- Posted by Apeiron Pan-European University
- Posted in Current, News
Number: 1.3-459/21
Banja Luka, May 25, 2021
On the basis of the Law on Higher Education of the Republic of Srpska ( RS 67/20), the rector of the Pan-European University "Apeiron" adopts:
about the June-July exam period
- After the end of the last teaching cycle in the summer semester, which lasts from June 14 to July 11, regular deadlines for taking exams from that cycle will be organized.
- In addition to the mentioned deadlines from paragraph 1 of this decision, a general June-July deadline for taking exams for all subjects taken in the academic year 2020/21 will be organized. year, in two terms.
- The first exam period of the June-July term will be scheduled from June 14 to June 27, and the second exam period from July 5 to July 18.
- All students enrolled in the 2020/21 school year can take the June-July exam period. year, as well as students renewing their year and seniors.
- The condition for taking the exam for all students of the Pan-European University is the fulfillment of the following groups of conditions: status conditions (active student status), pedagogical conditions (the student has attended all lectures, completed all pre-exam and program obligations determined by the curriculum for the subject he is taking, the student has fulfilled all additional pedagogical conditions, if they are defined as such in the Rulebook on the evaluation of students' knowledge and achievements and in the Law on Higher Education of the Republic of Srpska), financial conditions (the student has no arrears towards the University).
- Students are required to submit an application to the Student Service: for the first term by June 07, and for the second term by July 2.
- Exam schedules will be published on notice boards and on the University's website, for the first exam period by June 12, 2021, and for the second exam period by July 3, 2021.
- This decision will be published on the website of the Pan-European University and on the notice board.
Academician prof. Dr. Zoran Ž. Avramović
May 25, 2021