A project dedicated to the improvement of the quality system in higher education took representatives of "Apeiron" to Ljubljana


A project dedicated to the improvement of the quality system in higher education took representatives of "Apeiron" to Ljubljana

Representatives of our University: Elveldina Tatarević, assistant director for legal affairs, Maja Dujaković, secretary of the University, prof. Dr. Dalibora Drljača and Dragana Bulut, expert associate for insurance, during November were on a study visit to the University of Ljubljana and the National Agency for Quality in Higher Education of Slovenia (NAQUEST).

The visit took place within the framework of the project "Strengthening capacities and mechanisms for improving the quality assurance system in higher education in Bosnia and Herzegovina". (SMEQA-ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE-STRAND-3). The project aims to improve the quality assurance system of higher education in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the project activities are aimed at institutional strengthening of quality assurance mechanisms and harmonization of processes in BiH. "Apeiron" University is one of the 19 partners of this project.

Meetings and meetings were devoted to external evaluation processes, as well as internal quality assurance processes at the Universities of Ljubljana and Maribor. On the last day of the visit, project activities were discussed, including the dissemination of activities within the project, the quality assurance plan, as well as the rules for managing the budget within the project and planned activities in the following period.

27 November. in 2024

Public Relations Department

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