He was the director of the IT company Hitachi in the Republic of South Africa, he taught at Peking University, worked for T-Mobile in Austria and Germany, and today he is the manager of the application software of Unikredit Group in Croatia.
Krunoslav Ris from Osijek, who at only 37 years old has over 400 projects worldwide in the field of information technology and an impressive resume, is in the management position of application software of the Unikredit Group throughout Croatia. "I rounded off the complete knowledge I acquired during my undergraduate and master's studies with the acquired experience and resulted in skills and competencies that opened my way to the world. Apeiron is the place where my success begins, says Kruno who is now in doctoral studies at his home faculty, the Faculty of Information Technologies of Apeiron University. He started his career with his own companies in the field of information technologies, was a university lecturer at the International Institute of Education in Beijing, and was the director of the IT sector of the Hitachi company in the Republic of South Africa. As an information technology engineer, he worked for Siemens, T-Mobile Austria, T-Mobile Germany, for the company Sonatel in Senegal. "Temerity and the desire to reach the maximum in the field I dedicated myself to led me to doctoral studies. "I am boldly stepping towards a new experience that will certainly be carried by more responsible people with the title of Doctor of Science", adds Krunoslav.

Nemanja Marić is a successful manager of several multinational companies based in China. He was educated in well-known international schools in China and France, and he obtained a university degree in economics from the Faculty of Business Economics of the Pan-European University Apeiron, using a modern combination of distance learning study models and contact mentoring and research. Lives and works in Beijing.
"It is my desire to continue academic and professional development, scientific research and cooperation at my home university, Apeiron, for a master's degree in economics, because my university education has helped me a lot in practice in various managerial jobs and large international projects on the Asian continent and globally - he emphasized is Nemanja and invited interested students and the business community in the Western Balkans to express their interest in establishing a more dynamic cooperation with China within the Central European Initiative 16+1"
Snežana Ružičić, mayor of the Jezero municipality, obtained a degree in law from our Faculty of Legal Sciences. For several years, she worked in the Council of the People of the Republika Srpska, in the department for legislative and legal affairs, and has extensive experience on projects of the International Community in the field of ecology and tourism.
When she talks about education, the principal points out that general and operational knowledge are extremely important in this process, and that by going through the curriculum with top teachers and lecturers, she came up with a modern approach to legal science, which combines basic studies with legal clinics. , practical teaching and student research papers. "This kind of combinatorics gives you the readiness to give an adequate answer to the employers who are waiting for you", is the message of the mayor to future lawyers.

This is the message of thirty-year-old Ajdin Mešić, who is the leading production manager of the company Cromex doo Prijedor and the manager of multimillion-dollar international development projects. Ajdin is an ideal representative of the generation of young people who accepted the modern challenges of dynamic changes in business, technology and education and became successful experts. He permanently returned to BiH from Croatia 6 years ago. After completing his bachelor's degree in economics in Zagreb, he got a job in the renowned BiH company Cromex doo Prijedor, which deals with metal processing and currently has about 40 employees and is export-oriented to the markets of the EU, EFTA and CEFTA countries. Two years ago, he successfully completed his master's studies at the Faculty of Business Economics of Apeiron University. The primary goal of his research under the mentorship of Professor Sanel Jakupović was related to the role and importance of CAD/CAM technologies and the CIM concept on the efficiency of business systems in the metal industry sector in BiH, which helped him to successfully apply the acquired knowledge and scientific methods in the company where he employed. He is the coordinator of the joint project of the CROMEX company, the PREDA Development Agency and APEIRON University for the development of the quality system and marketing strategy in the parent company.
"I want to continue my training and scientific research at Apeiron University as part of a doctoral study in business logistics, which is specifically oriented towards the application of scientific methods in the management of business logistics systems," stressed Ajdin and called on young people from BiH to make a decision about going abroad well think and act actively on their own training, education and training to start their own business opportunity and stay in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Armina Đuzel is a senior expert associate for normative legal affairs in the Department for Execution of Criminal Sanctions of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Srpska.
At the Faculty of Legal Sciences of the "Apeiron" University, she obtained a degree in law, and at the same faculty she is also attending master's studies.
Through the curriculum, our students for the future profession have provided both general and operational knowledge in the field of innovative classical legal sciences with a pragmatic and contemporary approach to legal science.
Because Law is universal!

