Cabinet of the "Russian Peace" fund
The Russian language office was opened at the Pan-European University "Apeiron" in 2012. The goal of the Cabinet is to help everyone who wants to learn the Russian language, as well as to popularize the Russian language among non-philological students and students.
Dedicated to these goals, the Cabinet organized the opening of a Russian library at the Pan-European University "Apeiron", which contains artistic, educational, lexicographic and encyclopedic publications.
In addition, in recent years, the Cabinet organizes cultural and educational programs at both the faculty and university level.
In 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024, the Cabinet of the Russian Language organized and implemented the following events:
Международная студенческая научно-практическая конференция "The Image of Russians in Serbian Literature".
April 13, 2024 With the support of the "Russian Peace" Foundation, the International Student Scientific and Practical Conference "Image of Russians in Serbian Literature" was held at the Faculty of Philology of the Pan-European University "Apeyron".
The center of international partnership of Tyumenskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (Tyumen, Russia) was the co-organizer of the conference.
The conference was devoted to the question of the interpretation of images of Russia and Russians in Serbian literature and culture. At the plenary session, chaired by Professor Branimir Čovič, Vice-Rector for International Relations of the Tyumen State University Ekaterina Sečenova, Professor of the Faculty of Philology of the University "Apeiron" Larisa Čovič, Dean of the Faculty Katarina Drzaič-Laketič addressed the participants with welcoming words
The first guests of the conference were Gennady Nikolaevich Chebotaryov, president of the Public Chamber of the Tyumen region and Sergej Sergeevich Kozlov, editor of the newspaper "Tyumenskaya oblast' segodnya".
Two sections were held within the framework of the conference for students from the Republic of Serbia and Russia. The section "Cultural-historical and spiritual ties between Russia and Serbia" took place in Tyumen. Section "Russian peace in the Serbian language space" - at the Faculty of Philology in Banya-Luka.
The students dedicated their papers to the current issues of Russian and Serbian literature, the interpretation of Russian and Russian images in Serbian artistic literature and Serbian periodicals, and the creation of Russian writers M.A. Sholohova, A.P. Chekhova, M.E. Saltykova-Shedrina, F.M. Достоевского. Особую роль заняли доклады о двухном просвещении и аспектах изучения русского языка в сербоязычной auditorii.

Day of Slavic writing
A literary evening dedicated to the work of Yesenin
On May 24, 2023, the Faculty of Philology of the Pan-European University "Apeiron" (Banya-Luka, Republika Srpska) celebrated the Day of Slavic Literature (Day of Saints Cyril and Methodius).
In addition, a literary evening dedicated to the work of Yesenin was held. Professor Branimir Čovič dedicated his speech to Sergej Esenin, accompanying it with video clips of romances based on the poet's verses, as well as fragments from the feature film "Esenin". Students recited poet's verses.

9 May 2023
Students of the Philological Faculty of the Pan-European University participated in the Besmertnyi Polk movement in 2023. Aspirant of our faculty, teacher of Russian language and literature in high school, Borislav Marič, giving an interview to the central television station, emphasized the importance of this movement in memory of the victims and participants of the Great Patriotic War in the territories of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Это марш молодого поколения, потомков, которые помнят и чтят героев, отстоявших svobodu strany i особоводивших ее от фашистов.

Slovenian Literacy Day
On May 24, Apeiron Pan-European University held a festive event dedicated to the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, held jointly with the Tambov State Technical University.
The vice-rector for international activities of Tambov State Technical University Elena Mishenko, director of the National Library (Srbac, Republika Srpska) Branko Savanovic, professor of the Pan-European University "APEJRON" (Banja-Luka, Republika Srpska) Larisa Čovič addressed the guests of the event with a welcoming letter. , teacher of the Russian language and literature of the secondary economic school (Daboj, Republic of Serbia) Borislav Marič.
Na vstreche obsuzhdalis' istoki i tradiciii przdnovania Day of Slavic literature and culture, the role of writing in the culture of Slavic peoples. The history of the monuments of Slavic writing was highlighted in the report of Professor Branimir Čovič of the Pan-European University "APEJRON" (Banja-Luka, Republika Srpska).
Students of the Pan-European University "APEJRON" talked about their love for Russian culture and wished the foreign students of TGTU success in the study of the Russian language.
The guests of the festival were the folklore ensemble "Bereginya" and the Tambov military-historical club "Srednevekovye", demonstrating the cultural and historical traditions of the Slavic peoples.
There was a dialogue that demonstrated the regularity of the historic and spiritual path of the Slavic peoples.

