The student freely chooses electives from the study program he has chosen, or from other study programs organized at the Pan-European University, if they are mutually compatible. (Article 56 of the Statute)
In accordance with the determination of the Pan-European University to introduce a modern European and American approach in the development of study programs, in addition to the mandatory optional and optional program which together form a unique study program of the academic year of study. The student is given the freedom and initiative to independently choose optional and optional subjects within multidisciplinary study groups, acquiring specific knowledge and skills and designing in that way on its own up to one fifth of your study program.
The elective program together with the compulsory program constitutes the study program of the school year in which it is acquired legal census od 60 ECTS credit points or 75 ECTS credits in the regime of the so-called intensive studies. This means that the student is obliged to acquire the planned number of credit points from the sources provided for the elective program, but he can plan the content of his elective program freely, as a personal creation within the rules defined in the curriculum of the elective program.
By designing his elective program, the student can achieve the following goals in the individualization of his studies:
- to acquire specific knowledge or skills that are not part of his compulsory program, and for which he has a personal affinity or will need in his further studies and in his professional career;
- to realize an interdisciplinary study by combining different narrower scientific fields during studies, thus confirming the versatility of one's personality;
- that in combination with an optional program in the mode of intensive study or with an additional semester/year of study, in addition to the basic diploma, he acquires a second diploma in a complementary field of study;
- to acquire the appropriate subspecialization within his study group whose name is referenced in the text of his diploma;
- that during studies it is easier to transfer from the parent study group to other study groups located at other faculties of the Pan-European University, reducing the differential program (which is defined by the commission when switching to non-complementary study groups);
- to prepare through the optional program for transferring to another higher education institution or for continuing studies in the country or abroad.
The original elective program is a set of electives that are specific to each study group and as such are planned and offered to students within each study program. Whether a particular subject from the original elective program will be taught in the current school year depends on the number of students who chose that subject.
If the student implements his elective program by choosing and taking the original elective subjects of his study group, he is obliged to choose the appropriate elective subjects for the current school year during the first teaching cycle/block and to verify his choice on the appropriate form in the student service, so that the higher education institution can to plan the teaching process for selected subjects.
* The list of original optional subjects is given in curriculum original electoral program.
When choosing elective subjects, the student must take into account the following criteria:
- The number of ECTS credit-points from the selected optional subjects must, together with the credit-points from the compulsory study program and the points obtained from other sources of the optional program, provide the prescribed number of ECTS credit-points for the school year (60 ECTS points). The number of elective courses, depending on the Faculty and study group, ranges from one to four elective courses for one school year, while the total number of elective courses that the student will pass depends on the weighting factors of the chosen courses expressed in ECTS points, as well as on the number of ECTS credit points acquired from other sources. A student can choose a smaller number of "harder" subjects, or a larger number of "easier" subjects, or a suitable combination, but the total number of ECTS credit points acquired in the elective program must be greater than or equal to the planned number of ECTS credit points of the elective program for a particular semester.
A quantitative overview of the number of elective courses with their weighting factor expressed in the sum of ECTS credit points is given in tabular form in attached to this Program.
REMARK: A student in the regime of intensive studies can choose a larger number of elective subjects compared to the number of subjects planned in the curriculum of the study group. The conditions and method of realization of intensive studies are prescribed by the Statute of the Pan-European University and are explained in a separate chapter below.
- Elective courses must be time-transparently distributed in both semesters of one school year so that students do not jeopardize the mastering of the compulsory curriculum in a particular semester (the compulsory curriculum of each semester usually consists of four to six subjects);
- A student cannot choose courses that are conditioned by specific prior knowledge, if he does not possess that knowledge. This criterion is implemented in practice by controlling the fulfillment of prerequisites for access to the subject in accordance with the curriculum of each subject.
- A student cannot choose subjects, which already exist in the compulsory part of the curriculum of his study group, in the higher years of study. The exception is the courses of the 4th year of study, for students who have enrolled in the three-year (six-semester) study of the first cycle, since the three-year study can represent a rounded cycle and the fourth year can also represent the first year of the second cycle.
If such a student continues his education to the fourth year of the first cycle of studies, or enrolls in the second cycle of studies, and has in the elective program of his basic studies passed subjects from the mandatory program of the 4th year, then those subjects are replaced by other subjects that have the character of a mandatory program and which is determined by the dean of the Faculty.
