The "Apeirona" conference says that we are at a successful University - this is the message of the Director of the Agency for the Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance of Bosnia and Herzegovina

The "Apeirona" conference says that we are at a successful University - this is the message of the Director of the Agency for the Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance of BiH>

The international scientific meeting Harmonization of domestic law with the legal acquis of the European Union has begun>

"I really did not believe that such a University, one of the best in Bosnia and Herzegovina, could be created. And this conference speaks for itself that we are at a successful University. Where does quality begin? Well, here, in this place, at a higher education institution", these are the words of the director of the Agency for the Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance of Bosnia and Herzegovina, professor Dr. Enes Hašić, who addressed the participants of the international scientific meeting "Harmonization of domestic law with the legal acquis of the European Union". , December 12, 2024.

The Faculty of Legal Sciences of "Apeiron" University is the host and organizer of the two-day conference, which accepted 22 scientific papers, domestic and by authors from Hungary, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro and Croatia.

Those present were greeted by the president of the Organizational and Program Committee of the Conference, dean of the Faculty of Legal Sciences, prof. dr. Ljubinko Mitrović, and the rector, prof. dr. Sanel Jakupović, officially opened the conference. On the first day, December 12, we heard presentations by academicians prof. Dr. Miodrag Simović, who spoke about the right to life and bodily integrity. "The landmark of what scientific journals should look like is the Yearbook of the Faculty of Legal Sciences of the University "Apeiron". And today this is a respectable scientific gathering with respectable names of authors", stressed Academician Simović, former judge and president of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

From Hungary, online, prof. Dr. László István Gál, and his topic is: SOME ISSUES OF THE CONNECTION BETWEEN BIOSECURITY AND CRIMINAL LAW. Our guest from Macedonia, Prof. PhD Tatjana Gerginova spoke about the role of the Western Balkans in building Euro-Atlantic security.

Judge of the Supreme Court of the Republika Srpska and also a professor at the "Apeiron" University Veljko Ikanović focused his research, which he shared with the other participants of the conference, on the compatibility of the criminal law protection of the environment in the Republika Srpska with EU law.

We continue the conference with new researchers and works tomorrow, December 13, from 10 am.

December 12th. in 2024

Public Relations Department