The policy of achieving the quality of the Pan-European University in the field of higher education is a priority of the institution's overall business policy. The goal is permanent progress, with maximum fulfillment of requirements and satisfaction of the needs of students, academic and business partners, employees and society as a whole.
Internal and external quality assurance procedures, standardized and set by the objectives and quality policies of the Pan-European University, are fully in line with national and international standards for the field of higher education. For the field of higher education in the Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina, the following are relevant: "Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European area of higher education" adopted in 2005 by the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education - ENQA (European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education), Law on Quality Assurance in Higher Education of the RS (Official Gazette of the RS 67/20), Rulebook on Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions and Study Programs, Standards for Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions and Standards for Accreditation of Study Programs, adopted in 2022 by the Agency for the development of higher education in the RS.

By putting quality as a priority in business policy, teaching and scientific services of the highest quality are provided, in accordance with the needs and expectations of our students and society as a whole, a safe and healthy environment for all employees, as well as continuous improvement of the business process and the entire system.
The management of the Pan-European University "APEIRON" has a special responsibility for quality and its permanent improvement. The responsibility for quality assurance is the responsibility of every employee for the work they perform.
The institution's vision is to position itself as a leader in the field of higher education, professional education and scientific research in the realization of its social mission, while achieving the highest European standards in the organization of studies, the application of didactic methods and curricula based on the best experiences and traditions. American colleges, European universities and reform principles initiated by the Bologna process of restructuring the European system of higher education.
The Pan-European University is able to achieve a high level of teaching-scientific process in accordance with the integration processes defined by the Bologna Declaration and to provide lasting trust and satisfaction of students, business and society with the quality of service.
The quality policy of the Pan-European University "APEIRON" is a priority of the overall business policy and aims at permanent progress, with maximum fulfillment of requirements and satisfaction of the needs of all service users, business partners, employees and society as a whole.
The quality management system is aimed at the constant improvement of the teaching-scientific process and the constant innovation of the work process and is based on ESG quality standards, and through continuous checks of the quality system of an internal and external character, as part of the business policy, resources will be constantly directed to the development of the quality system.
The management of the Pan-European University "APEIRON" has a special responsibility for quality and its permanent improvement. The responsibility for quality assurance is the responsibility of every employee for the work they perform.
The mission of the Pan-European University "APEIRON" is to make a full contribution to improving the quality of life of the population and to play a significant role in the development of the economy in the country by organizing academic studies for young people and lifelong learning programs, educating future leaders capable of creating a sustainable social, the economic and technological strategy of the state, and to value the human resources that will successfully qualify the young academic generation to face its civil and economic environment and the challenges of the future.
The university will continuously improve the quality of teaching programs, develop the highest quality standards and affirm the highest standards of teaching and evaluation of acquired knowledge.
The quality policy is binding for all participants in the work processes of the University.
The general objectives of the Quality Management System are:
- Maintain an effective Quality Management System of the Pan-European University "APEIRON" in accordance with: Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European area of higher education ESG-ENQA, Criteria for accreditation of higher education institutions in BiH, norms and quality standards defined by the Law on Higher Education of the RS, the Law on quality assurance in RS higher education, the Rulebook on accreditation of higher education institutions and study programs, Standards for accreditation of higher education institutions and Standards for accreditation of study programs;
- To maintain the level of quality in order to increase the reputation of the Pan-European University among our students and in the public;
- To provide teaching-scientific services and services of the highest quality in accordance with the needs, expectations and possibilities of our students and society as a whole;
- Continuously increase the satisfaction of our students and society as a whole;
- Ensure compliance of the work and business of the University with legal and safety regulations;
- Provide a safe and healthy environment for all employees;
- Continuously improve business processes, systems and capabilities;
Quality objectives are established at all relevant functions and levels within the University.
In order to fulfill its mission, Pan-European University "APEIRON" constantly monitors, analyzes and improves its processes through:
- feedback analysis;
- monitoring the implementation of the teaching process;
- analysis of study success;
- monitoring the implementation of service processes;
- application of methods and techniques for quality improvement;
- monitoring and analyzing the business plan;
- conducting internal audits;
- performance of corrective and preventive actions.
In this way, constant improvement of the established quality management system is ensured.
The main goal of the quality system is to ensure the highest quality in the provision of educational services, scientific research and non-teaching services. The quality management system was designed with the aim of meeting the requirements of the international standard in education and the standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European area of higher education ESG:ENQA.