Students who DO NOT REGISTER THE SELECTED ORIGINAL ELECTIVE COURSES BY THE DEADLINES IN THE PRESCRIBED DEADLINES in the prescribed manner (via the survey form, or directly in the student service), are required to take standard elective program for the current school year, which is determined by the Scientific and Teaching Council of the Faculty or at the Senate of the Pan-European University, or to settle the credit points of the elective program from other legitimate sources.
If the chosen subject is not realized in the regular but in the instructional or. consultative teaching, then the scope and type of teaching activities planned for this type of teaching are delivered to the student.
The type of classes that are organized for individual elective subjects is visible in the list of elective subjects adopted by the University Senate for each school year.
The Faculty organizes consultative classes for elective subjects for which less than 10 students.
The faculty organizes instructional classes for the optional subject for which less than 20 students.
The Faculty organizes the full teaching process for optional subjects for which more than 20 students.
The dates of instructional classes that will be organized for individual subjects, as well as the dates of availability of professors for consultations in individual subjects, are published on notice boards or on the website of the Faculty at the University headquarters or in the headquarters of registered organizational units of the University. Instructional and consultative classes for the optional program are generally organized in the last cycle of the winter or summer semester.
The curriculum of the elective and optional study program at the Pan-European University defines the goals, selection criteria and method of realization of the elective program, regime of intensive studies, sub-specialization program, mutual compatibility of study programs in the exchange of program content, and the list of elective and optional subjects systematized according to study areas with specific conditions related to the choice and passing of that subject.
Students are obliged to respect the criteria and rules for the implementation of the elective program defined by the Curriculum of the elective and optional study program at the Pan-European University. (Article 56 of the Statute)
The original elective program is a set of electives that are specific to each study group and as such are planned and offered to students within each study program. Whether a particular subject from the original elective program will be taught in the current school year depends on the number of students who chose that subject.
The list of original optional subjects of the Faculty's study programs is given in a separate chapter this publication.
When choosing elective subjects, the student must take into account the following criteria:
- The number of ECTS credit-points from the selected optional subjects must, together with the credit-points from the compulsory study program and the points obtained from other sources of the optional program, provide the prescribed number of ECTS credit-points for the school year (60 ECTS points). The number of elective courses, depending on the Faculty and study group, ranges from one to four elective courses for one school year, while the total number of elective courses that the student will pass depends on the weighting factors of the chosen courses expressed in ECTS points, as well as on the number of ECTS credit points acquired from other sources. A student can choose a smaller number of "harder" subjects, or a larger number of "easier" subjects, or a suitable combination, but the total number of ECTS credit points acquired in the elective program must be greater than or equal to the planned number of ECTS credit points of the elective program for a particular semester.
REMARK: A student in the regime of intensive studies can choose a larger number of elective subjects compared to the number of subjects planned in the curriculum of the study group. The conditions and method of realization of intensive studies are prescribed by the Statute of the Pan-European University and are explained in a separate chapter below.
- Elective courses must be time-transparently distributed in both semesters of one school year so that students do not jeopardize the mastering of the compulsory curriculum in a particular semester (the compulsory curriculum of each semester usually consists of four to six subjects);
- A student cannot choose courses that are conditioned by specific prior knowledge, if he does not possess that knowledge. This criterion is implemented in practice by controlling the fulfillment of prerequisites for access to the subject in accordance with the curriculum of each subject.
- A student cannot choose subjects, which already exist in the compulsory part of the curriculum of his study group, in the higher years of study. The exception is the courses of the 4th year of study, for students who have enrolled in the three-year (six-semester) study of the first cycle, since the three-year study can represent a rounded cycle and the fourth year can also represent the first year of the second cycle.
If such a student continues his education to the fourth year of the first cycle of studies, or enrolls in the second cycle of studies, and has in the elective program of his basic studies passed subjects from the mandatory program of the 4th year, then those subjects are replaced by other subjects that have the character of a mandatory program and which is determined by the dean of the Faculty.
Students who DO NOT REGISTER THE SELECTED ORIGINAL ELECTIVE COURSES BY THE DEADLINES IN THE PRESCRIBED DEADLINES in the prescribed manner (via the survey form, or directly in the student service), are required to take standard elective program for the current school year, which is determined by the Scientific and Teaching Council of the Faculty or at the Senate of the Pan-European University, or to settle the credit points of the elective program from other legitimate sources.
