All participants in the teaching process at the Pan-European University "APEIRON" are presented to the public with the "Scientific/Academic Worker Card" application.
The WEB application Carton of a scientific/academic worker is connected to the integral information system of the institution. Data entered in the Human Resources Management information subsystem, relevant to the academic/scientific worker's card, are downloaded in real time to the Scientific/Academic Worker's Card WEB application and instantly become available to the public.
By launching this application, data on the development and progress of all those involved in the teaching process at "Apeiron" University are available to the public, with a focus on their contribution to the development of science and scientific research work at the institution.
This application provides a more detailed insight into the academic credibility of our academic and scientific workers, data on completed secondary school, second cycle, ie master's studies, doctoral studies, biography and bibliography of each academic/scientific worker are presented. There are available data related to published scientific works in reference scientific journals and scientific collections, scientific monographs, textbooks.
Cards of scientific and academic workers are not a rarity and represent the usual documentation of higher education institutions. The specificity is the WEB application itself, which simply, but comprehensively, downloads data from the unique integral university information system, which presents to the public all those who are involved in the teaching process and scientific work at the Pan-European University.
Link of WEB application Carton of scientific/academic worker: