Vocational academies

The Pan-European University for the development of lifelong studies and permanent professional education and training develops appropriate professional academies outside the framework of the study programs for which it has received a work permit. The university organizes professional academies independently or within the framework of agreements with other academies, universities and universities from the country and abroad, for which it will provide personnel, technical and organizational services.

Persons who are included in the educational process of professional academies do not have the status of students. Upon completion of vocational education cycles, these persons receive appropriate certificates/certificates of completed vocational education and training.

The university holds the license of the Pearson VUE authorized test center through which candidates can acquire a large number of internationally recognized certificates in various fields.


Are you interested in computer graphics, video production, sound, digital photography or computer animation? Apeiron University is launching a very attractive one-year vocational academy "Matrix", where these fields are practically studied within 180 school hours. Basic knowledge of computer work is required for attending classes...

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