If the chosen subject is not realized in the regular but in the instructional or. consultative teaching, then the scope and type of teaching activities planned for this type of teaching are delivered to the student.
The type of classes that are organized for individual elective subjects is visible in the list of elective subjects adopted by the University Senate for each school year.
The Faculty organizes consultative classes for elective subjects for which less than 10 students.
The faculty organizes instructional classes for the optional subject for which less than 20 students.
The Faculty organizes the full teaching process for optional subjects for which more than 20 students.
The dates of instructional classes that will be organized for individual subjects, as well as the dates of availability of professors for consultations in individual subjects, are published on notice boards or on the website of the Faculty at the University headquarters or in the headquarters of registered organizational units of the University. Instructional and consultative classes for the optional program are generally organized in the last cycle of the winter or summer semester.
(2) Program from compatible study groups
A student can complete an elective program by taking courses from compatible study programs.
A student cannot choose courses that are conditioned by previous knowledge, if he does not have that knowledge. This criterion is implemented in practice by controlling the fulfillment of prerequisites for access to the subject in accordance with the curriculum of each subject.
If the chosen subject is implemented within the regular and compulsory program in certain study programs of other faculties of the Pan-European University, then the student freely joins the group of students on that study program and within the same group overcomes all the teaching obligations provided for that subject.
All students of the Pan-European University have the right to realize their elective or optional program, regardless of which Faculty organizes the teaching process for a specific subject. In the implementation of that program, students have all the rights as if they were enrolled at the same Faculty.
In that case, the elective subject for the student is another or the third subject within one of the teaching blocks/cycles. If the realization of the elective program coincides with the schedule of the compulsory program that the student has in the same teaching block, then the compulsory program has priority, and the student masters the elective program according to the schedule for part-time students or distance education.
The student must take care of the parameters of the schedule of the subjects he has chosen as his electives, which includes:
- global time component (scheduling and planning of an individual subject in one of the teaching blocks/cycles),
- local time component (weekly schedule and associated daily time table),
- spatial component (an appropriate classroom, cabinet or other space where certain teaching or leisure activities for the chosen subject are planned).
The schedule includes i "academic staff component" which is planned for the processing of the corresponding case. In this regard, students were recommended not to choose courses solely according to the criterion of "eligibility" of the assigned academic staff (more flexible or stricter professors) or according to the specific weight of the item (lighter and smaller compared to heavier and bulkier items), but according to their own goals defined during the individualization of studies.
The schedule and dates of optional subjects that represent the regular program of compatible study groups coincide with the regular schedule of those subjects that is published on the notice boards, or on the Faculty's website at the beginning of each semester.
The obligation of students to independently take care of the pre-exam and exam dates for these subjects, which are organized in accordance with the provisions of the Statute in the regular (first) exam period immediately after the end of classes in that subject, is particularly emphasized. in the supplementary (second) period no earlier than 7 days and no later than 15 days after the regular exam period.
Students also have access to general September deadline which is organized for all subjects, and which is intended for taking back exams in order to enable enrollment and transfer to the next school year.
A student can take the exam in extraordinary term (if extraordinary deadlines are approved and organized for the same course) with reimbursement of costs according to the Rules on the amount of study fees and the price of services charged at the University.
If the student fails to participate in the teaching process of certain subjects that he has chosen as his electives, the faculty is NOT OBLIGATED to subsequently organize classes in those subjects. The student is given the opportunity to independently prepare for the specified subject in the distance education system and to access all exam and pre-exam obligations that are organized for the specified subject in regular and extraordinary exam periods and dates, respectively. in the general September term.
(3) Exams taken at other higher education institutions
In accordance with the principle of lifelong learning and recognition of the right to education as a basic human right, the University will enable the extension of education and will not discriminate against students who transfer from another university, or students who have a diploma from their previous education, or students who have passed exams in their previous education any basis. (Article 37 of the Statute)
A student can complete a part of the elective program or the entire program through the committee's recognition of exams taken at other higher education institutions, or at other study programs within the Pan-European University.
The recognition of exams taken at other higher education institutions is done at the Pan-European University by a committee in accordance with the provisions of the University Statute. The student is obliged to send the corresponding request for the recognition of the exam to the dean's office of his organizational unit and to attach it Certificate of passed exams at another higher education institution (Transcript of grades). The student is also obliged to attach i Curriculum of all passed exams or the curriculum of the major or studies he attended at another higher education institution.
