methods of working with students through interactive teaching in small groups, pedagogical workshops, research work and projects, creative participation of students in the educational process with evaluation of students' knowledge in the form of a continuous process of monitoring their achievements and synthesis of all forms of work;
- Establishing and developing versatile academic cooperation in the field of second-cycle studies with other higher education institutions from the country and abroad, business entities and research institutions, with an emphasis on the development of joint study programs, scientific research projects, mobility of students and academic staff and the development of the concept of dual and joint diploma;
- Identification of key elements of the environment in which problem solving takes place;
- Defining assumptions and goals for problem solving;
- Determining the resources and competencies necessary to solve the problem;
- Ability to make decisions;
- Awareness of the degree of uncertainty and risks involved in making a decision;
- Realizing the implications and consequences of the choice;
- Ability to argue and defend a decision.
- Planning and organization for the execution of jobs / tasks
- Appropriate setting of parameters
- Choosing an option and making a decision
- Argumentation and implementation of the decision
- Understanding and awareness
- Leadership skills
Competences that the student brings from previous education
Key subject-professional competencies
Students should be able to:
- To demonstrate knowledge of the basics and history of their major field of study/discipline;
- To show (express) acquired basic knowledge in a coherent way;
- To include new professional information and interpretations in that context;
- To demonstrate an understanding of the overall structure of the field of study and the connection with scientific disciplines;
- To demonstrate that they understand and can apply methods of critical analysis and theoretical development in their field of study;
- To correctly apply appropriate disciplinary methods and techniques;
- To demonstrate an understanding of research methods in the relevant field;
- To show that they understand the experimental tests and observations on which scientific theories are based.
Key generic competencies
- basic knowledge of the profession
- basic knowledge of the field of study
- ability to make decisions
- communication skills
- ability to work in interdisciplinary teams
- the capacity to apply knowledge in practice
- creativity
- ability to manage information
- the ability to find and analyze information from different sources
- computer skills
- ability to adapt to new conditions
- capacity to make an oral and written presentation in their native language
- research skills
- capacity to learn
- ability to work independently
The study programs of the second cycle studies of the Pan-European University ensure the development and acquisition of general (generic) competencies of the second cycle level in students, which include but are not limited to the following abilities and skills: the ability to analyze and synthesize, solve problems, the ability to plan and organize, the ability to make decisions, the ability to create new ideas (creativity) and adapt to new situations, information management skills (the ability to obtain and analyze information from different sources), teamwork and the ability to work in interdisciplinary teams, interpersonal skills, the ability to apply knowledge in practice and research skills, abilities and the skills of creating and managing (management) projects, the ability to learn independently, oral and written communication in the native and foreign languages, ethical commitment, then the acquisition of in-depth basic general knowledge based on basic professional knowledge related to wider science scientific fields and scientific fields that are the subject of study (which include theoretical and methodological knowledge essential for understanding broader theoretical assumptions and concepts and general methodological frameworks of scientific fields), and the acquisition of specific academic and professional competencies related to narrower scientific fields and subjects (which include theoretical-methodological, scientific-professional and general-professional prior knowledge essential for understanding the content of the subject or narrower scientific field, current content of specific knowledge of the respective subject/discipline, approach to the subject, development of specific methodology of the subject and ways of solving problems in that specific field, and application of knowledge ).
Original competencies of the second cycle
Key subject-professional competencies
Students should:
- That they have good knowledge of specialization within the discipline but at a higher level.
This means that the student should know the latest theories, interpretations, methods and techniques; - To be able to critically monitor and interpret the latest developments in theory and practice;
- To have sufficient competence in independent research techniques and to be able to interpret the results at a higher level;
- To be able to make an original contribution within the canon of the discipline itself in the form of a final thesis;
- To show creativity and originality in solving
Key generic competencies
- ability to analyze and synthesize
- ability to solve problems
- the ability to self-criticize
- knowledge of another language
- ethical commitment
Generic descriptors of second cycle studies according to defined educational outcomes adopted at the Bergen Conference (19-20 May 2005):
Qualifications that the student should possess from previous schooling and which are a condition for successful second cycle studies:
- has demonstrated knowledge and understanding of the field of study, acquired in previous schooling, which is supported by advanced teaching aids at a level that includes the basic aspects of knowledge of contemporary achievements in that field of study;
- can apply knowledge and understanding of the field of study in a way that demonstrates a professional approach to work and profession, and has competencies that he demonstrates through thinking and presenting arguments and solving problems in his field of study;
- has the ability to collect and interpret relevant data (usually in his field of expertise) in order to form an expert opinion that includes the implications these views may have on relevant social, scientific or ethical topics;
- can convey information, ideas, problems and solutions, either to professional or lay audiences;
- he has developed the learning ability that is necessary to be able to continue his second cycle studies with a high level of independence.
Qualifications marking the completion of the second cycle are awarded to students who:
- possesses demonstrated knowledge and understanding that build on knowledge, and extend and/or increase knowledge commonly associated with the first cycle, and that provide a basis and opportunity for originality in the development and/or application of ideas, often in research contexts;
- can apply knowledge, understanding and problem-solving skills in a new, unfamiliar environment within a wider (or multidisciplinary) context related to his field of study;
- has the ability to connect knowledge and handle complex situations, and to formulate judgments based on insufficient or limited information, while respecting the social and ethical responsibility related to the application of such knowledge and judgments;
- can clearly and unambiguously convey the conclusions, knowledge and explanation of the thesis it supports, to a professional or lay audience;
- possesses a learning ability that allows him to continue the process of study, research and development in a way that can be broadly self-organized and autonomous.
Descriptors of second cycle studies:
Students should be able to:
- To use and evaluate professional analysis tools;
- To work in specific interdisciplinary fields and activities and to specialize in that field to a highly professional level;
- To make a connection with the functions in the organizations and associations in which they work with their environment;
- To argue the principles they use in finding solutions to problems at the operational and strategic level;
- To defend the proposed solution;
- That they are prepared for decision-making at the operational and strategic level;
- To possess abilities for guided research;
- To have the ability to work independently and independently;
- To possess the abilities and skills of leadership, organization and communication of teams and complex organizations, and to understand the dynamics of social groups;
- To build the skill of holistic (synergistic) judgment and the ability to critically evaluate strategic decisions;
- To build abilities and skills to implement changes in their work and business environment;
- To possess international mobility and understanding of different cultures.
The educational outcomes should give all students of the second cycle the skills to formulate:
- Questions relating to the background of the problem;
- Research questions;
- Problem solving methodology;
- Problem analysis;
- Conclusions related to problem elaboration;
- Recommendations related to problem solving;
- Recommendations related to problem solving;
- Orchestrating and harmonizing problem solving teams;
- Problem presentation and problem communication;
- Handling technologies, procedures and methods for successfully solving set goals, projects and problems
Within the studies, the foundations for lifelong professional mobility and permanent professional development were created.
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