Fahrudin Sabljaković, a young man from Cazin since his student days, was included in that part of the youth who had no ambition to leave their country as soon as they got their diploma and title.
I wanted to stay in my Cazin. I love the city and the people, and I knew that I needed a quality education to be able to look for a job among my fellow citizens. Cazin is full of intellectuals of various profiles with brilliant careers, and my ambitions were to catch up with them. I could only do that with knowledge, the right competencies and skills. I entered the Faculty of Law at the Pan-European University "Apeiron" in Banja Luka in 2009. At that time, I was not yet fully aware of what this higher education institution could offer me. I was an active member of the Student Parliament, I tried to use everything I could in those four years of study. I attended all the lecturers' lectures that the University organized for us, which were not related to teaching, and were closely related to the profession I wanted to pursue. I graduated on the topic "The role of the police, the judiciary and other protection entities in the prevention of violence against children in the family" and obtained the title of graduate lawyer. In the same year, I enrolled in the master's degree under the mentorship of prof. dr sci med Aleksandar Milić on the topic Extensity and intensity of psychological expertise in court proceedings and defended it with a grade of 10 in 2016. Everything I learned at the Pan-European University was a ticket for the Municipal Court of Bosanska Krupa to open the door for my professional career, and I am currently doing an internship specialization for the possibility of continuing to work professionally, and I am also preparing for the bar exam, said Fahrudin.
This young master of legal sciences said that the most important thing for him was that he was able to stay in his country and among the people he grew up with. The condition for this is to find adequate employment, which is not always possible. I managed to enter the business world and the job I love with the help of a lot of knowledge that I acquired through both theoretical and practical classes during my studies, and we had plenty of it. Our teachers were excellent lecturers whose goal was to teach us in the right way what will be required of us in the real world of law enforcement, and to use our skills and acquired scientific knowledge to make our hometown a better place to live, Fahrudin added.
GRADUATED AT APEIRON THEN CONTINUED DOCTORAL STUDIES IN VIENNA AND AT APEIRON Katica Tomić completed her four-year studies of the first cycle at the Faculty of Legal Sciences of the Pan-European University. She successfully defended her master's thesis at the same Faculty. The trust of this extraordinary young woman remained at Apeiron University and in her doctoral studies, and in the next few days it will be her turn to defend her doctoral dissertation. However, she also enrolled in doctoral studies at the Faculty of Law of the University of Vienna, Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Universität Wien, and is successfully completing them.
She is employed at the Rechtsanwälte BVM law office in Vienna. Katica Tomić's scientific publications: Product intervention of supervisory authorities in financial services, Insurance-based investment products in the EU legal framework are present in world scientific journals. The latest papers from 2017, Arbitration in insurance industry and Moderne technologien und Bankassurance, were accepted in the journals Young arbitration review -YAR, Lisbon, Portugal, and Versicherungsgeschichte Österreichs, Vienna.

The Faculty of Law opened the door to the business world in Dublin
Watch the story of Julijana Delač, our student from Croatia, who lives and works in Ireland today
Pan-European University Apeiron was my choice mostly because of the degree which, as its name suggests, is recognized throughout Europe. I financed my studies then by working in an accounting office, acquiring my financial knowledge partly at work, partly at university. After I graduated and obtained a bachelor's degree in law, i.e. degree in law, I moved to Ireland. Although my knowledge of English was already at a high level thanks to my previous education, it is difficult to perfect a business foreign language without additional practice and education. My first job was in the hospitality industry where I honed my conversational English with the hosts with a strong Irish accent and with that I began to explore the possibilities of a more "serious" career. I realized that as a lawyer it is difficult for me to look for a job, even though it is an EU member state, Common Law is still very much represented here, as well as the condition that legal activity can only be performed by a person who speaks the native Irish language, i.e. Gaelic. Given that I did not see my opportunity in that field, I found out that with additional education, I could possibly work as a "Legal Secretary", which is a lawyer's secretary who should have complete knowledge of the Irish legal system, and that is a job that is very well paid and highly respected.
In the meantime, I discovered that bookkeeping is actually one of the most valued and sought after because - few people like bookkeeping, but everyone needs it. As a job from my student days, it was extremely interesting to me and I decided to find a way to incorporate that activity here. I completed a short course in the basics of bookkeeping in order to master the terminology, and that's when my search for the right job began. Very quickly, I received an invitation to an interview from an employment agency, where they let me know that the mere fact that I graduated from a recognized law school was enough to distinguish me from the sea of candidates, especially since I indicated in my resume which fields I covered - along with all professional legal subjects, domestic and international, also economics, philosophy, history, sociology, informatics and foreign languages. Another advantage for me was my expressed desire to progress in that area, which I demonstrated by attending an additional course, as well as the stated plan to continue my education by enrolling in ACCA studies. The third was previous work experience, which is always an advantage, but not a condition when applying for the so-called junior or trainee trainee positions. Two rounds of interviews led me to my current position as an accountant trainee, where I am honing my knowledge for further education and, despite everything, I am preparing to finish my master's studies at Apeiron in the near future. When enrolling at the world-renowned ACCA, even two courses are recognized with a master's degree from the Pan-European University "Apeiron", related to "company law", which is a great recognition for the institution as well as a significant financial relief.
So, to summarize, until the moment you come to Ireland and decide to find a good job in the field you are interested in, it is advisable to enroll in any course, online or at one of their many faculties, a workshop, an internship. It is also advisable to find any job at the beginning, in order to improve your communication skills and learn some of the desired phrases, because here "small talk" is especially important when getting to know each other and making a good impression. Positive approach to work and "I can do" attitude to tasks. Put a lot of emphasis on education in the resume, because sometimes after the student obligations are over and the diploma is on the wall, it is easy to forget how impressive it is to overcome all those steps, and many employers out there are eager to hear what qualities and knowledge we bring with us from our homeland, and often they are much more complex and useful than the education that people have in the West.
Vedran Šupuković, director of the handball club Prvo plinarsko društvo Zagreb, defended his doctoral dissertation at the Pan-European University in early June and obtained the title of Doctor of Economic Sciences.
"I wanted the crown in academic education, the degree of Doctor of Science, at the University that, through an expert team of experts, and through a great plan and program, would give me a guarantee for continuing to achieve top business results. A university education is invaluable in the work I do, and with my new title, I remain in club projects with different enthusiasm and ideas," said Vedran, who was on the Board of Directors of the handball club in Zagreb for many years.
Vedran has a master's degree in economic sciences at the Pan-European University, and he completed his basic studies in Dubrovnik at the renowned Faculty of Tourism and Foreign Trade. For seven years, he was the general director of CIAK, the largest secondary waste disposal company in Croatia, which also trades in auto parts.