Exams taken at other higher education institutions can be recognized for students in the compulsory or optional program. As part of the compulsory study program, the Exam Recognition Committee will recognize all exams passed by the student at other higher education institutions whose content, according to their curriculum, overlaps at least 50% with the curriculum of the corresponding subject studied at the Pan-European University. The student is not obliged to take these subjects during his remaining studies in the enrolled study program.
Courses taken at other higher education institutions which belong to the home study area of the study program which the student enrolled, which are not planned in the regular and original elective program, can also be recognized for students within the elective program, under the name and with the content of those courses at the higher education institutions from which the students come.
The parentage of the study area of the corresponding study program is determined in the licensing process of that program in accordance with the Statute and Rulebook on the classification of scientific areas at the Pan-European University. Compliance with the home study area of subjects that are recognized as optional for the student within the study program that the student enrolled in, as well as the scope of ECTS credit points that are recognized, is determined by the Commission for Exam Recognition, and the corresponding decision on the recognition of those courses is signed by the Dean of the Faculty.
Courses that do not belong to the main study area of the study program the student enrolled in cannot be recognized either in the regular or in the elective program.
(4) Seminar and other student papers.
Students can acquire ECTS credit points in the elective program and through seminar and other works (essays, project works, graduate and specialist theses, master's and doctoral theses, monographs or other publications created in the process of studying, or in the work of students in a from functional organizational units at the Pan-European University) that are defended within one of the subjects of the compulsory program or are independently defended works that meet the prescribed criteria.
Seminar and introductory papers are a specific form of independent student work with topics assigned by a named professor or mentor from the program areas of the subject from which the paper is written. With seminar papers, the student's literacy and methods and techniques of research work are practiced, respectively. use of academic sources, and expand knowledge from the thematic area of the seminar work.
Seminar papers must meet general methodological criteria of academic literacy and standards of correct citation. they must also meet the requirements of the minimum "volume of work" or "work content" which is defined by the mentor's requirements or subject teacher when assigning the topic.
In order for a seminar, entrance or other paper to be recognized as a source of the elective program, it is necessary that it has at least 20 pages of standard A4 format text, that it is prepared according to the prescribed methodology and that the content provides the highest grade (A - 10 - excellent or B - 9 - very good), which is determined by the mandatory defense of the work in front of the student audience, which, together with the professor, participates in the evaluation of the speaker/presenter.
The responsible professor or mentor has the right to nominate as an elective program in the current school year up to 15% of student papers that meet the stated criteria from each individual subject in which this form of student work is foreseen and implemented. Professor or the mentor submits the corresponding list with the names of the papers, authors, defense dates and grades to the dean of the faculty for certification. For all certified papers, an appropriate examination application is opened and the paper is entered under its original title within the elective program in the student booklet/index and in the register book with the corresponding number of ECTS credit points (in accordance with the provisions of the Statute or the Rulebook on the Evaluation of Student Knowledge at Pan-European University). Only defended papers can be evaluated in the ECTS credit system.
The student is obliged to submit the prescribed number of copies of the work in printed form and in electronic form to the Library or. Center for publishing activities of the Pan-European University. Student works that have been verified in the elective program must be permanently stored and cataloged in the University Library. A student cannot obtain the ECTS credit points provided for the preparation of papers, if the papers are not submitted in writing electronic form and if they are not cataloged in the Library of the Pan-European University.
These papers will be published on the university's website, and they will also be nominated for publication in the annual Proceedings of the Pan-European University if the student provides a suitable recapitulation (summary, summary, abstract) in one of the foreign languages studied at the university.
REMARK: Individual student theses (specialist, master's, doctoral) represent a mandatory program in the corresponding study cycle and are scored in accordance with the Curriculum of the individual study program. These papers are defended before academic committees according to the prescribed procedure in accordance with the Statute of the Pan-European University and the corresponding regulations.
(5) Works published in relevant professional and scientific publications
Students can acquire ECTS credits in the optional program and based on works whose subject and content are related to the scientific field of the study group/specialization they are studying and which have been published in relevant professional and scientific publications.