Celebrating Victory Day - May 9
On May 11, 2022, students of the Faculty of Philology of the Pan-European University took an active part in the celebrations of the victory of the Red Army and the Soviet people over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War. Bessmertnyi polk sixvoval and in the city of Banya-Luka, Republika Srpska.
At the Philological Faculty of the Pan-European University, there was an event dedicated to the Victory Day celebration, organized jointly with the Tambov Polytechnic University. Serbian and Tambov students performed the song "Katyusha", read in Russian the poem "Я – правнучка героев той победы", written by the Tambov schoolgirl Anastasia Tatarinceva, it is simply impossible to read without tears, which makes everyone think about the present and the past, about life and death. about peace and about the future. Students told about their loved ones who participated in the Second World War.

Russian Language Day at the Faculty of Philological Sciences in 2021.
June 2021, XNUMX в Panъевропейской универстите Apeiron passed a holiday dedicated to the day of the Russian language. Students and teachers of the philological faculty took part in the event. Праздник открыли четением любимых стихотворений A.S. Pushkin, to whom students of the second course, graduates and even teachers have joined. The love lyrics of the great Russian poet proved to be the most popular: Irina Mudrinich recited the poem "Ty and Vy", Tatiana Džukić, Gorana Dragoevič and Bosilka Grčić performed the famous "Letter of Tatiana to Onegin", communication teacher Nataša Serikov not only recited the poem "Don't sing, beauty, при мне» в оригинал, но и поделиась своим хужожественным переводом. In addition, graduate Nataša Vučkovič read the rebel's "Uznik", and fourth-year student Jovana Janičič chose the famous entry to the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" for her performance. Professor Branimir Čovič concluded the event with the lesson "Russian language from Pushkin to our days".

Conference "New and traditional in translation and teaching of the Russian language as a foreign language" 2021.
On March 5-6, the international online conference "New and traditional translation and teaching of the Russian language as a foreign language" took place at the Apeiron Pan-European University. 83 participants from 12 countries presented their works in Russian and English. Participants had the opportunity to present their research in one of three sections:
- Problemy i perspektivy distancionnogo opulennia russkomu yazyku kak inostrannomu;
- Translation, language and culture;
- Section of young students.

A literary evening dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of Sergei Yesenin
On December 4, the "Apeiron" Pan-European University held a Literary Evening in memory of S.A. Yesenina. The attache of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Bosnia and Herzegovina Anastasiya Vladimirovna Gajdalenok and the executive director of the Representative Office of the NGO "Russian Humanitarian Mission" in the Balkans Branimir Nešič were present at the holiday. The NGO "Russian Humanitarian Mission" gave 600 books as a gift to the Pan-European University, including classic and contemporary artistic productions of Russian authors, as well as teaching aids in the Russian language as well as foreign ones. At the dinner, professor of the Pan-European University "Apeiron" Branimir Čovič read a lesson about the life and work of S.A. Esenina, and students 1-4 of the course prepared a speech and read the poems of S.A. Esenina in Russian and Serbian.

Test TruD 2020
On October 17, students of the Faculty of Philology of the Pan-European University Apeiron took part in the educational project TruD. All tests were written by seven students from the first to the fourth course.

