The student parliament is waiting for a new leadership
You choose the "first" student "Apeiron"


The student parliament is waiting for a new leadership

You choose the "first" student "Apeiron"

As part of the highest student body, you can raise the standard of students of the Pan-European University many times over. You can initiate and complete actions that will bring fruit and good beyond "Apeiron" - our city, other cities and their students.

This is the space through which humanity, useful works, originality and boldness can lead you to the first place. Make space in your biography for the lines in which you once left the stamp of a generation with the Student Parliament.

We invite all students of the Pan-European University "Apeiron" to participate in the election of new representatives in the Student Parliament of the University on December 6 at 15 p.m. This is an opportunity for others to hear your visions, ideas and ways to bring about change where you think it is needed.

You can be the future president or the holder of some other function of our parliament.

The election assembly will be held in classroom 5.

Get involved in making decisions about student standards

28 November. in 2024

Public Relations Department

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