The corresponding number of ECTS credit points assigned to such papers in the elective program is determined by the dean of the Faculty based on the proposal of the responsible professor or. mentor in accordance with the Statute or Rulebook on the evaluation of students' knowledge at the Pan-European University.
The responsible professor or mentor nominates such student works as an elective program to the Dean of the Faculty or organizational units for certification. If the dean of the Faculty accepts the proposal, he issues a corresponding decision. For such certified works, an appropriate examination application is opened, and the work is entered under its original title within the elective program in the student book and register book with the corresponding number of ECTS credit points.
The student is obliged to attach the publication in which the work was published to the Library or. To the Center for Publishing Activities of the Pan-European University, as well as the work itself in electronic form if it is not protected by copyright at the institution that published the work. Student works that have been verified in the elective program must be permanently stored and cataloged in the University Library. A student cannot obtain the ECTS credit points provided for the preparation of papers, if the papers are not cataloged in the University Library.
For individual works such as works within the framework of doctoral studies or doctoral theses may also prescribe stricter conditions for the approval of papers in the elective program related to publication in journals with the appropriate impact factor (impact factor) indexed in the appropriate databases.
(6) Reports or co-reports at professional and scientific meetings
Students can acquire ECTS credit points in the optional program and based on participation in professional and scientific gatherings where they presented papers or. co-reports in the scope of ECTS credits provided by the Statute and Rulebook on the evaluation of students' knowledge of the Pan-European University. The student is obliged to appropriately document participation in the professional or. to the scientific meeting and to document the presentation of the report or of the co-report.
The responsible professor or mentor submits the presented student report as an elective program to the dean of the organizational unit for certification. If the dean of the Faculty accepts the candidate's thesis proposal, he issues the appropriate decision. For such certified works, an appropriate examination application is opened, and the work is entered under its original title within the elective program in the student book and register book with the corresponding number of ECTS credit points.
The student is obliged to submit a paper to the Library or To the Center for Publishing Activities of the Pan-European University in written and electronic form if the reprint is not protected by copyright. Student works that have been verified in the elective program must be permanently stored and cataloged in the University Library.
(7) Work and professional practice
Work and professional practice in companies, agencies and institutions, which was carried out in the prescribed scope, with the prescribed methodology and confirmed by the prescribed documentation, and which was verified by the dean of the faculty, is a source for acquiring ECTS credit points in the elective program.
The corresponding number of ECTS credit points awarded in the elective program based on work and professional practice is determined by the dean of the Faculty in accordance with the Statute or Rulebook on the evaluation of students' knowledge at the Pan-European University.
In order to exercise the right to the recognition of work and professional practice in the optional program, the student is obliged to contact the dean's office of the faculty with a corresponding request and attached report on the completed professional resp. work practice and work diary, as well as the confirmation of the management body of the company, agency, or the institution where the practice was carried out. The student also submits other documents, publications and/or work products proving the quality and results of practical and professional work, if this is possible due to the nature of work and professional practice.
Report on the performed professional or. work practices and the Work Diary must be drawn up on the prescribed form and contain all the required elements. The forms of these two documents can be obtained in writing or in electronic form in the expert services of the dean's office, and they were also published on on the website of the university.
These documents must also be duly certified by the competent authority of the company, agency or the institution where the work was performed or professional practice.
On the basis of the student's request, and on the basis of the attached documentation, the dean of the Faculty makes the appropriate decision based on which the corresponding examination application is opened, which the work or. professional practice is entered in the appropriate section of the student booklet and in the register within the elective program with the corresponding number of ECTS credit points.
(8) Clinical and laboratory practice
Clinical and laboratory practice carried out in the appropriate institutions in the prescribed scope and with the prescribed methodology, and confirmed by the prescribed documentation, verified by the competent professor and/or dean of the faculty, is a source for acquiring ECTS credit points in the elective program.
The corresponding number of ECTS credits awarded in the elective program based on clinical and laboratory practice is determined by the dean of the Faculty in accordance with the Statute or Rulebook on the evaluation of students' knowledge at the Pan-European University.
In order to exercise the right to the recognition of clinical and laboratory practice in the optional program, the student is obliged to apply to the dean's office of the faculty with the appropriate request and the attached Report on the completed practice and work diary, as well as confirmation from the health management authority or laboratory institution where the practice was carried out. The student also submits other documents, publications and/or work products proving the quality and results of the clinical or. laboratory practices, if this is possible due to the nature of this practice.