Russian language summer school 2020
Занятия Летней школы русского языка проходили в период с 3 по 27 августа. В 2020 году занятия Летней школы был священы изучению жизни и творчеству русской поетессы Зеребряного века Анна Андреевны Ахматовой.
Ten practical classes and two lecture classes of 90 minutes were carried out in total.
After completing the school, the students took part in the creative project "My Anna Akhmatova".
"Anna Akhmatova is called one of the most significant figures in Russian literature of the XNUMXth century. Но, по моему мнению, она представляла из себя нечто большее».
"Ahmatova grew up as an individualist, and the face of life gave her the nickname "wild girl" more often in Sevastopol, because she did not spend her days like other children. This already hinted in childhood that she would not follow others in life, and budet pervoj v svoëm rode».
"Anna Akhmatova's life is similar to the life of the heroine of the novel. Яркая личность, сопротивляющаяся всевозможным клише».
«Она всегда была свообдона духом, который не мог укладываться в рамки общества того времени. In the time when it was prescribed that girls and women should know themselves, she played in her own way, studied in her own way, wrote in her own way and loved in her own way. Быть таким человеком, как тогда - как и сейчас, значит всегть боъектом критики с стороны други лудей, и еје всегда критиковали. Every direction she took put her at a crossroads and every choice brought painful consequences.
«Я не уверена, о чем стоит сказать в первую очередь. About the fact that Akhmatova wrote her first poem at the age of 11, or that she came to find another family for the sake of her love.
«Новая фамилия несла с собой новую жизнь - жизнь поетессы, которая с своими стихотворениями бросалась с лодки в открытое море и купалась в время сторма - женщина в мужском мире. In love, she burned to such a degree that her skin came off... but she never lost herself».
«Я byla прожена тем, какие она писала красные любовные стихи, одной строны, и жесткую сосальную критику - with the other. Ее любовные стихи рассказывают нам об истинных чувствах и сомнениях, которые есть у каждого из нас. On the other hand, the criticism of Stalin's terror must produce a strong impression on every reader. На мой взгляд, ee можно назвать героиней феминистой литуратуры. This is related to the fact that in Anna Akhmatova we see all the strength of a female character».
"Living and working in that period, when Akhmatova lived and created, was quite difficult. These verses, in which she masterfully depicted the period of difficult times, speak sufficiently about the images of the lives and sufferings of others. I was most impressed by the history of the monument, and more precisely, the fact that Anna Akhmatova expressed her desire to establish a monument in the city where she spent a lot of time, where human suffering was most pronounced, in the city where people lost their loved ones and where they left the deepest traces of their suffering».
«Еє внешность была такой холодной но в еје поемах можно увидеть что у неје была очень нежная душа».
«So svoej malicestvennoj krasotoj i regalstvennoj osanka, smuglaya, s otčetlivoj gorbinka na nosu, she always followed her line, and became one of the most bright and talented poets of the Silver Age. She wrote poems, even when they didn't support those whom she loved more than anything, and when it was dangerous for her life and the lives of those close to her, and she always wrote poems, unlike any other."
«Мне наравится, что она жила tak, kak hotela. Она не боялась чужого мнения. She loved many times and in every love she learned something new. She was not afraid of risk and stayed true to herself until the end of life».
«Она отличалась от других, жила в свої собственном мире, и этот мир меня удивляет».

Literary evening April 2019
As part of the literary evening dedicated to AS Pushkin, a tribute was held by Prof. Dr. Branimir Čović and the performance of students.

Student conference November 2019
The conference was dedicated to teaching Russian as a foreign language and translation. Within the framework of the conference, 4 scientific presentations were announced in the "translation" section on the following topics: "Translation of libretto as a variety of artistic translation", "Formation of translation skills in the Russian language, both foreign and native", "Problems of translation of phraseology and proverbs in the novel" M. Gorky's "Mother" in Serbian", "Perevodcheskii komentarij kak sposob interpretacii hudozhestvennogo text".
And 2 scientific presentations in the section "Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language" on the topics: "Verbs to come, to come: differences between elements of the synonymic link", "Description and compilation of dictionary articles in the Russian-Serbian dictionary".
Students from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Russia participated in the conference.

A literary evening dedicated to the 220th anniversary of AS Pushkin

In the "Zdravo" club, students studying the Russian language meet with students to put themselves in the role of a teacher of the Russian language. Students can take the first steps in learning the Russian language and, perhaps, decide to connect their future life with it.
In June 2018, proofreader Anna Matočkina in cooperation with students Miroslava Lukajić, Nataša Vučković, Aleksandra Milunović, Bojana Čibrilović, Ana Ždero published their own newspaper.
In December 2019, lecturer Anna Matočkina together with FFN students prepared comics on current topics from the Russian language.