Anton Petričević received his doctorate at "Apeiron" and was elected assistant professor at a Croatian university.
Anton Petričević, after completing his doctoral studies at our Faculty of Legal Sciences, was elected as an assistant professor at the Department of Labor Law and Social Sciences of the Faculty of Law of Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek. Anton completed his master's studies at the Pan-European University and both diplomas were certified by the Agency for Science and Higher Education Zagreb (ENIC-NARIC office). As a student, he showed a fondness for scientific and research work, and his areas of scientific interest are protection against discrimination and mobbing in the workplace and legal protection of persons with special needs.
I actively participate in national and international scientific conferences, and I adopted scientific education and the right guidelines for quality at "Apeiron" University, said Assoc. Dr. Anton Petričević and added that he did research for the purposes of his doctoral dissertation even in Japan - University of Tokyo, Faculty of law.
Aleksandar Galić, fitness coach of the First League of the "Emirates" Football Club in the United Arab Emirates (Ras Al Khaimah) in mid-July at the Faculty of Sports Sciences earned the title of graduate professor of physical education.
On the way from being a player, to being a fitness coach, to being a professor, sports dominated my life. When you work with people and you have to get the most out of the players physically, and the focus is on their health, you have to give an adequate response. It was this academic crown that gave me a different, more comprehensive view of what is required in sports and what is expected from sports. Competences through four years of excellent academic studies have perfected and equipped me so that in the future I can devote myself to sports and with different social groups, especially people with special needs. This creates the feeling that I have overcome myself in one light, actually opened other paths for upgrading my personal professional career - Aleksandar points out.
He has been working on the physical preparation of Emirates football players for five years. The fitness coach was previously at OFK Belgrade, but also at FK Radnički – Kragujevac.
As a young forward, he played for Partizan and Borac from Banja Luka.
Throughout my studies, I had high expectations from the teaching staff, and in sports terms, from the knowledge in the "final", and from how useful and necessary it will be. It is very likely that I will continue my academic journey in the Master's study of the study program Sport in targeted groups at the Faculty of Sports Sciences of the Pan-European University, concludes Aleksandar.

Rada Kovač - graduated in mechanical engineering and our master's student in Business Management.
"Many engineering problems, which I encountered in practice, required knowledge of economics in order to arrive at the most optimal solution. Nowadays, engineers are required, in addition to technical knowledge, to know other scientific disciplines in order to successfully implement various projects, optimize processes, reduce production costs and increase efficiency," highlights Rada Kovač. Rada is now a student at the Master's program of the University "Apeiron", and in 2019 she graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
He currently performs the function of production supervisor of the company MAHLE Electric Drives Bosnia, with a representative office in Laktaši. This position involves managing a production team of about 60 people. "My main task is to ensure maximum efficient production, while constantly preserving the quality and safety of employees. The function I perform and the daily problems I encountered led me to expand my knowledge in the field of economics, and the Entrepreneurial Management course at "Apeiron" University seemed like the right choice.
The Pan-European University offers a large selection of courses adapted for all of us, who work in "hybrid" jobs, where it is not enough to know only one scientific field. In addition, this university provides high flexibility and modern ways of learning that help busy students to balance their work, private and student commitments in the most optimal way possible. The company MAHLE, where our Rada is employed, is a leading international supplier for the automotive industry based in Germany and their products are installed in every other vehicle around the world. They achieved sales in the amount of almost 10 billion euros and have 72 employees.