Report on the performed professional or. work practices and the Work Diary must be drawn up on the prescribed form and contain all the required elements. The forms of these two documents can be obtained in writing or in electronic form in the expert services of the dean's office, and they were also published on on the website of the university.
These documents must also be certified in the prescribed manner by the competent body of the institution where the practice was carried out, as well as by the competent professor or a mentor.
Based on the student's request or on the proposal of the competent professor or mentor, and on the basis of the attached documentation, the dean of the Faculty makes an appropriate decision based on which the corresponding examination application is opened, which clinical or. laboratory practice is entered in the appropriate section of the student booklet and in the register within the elective program with the associated number of ECTS credit points.
(9) Participation in professional or scientific-research projects
Participation in work on professional or scientific-research projects, which is proven by appropriate documents and verified by the competent professor or mentor and/or dean of the faculty, is a source for acquiring ECTS credit points in the elective program.
The corresponding number of ECTS credits awarded in the elective program based on participation in professional or scientific research projects is determined by the dean of the Faculty in accordance with the Statute or. Rulebook on the evaluation of students' knowledge at the Pan-European University.
In order to realize the right to recognition of participation in work on professional or scientific-research projects in the elective program, the student and/or competent professor or mentors are obliged to contact the dean's office of the faculty with the appropriate request and the attached Report on participation in the work on a professional or scientific research project, as well as the confirmation of the competent project manager or. body of the institution that is the project holder. The student also submits other documents, publications and/or work products proving the quality and results of his participation in the project, if this is possible due to the nature of the project.
The report on participation in the work on the project must be prepared on the prescribed form and contain all the required elements. The form of this document in writing or in electronic form can be obtained from the expert services of the dean's office, and it is also published on on the website of the university.
This document must also be certified in the prescribed manner by the competent authority of the institution that is the project holder, the project manager, and the competent professor or. a mentor.
Based on the request of the student and/or competent professor or mentor, and on the basis of the attached documentation, the dean of the Faculty makes an appropriate decision based on which an appropriate examination application for participation in the professional or. scientific-research project, which is entered in the appropriate section of the student booklet and in the register within the elective program with the associated number of ECTS credit points.
(10) Innovations and patents
Innovations and patents that are officially recognized or certified, which are proven by appropriate documents and verified by the competent professor or mentor and/or dean of the faculty, represent a source for acquiring ECTS credit points in the optional program in the scope of ECTS credit points provided by the Statute or Rulebook on the evaluation of students' knowledge at the Pan-European University.
The student is obliged to obtain a minimum of 60 ECTS credit points in the study program during the school year, both from the compulsory study program and from the sources provided for the optional program. The elective program carries the appropriate number of ECTS credit points in accordance with the curriculum of the study program the student enrolled in. The elective program cannot be omitted, because in that case the student will not achieve the required number of ECTS credit points to transfer to the next year of study.
The student plans the content of his elective program independently in the scope provided by the curriculum of the study program he enrolled in. Students can fulfill their obligations based on the elective program in several ways:
- by choosing original optional subjects or modules from the Curriculum of the original elective program for the school year 2014/15, adopted by the University Senate.
- by choosing subjects from other study programs which are conducted at the Pan-European University, provided that these courses are compatible with the study program the student has enrolled in,
- by recognizing the exam which they previously passed at another higher education institution,
- by evaluating seminar and other papers within the electoral program,
- by evaluating work, professional, clinical and laboratory practice, volunteering and internship;
- by evaluating participation in professional or scientific research projects and participation in professional and scientific gatherings.
If the student opts for one of the specializations in the fourth year of study, then instead of the elective program, he must complete the program of the chosen specialization, which in that case replaces the elective program. If a student is enrolled in a four-year study program of the first cycle, he can choose a specialization already in the third year of study, which replaces the elective program of the third and fourth year with a specialist orientation program, while he must take care to achieve the legal minimum of credit points in the current year of study.
The subjects planned in the elective program are covered in the mode of instructional teaching. with processing of all planned teaching activities in abbreviated form. The student prepares a subject for which instructional classes are organized in interaction with the teaching staff and fellow students, where the focus of the preparation is on the student's independent work. At the same time, the student uses all information and communication means, or distance learning technologies introduced at the University, as well as the instruction he received from the teaching staff. In the mode of instructional teaching, at least three exam dates are organized for students, in the same way as when processing the subjects of the compulsory program.
