Digital education
Pan-European APEIRON University conducts the educational process as a synthesis and combination of classical educational forms innovated in the form of interactive teaching and modern educational forms of digital education of the new generation, technologically strongly supported by information and communication ICT technologies.

The institution implements an integrated mixed learning model (blended learning) which assumes a synthesis of contact teaching, digital online teaching, distance education and mobile education, i.e. synthesis of different forms of delivery of teaching content, different teaching methods and educational styles in which problem-based learning, project-based learning, symbiotic learning and research are preferred, that is, practical work.
Types of teaching implemented at Pan-European University "APEIRON":
1.1. Contact teaching
(classes with live lectures with the physical presence of teachers and students)
1.2. Digital online teaching
Part of the live lectures that take place in the form of classical classes with the physical presence of teachers and students are broadcast in parallel via online internet projection in the university's Microsoft Teams system on the appropriate channel to which the course belongs (this type of class is organized for courses in which the attendance of more than 50 students).
This introduces the spatial-asynchronous model of the digital teaching process, as an additional form of support for the category of students who are unable, due to a whole series of reasons, to consume the teaching process directly from the classroom.
Ways of conducting digital online classes:
- broadcasting contact classes from the classroom or other teaching space;
- broadcast of non-contact classes from the classroom, cabinet or other contracted space.
1.3. Digital teaching in the distance education system
(full spatio-temporal asynchronous model of digital education, all teaching and program activities are recorded, teaching is supported by software interactions in the LMS system, teaching is supported by multimedia presentations and other learning resources, limited dialog system of interactive teaching is supported by digital online consultations)
Recordings of all lectures and other pedagogical activities and events in classical teaching for all subjects can be found in the university's Microsoft Teams system, no later than two days after the day of those lectures. Recordings are placed on the appropriate channel to which the item belongs. Students will be able to watch lectures unlimitedly at any time by accessing the university's Microsoft Teams system.
This introduces a full spatio-temporal asynchronous model of digital education, as a supplementary form of support for students who were not able to consume the teaching process.
Students also have at their disposal processed recordings of all lectures for a specific subject from the last three school years (Learning Cubes 4.0. - university software platform of the distance learning system) and a recording of complete current lectures of each subject of a particular study program.

Material support for digital education
All classrooms at the Pan-European University, both in the headquarters and in the licensed departments of the university, are digitized and equipped with multimedia equipment for the acquisition of digital content and with professional teleconference, i.e., telecommunication equipment, which enables the application of the most modern methods of conducting the teaching process of distance learning. The laboratory for information and communication technologies is specially equipped for the development and maintenance of Internet services introduced at the University, as well as for the development of multimedia applications and information security systems.
An integral university information system and a distance education support information system were introduced at the Pan-European University.
2.1. Holding live consultations
At the end of the completed lecture cycle, a block of live consultations is organized for all subjects and modules within the last lecture period, which is intended for holding consultations and preparing for exams.
2.2. Holding online consultations
Mandatory online consultations are organized before each exam period. Mandatory online consultations are carried out according to the published schedule, as a rule, in one teaching block within the week preceding the week of exam dates.
In addition to pre-exam online consultations, students also have the right to continuous online consultations with teaching staff.
As a rule, online consultations are carried out through written or electronic mail, through other telecommunication and programming tools within the MS Teams application (announcements, chat/messages, notifications, meetings, collaborative work), then through the Microsoft Mail service established at the university and by telephone way.
Continuous consultations, which are carried out in written form, are published by the teacher in response to student inquiries posted via e-mail messages or text messages on the course channel. The teacher's answers to one student are gradual to all other students in the group.
The plan for holding consultations is published on the faculty's bulletin board and on the university's website.
More detailed instructions related to joining and using the Microsoft Mail service and MS Teams tools are published on the university's website in a special instruction entitled "Microsoft Teams for Education - Quick Start Guide for Students". Regarding the use of digital services at the Pan-European University, first-year students undergo special training in the course called "Study Orientation", which is usually organized at the beginning of the academic year.

As information channels, all courses are already open in the MS Teams system within groups made up of faculties or organizational units of the university. Logging (registration) into the Microsoft Teams service system is done directly from the university website. To log in, it is necessary to know your own username and access password, which were previously opened by the service for all teachers and all students.
All lectures, exams and all other teaching activities, including teaching activities carried out in classrooms, clinics or on the field (such as activities in sports sciences) are recorded, then digitally processed in the Laboratory for Information and Communication Technologies and finally are optimized for distribution in a distance learning system and for control functions.
In order to provide textbook support for the distance learning system, "APEIRON" University, as a licensed publisher, provided all textbooks, presentations and other written sources in electronic form and published them both in written form and in electronic form of the WEB edition.
To every student through the distance learning system Learning Cubes 4.0. are available:
- video recordings of all lectures, and recordings of exercises and other teaching activities for each individual subject, including presentations used during teaching activities in a single timeline;
- audio recordings, that is, audio excerpts from recorded lectures;
- textbooks in hypertext electronic form and PDF format;
- all other written sources used in processing the case are also available in electronic form;
- electronic presentations of all teaching content;
- audio versions of individual textbooks;
- video clips, animations, series of photographs and slides in electronic form used as supplementary educational resources;
- access to licensed databases, scientific periodicals and access to licensed knowledge bases subscribed to by the Pan-European University;