The teaching staff is obliged to familiarize students with the structure of the subject, with specific requirements related to the critical mass of knowledge that are a condition for a passing grade, with exam questions, and with pre-exam obligations that form an integral part of the evaluation of knowledge from the said subject. The professor is obliged, in accordance with the economy of time, to answer the students' questions related to the essential and abstract elements of the curriculum, and to give the students precise instructions related to the basic textbooks and other literature necessary for successfully passing the exam and fulfilling the pre-exam obligations.
Instructive teaching in the election program implies 12 contact teaching hours delivered to students in up to 4 organized terms (2 - 4 weeks). At least two teaching sessions must be organized on Fridays or on Saturdays, in order to be available to part-time students from distant residences. The teaching block in an individual term cannot be longer than 3 hours. As a rule, appointments are organized in the afternoon classes (evening teaching block from 17,00 - 20,00 hours), or in the morning times on Saturdays. If the processing of the optional subject includes exercises, pedagogical workshops or practical work or work practice, these pedagogical activities are organized according to a special schedule.
Method of teaching in modules
Teaching module represents a complex of several pedagogical activities that are performed simultaneously and that provide interdisciplinary knowledge about the content of the module as a whole. A functional and holistic approach is applied when processing teaching units and different educational content in the module. The material provided in the framework of the module is interpreted in a multidisciplinary manner, and the provided pedagogical workshops and practical forms of teaching include all aspects of the subject, ie. areas of application that are interpreted in a unique and comprehensive way. The content of the module is scored according to each planned pedagogical activity, and the grade is given individually for each teaching discipline that is included in the composition of a certain module (each pedagogical activity of the module is recorded separately in the registry books and is reported separately in the grade transcript or in the supplement to the diploma).
As a rule, grades are formed by the council of the teaching staff involved in the processing of a particular module. Students are not allowed, except in exceptional cases, to download parts of modules or to choose individual teaching disciplines that are taught within the framework of teaching modules, as separate optional subjects, they must already pass all the planned pedagogical activities of the module. The reason for studying the teaching contents of the module in the form of a unique teaching unit is the functional and holistic approach to those contents, while the content of individual subjects is generally wider than the content of the same subject that is interpreted within the module.
Scientific disciplines that make up the module can be taken independently only in different cycles (first, second and third cycle) or in different levels of the same cycle (three-year and four-year level I cycle), or if a module containing those disciplines is not organized in the current school year.
A team of several teachers and associates is engaged in the processing of the module's teaching content. Each module has module leader who is responsible for planning and coordinating pedagogical activities within the module. The modules are mastered in a period of 10 - 15 weeks, which depends on the volume and pedagogical content of the module according to a separate plan drawn up by the module leader.
Teaching and translation study program of the Russian language :: Sources of the elective program
Compulsory, elective and optional programs together form a unique study program of the academic year of study. The student is obliged to achieve at least 60 ECTS points in the school year with the compulsory subjects of the study program he enrolled in and the elective program he opted for. (Article 56 of the Statute)
A student of the Pan-European University, during one school year, according to all program and study bases (regular program, elective program, optional program, differential program) cannot acquire more than 75 ECTS credit points. (Article 56 of the Statute)
The optional and optional study program is part of the Curriculum and Program of the Faculty and University.
The student designs an elective program and on that basis acquires ECTS points from several sources:
- by taking original optional subjects that are specific and planned in each study group;
- by taking subjects (compulsory and optional) from compatible study groups;
- by commission recognition of exams passed at other higher education institutions;
- preparation and defense of seminar and other student papers;
- by creating and publishing works in relevant professional and scientific publications;
- papers or co-papers at professional and scientific gatherings;
- work and professional practice in companies, agencies and institutions;
- clinical and laboratory practice in appropriate institutions;
- participation in work on professional or scientific research projects;
- by authorship in innovations and patents ... which are officially recognized or certified;
A student can complete an elective program by taking courses from compatible study programs. The list of compatible study programs is given in tabular form in attached to this program.
A student cannot choose courses that are conditioned by previous knowledge, if he does not have that knowledge. This criterion is implemented in practice by controlling the fulfillment of prerequisites for access to the subject in accordance with the curriculum of each subject.
If the chosen subject is implemented within the regular and compulsory program in certain study programs of other faculties of the Pan-European University, then the student freely joins the group of students on that study program and within the same group overcomes all the teaching obligations provided for that subject.
All students of the Pan-European University have the right to realize their elective or optional program, regardless of which Faculty organizes the teaching process for a specific subject. In the implementation of that program, students have all the rights as if they were enrolled at the same Faculty.
In that case, the elective subject for the student is another or the third subject within one of the teaching blocks/cycles. If the realization of the elective program coincides with the schedule of the compulsory program that the student has in the same teaching block, then the compulsory program has priority, and the student masters the elective program according to the schedule for part-time students or distance education.
The student must take care of the parameters of the schedule of the subjects he has chosen as his electives, which includes:
- global time component (scheduling and planning of an individual subject in one of the teaching blocks/cycles),
- local time component (weekly schedule and associated daily time table),
- spatial component (an appropriate classroom, cabinet or other space where certain teaching or leisure activities for the chosen subject are planned).
The schedule includes i "academic staff component" which is planned for the processing of the corresponding case. In this regard, students were recommended not to choose courses solely according to the criteria of "suitability" of the assigned academic staff (more flexible or stricter professors) or according to the specific weight of the item (lighter and smaller compared to heavier and bulkier items), but according to their own goals defined during the individualization of studies.
The schedule and dates of optional subjects that represent the regular program of compatible study groups coincide with the regular schedule of those subjects that is published on the notice boards, or on the Faculty's website at the beginning of each semester.
The obligation of students to independently take care of the pre-exam and exam dates for these subjects, which are organized in accordance with the provisions of the Statute in the regular (first) exam period immediately after the end of classes in that subject, is particularly emphasized. in the supplementary (second) period no earlier than 7 days and no later than 15 days after the regular exam period.
Students also have at their disposal i general September term which is organized for all subjects, and which is intended for taking back exams in order to enable enrollment and transfer to the next school year.
A student can take the exam in extraordinary term (if extraordinary deadlines are approved and organized for the same subject) with reimbursement of expenses according to the Rules on the amount of study fees and the price of services charged at the University.
If the student fails to participate in the teaching process of certain subjects that he has chosen as his electives, the faculty is NOT OBLIGATED to subsequently organize classes in those subjects. The student is given the opportunity to independently prepare for the specified subject in the distance education system and to access all exam and pre-exam obligations that are organized for the specified subject in regular and extraordinary exam periods and dates, respectively. in the general September term.
Consultative and instructive teaching it is applied in small groups of students, for distance learning students, in one-on-one classes, and for students in graduate and doctoral schools.
Consultative teaching implies up to 6 consultation hours provided to students in a maximum of two organized sessions.
The aim of the consultation is for students to become more familiar with the structure of the course, with specific requirements related to the critical mass of knowledge that are a condition for a passing grade, with exam questions, and with pre-exam obligations that form an integral part of the evaluation of knowledge from the said course. The professor is obliged, in accordance with the economy of time, to answer the students' questions related to the essential and abstract elements of the curriculum, and to give the students precise instructions related to the basic textbooks and other literature necessary for successfully passing the exam and fulfilling the pre-exam obligations.
The student prepares a subject for which consultative teaching is organized on its own where he uses all information and communication means, or distance learning technologies introduced at the University, as well as the instructions he received in consultation with the teaching staff.
Instructive teaching implies up to 12 contact-teaching hours delivered to students upwards 4 organized appointment. Instructive teaching means in abbreviated form all planned teaching activities that are organized according to the program for a specific subject, and which can include the following categories: contact classes, exercises, seminar and other practical works and pedagogical workshops (of various types) that are organized within one subject. Professional and clinical practice hours may or may not be included in the allocated pool of instructional hours.
Instructive teaching also implies that students are introduced to specific requirements related to the critical mass of knowledge that are a condition for a passing grade, with exam questions, with pre-exam obligations that form an integral part of the evaluation of knowledge from the specified subject, and that students are given precise instructions related to the basic textbooks and other literature necessary for successfully passing the exam and fulfilling the pre-exam requirements.
The student prepares a subject for which instructional classes are organized in interaction with the teaching staff and fellow students, where the focus of the preparation is on the student's independent work. The active participation of the student in mastering instructional classes is the subject of evaluation and forms part of the student's final grade in accordance with the course curriculum and the Student Regulations.