All students of the Pan-European University "APEIRON" are provided with full access to the distance learning system. Each student receives user data for accessing the multimedia contents of the courses belonging to him.
Materials within the system are logically organized, which allows users easy use and satisfaction in work. Learning Cubes 4.0 Distance learning system reduces travel costs for students, solves accessibility to textbooks and presentations, and gives learning flexibility in every aspect.
The Learning Cubes 4.0 distance learning system represents an upgrade of classroom teaching, be it classical teaching or teaching supported by ICT and computer multimedia, with the aim of enriching knowledge in a new and interesting way, giving the possibility of full control over the management of multimedia content published within the distance learning system. .
About 10000 hours of video materials of recorded teaching activities have been published in the distance learning system!
Office 365
Students, teachers and administrative staff can use all applications from the Microsoft Office 365 package, which enables free use of Microsoft e-mail services, editing and storing documents online, the possibility of holding web conferences and sharing documents, which further intensified communication and increased productivity of the academic process.
The Office 365 package includes:
- Outlook - student email address with additional benefits
- Office applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote)
- Web services (OneDrive, Teams, SharePoint and many others)
- Skype for Business
- Cloud services
- Microsoft Teams

Outlook is a service for sending emails and is an integral part of the Office 365 package offered by Microsoft, organization of tasks, calendar and organization of contacts. Outlook is a package that includes Outlook mail, Outlook calendar, Outlook people and Outlook tasks. The university has a long-standing cooperation with the Microsoft company, and for this reason, students receive a student e-mail from the university with which they have additional benefits on the Internet. A large number of services offer free services to students.

Office applications
The Microsoft subscription that the university offers free to students includes a suite of Office applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote). This package is available to students on the web application, and students also have the option to download these applications for the Windows operating system for 5 different devices.

Cloud services
Office 365 includes services that are hosted on a Microsoft server (cloud). Some of these services include a 1TB (terabyte) OneDrive for data storage, a SharePoint application that allows file sharing between contacts.

Microsoft Teams
MS Teams is a Microsoft service for advanced online communication. It allows holding interactive video sessions, sharing documents, recording events or any other interaction. MS Teams is the primary system of the university "APEIRON" for conducting digital online classes.

Academic electronic services
Students use the following academic electronic services that were developed within the integral information system of the Pan-European University:
■ Distance learning system resources;
■ WEB-teleconferencing, e-consultations and online teaching;
■ Interactive and collaborative (group) "online" learning;
■ Advanced forms of multimedia communication of students through the Apeiron WEB service;
■ E-library with internet access to all contents of electronic textbooks and books;
■ Access to the world's leading databases of scientific journals and e-books;
■ Apeiron WEB-mail electronic mail service;
■ Apeiron WEB bulletin board;
■ University FAQ service;
■ Electronic versions of mandatory surveys conducted at the Pan-European University;
■ Resources of the University Center for Career Guidance;
■ Apeiron educational internet TV channel;
■ MS Teams service for advanced online communication. Allows holding interactive video sessions, sharing documents, recording events or any other interaction;
■ Access to a large number of other academic services that have been developed in WEB-electronic form;

Students, teachers and administrative staff can use all applications from the Microsoft Office 365 package, which enables free use of Microsoft e-mail services, editing and storing documents online, the possibility of holding web conferences and sharing documents, which further intensified communication and increased productivity of the academic process.
ANTI-PLAGIARIZAM SERVICE is extremely important, because it is one of the key tools for preserving the quality and authenticity of written works. Its use is prescribed and mandatory for all teaching staff of the University.
The university has developed an e-library web service with internet access to all contents of electronic textbooks and books.
Method of access
The e-library can be accessed via a web browser using the data (user name and password) obtained at the beginning of the school year specified in the document named "Access data for using the academic electronic services of the Pan-European University Apeiron" at the following link: Link
Search system
It works like the search system on the google search engine, also the database can be searched according to the following parameters: value, copy number, author, publisher, place of publication, library material, scientific material, Cobiss-ID, keywords, subject designations, original language, original title...

Data available
In the database, the user can find information about publications: Title of the work, author and co-author, publishing house, year of publication, number of pages of the work, printing house, binding, data on reviewers, scanned parts of the publication (imprint, CIP cataloging, table of contents, introduction or preface, reviews) if it is an electronic publication, a publication in PDF format is also available.
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