According to the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Area of Higher Education and the Criteria for Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Institution continuously conducts self-evaluation and quality assessment of its study programs, teaching and measurement of service users' satisfaction. In order to successfully fulfill this requirement, in accordance with the procedures for quality assurance of the higher education institution and self-evaluation criteria, students are continuously surveyed in various fields. Therefore, in the quality assurance system at the Pan-European University, a set of student surveys was established and the rules for processing and interpreting survey results were defined:
- Evaluation of the study program and study organization (the aim of the survey is for students to evaluate the study program as a whole, which contributes to better planning of changes and improvement of the curriculum and organization of studies in the study program, which contributes to improving the quality of the program as a whole and adapting the study program to the needs of students );
- Evaluation of subjects and academic staff (evaluation of subjects, that is, of individual program activities contributes to better planning of changes in the curriculum of individual subjects and contributes to the improvement of the curriculum, while the evaluation of teaching staff, who were involved in the processing of the course, contributes to a comprehensive overview of the quality of the work of the teaching staff staff, management of personnel policy and improvement of personnel resources of teaching staff);
- Evaluation of the work of services, institutions and general conditions of study (the goal of the survey is, apart from the inclusion of students in quality assessment, also the collection of data on the work of professional-administrative services and the definition of measures for improvement and improvement of work);
- Psychosocial profile of students;
- Motivational and marketing factors for admission to the Pan-European University (the aim of the survey is to investigate the motivation, attitudes, needs and opinions of students when enrolling in the Pan-European University);
- Positioning of graduates on the labor market;
Focusing on interested parties is expressed in the Quality Policy, Quality Objectives and in the Rector's statement. Focusing on interested parties is also expressed in the statement on the mission and vision of the University. When reviewing the QMS Quality Assurance System by the management, the Report on the requirements, needs and expectations of interested parties is analyzed. The university provides conditions for the needs and expectations of interested parties, and above all our students, to be identified and then satisfied, realizing that our success and the success of our students are mutually dependent.
Pan-European University "APEIRON" has established, documented and maintains procedures for determining requirements related to our services, as well as coordination of activities and mutual connections with the users of our services, primarily with the expectations of our students.
The institution carries out a process of self-evaluation and assessment of the quality of its study programs, teaching and measuring the satisfaction of service users. In order to successfully fulfill this requirement in accordance with the quality assurance procedures of the higher education institution and self-evaluation criteria, students are continuously surveyed in various fields. Therefore, in the quality assurance system at the Pan-European University, a set of student surveys was established and the rules for processing and interpreting survey results were defined as follows:
- Motivational and marketing factors for admission to the Pan-European University (the purpose of the survey is to investigate the motivation, attitudes, needs and opinions of students when enrolling in the Pan-European University in order to improve the University's promotion and marketing, and to contribute to brand building);
- Evaluation of the study program and organization of studies (the aim of the survey is for students to evaluate the study program they are studying as a whole, which contributes to better planning of changes and improvement of the curriculum and organization of studies in the study program, which contributes to improving the quality of the program as a whole and adapting the study program needs of students);
- Evaluation of subjects and academic staff (evaluation of subjects, that is, of individual program activities contributes to better planning of changes in the curriculum of an individual subject and contributes to the improvement of the curriculum, while the evaluation of the teaching staff who were involved in the processing of the course contributes to a comprehensive overview of the quality of the work of the teaching staff, management of personnel policy and improvement of personnel resources of teaching staff);
- Evaluation of the work of services, institutions and general conditions of study (the goal of the survey is, apart from the inclusion of students in quality assessment, also the collection of data on the work of professional-administrative services and the definition of measures for improvement and improvement of work);
- Continuing education and building a career (with assessment of students' general competencies);
- Psychosocial profile of students;
- Positioning of graduates on the labor market;
Completed surveys are analyzed in detail after automatic processing (standard statistical analysis and, if necessary, correlation analysis between different questions, between which a logical relational connection can be established, which is essential for reaching relevant conclusions). Also, a trend analysis is performed, comparing the data of surveys conducted in different time periods.
The Pan-European University "APEIRON" has established, documented and developed a procedure for reviewing the requests of interested parties, the application of which enables:
- Reviewing all available data in order to determine the actual requirements,
- Determining the University's ability to use its resources (human and material) to satisfy all contractual requirements,
- Documenting the results in records, contract specifications and other appropriate documents for record keeping,
- Internal and external evaluation.
One student representative is elected to the Board of Directors. Student representatives are elected by the presidency of the Student Parliament of the Pan-European University according to the procedure established by a special act. The mandate of the student representative lasts one year. For issues that are of immediate interest to students, the opinion of the student representative body must be obtained.
The strategic goal of obligatory, regular and complete information to the public about quantitative and qualitative indicators of achievements at the University, among other things, is achieved through communication with former students and strengthening alumni with the aim of promoting the reputation of the University in our country and in the world.
All complaints from interested parties regarding the services provided by the University are successfully resolved, understanding that our satisfaction and the satisfaction of our students are mutually dependent. All employees in the teaching-scientific process and employees in the student service processes adhere to technical and organizational instructions, instructions and standards in their daily work.
Preventive actions at the University are carried out according to the same procedure as corrective actions. The difference is that in the process of implementing preventive actions, the causes of potential non-compliance or other undesirable situations are identified.
The university is guaranteed the freedom of educational and scientific creativity, which includes the right of academic staff and students to critically consider received knowledge, to offer new ideas and controversial opinions without exposure to possible reprisals, and the right to freedom of speech, which can only be limited by law.
institutional Accreditation
Certificate of accreditation 23.3.2016
Supplementary decision no. 01/1.3.180-32/20 (from 23.3.2023)
Supplementary decision no. 01/1.3.74-1/16 (from 04.03.2021)
The Agency for Higher Education of the Republika Srpska - AVORS issued a decision on accreditation to the Pan-European University "Apeiron" on November 24, 2023, under number 01/1.3.180-33/20. The decision, which is valid until November 2028, confirmed the standard of work quality of "Apeiron" University in relation to the criteria for accreditation of higher education institutions in the Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina and in relation to the standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European area of higher education.
Considering that "Apeiron" University has fulfilled the criteria for the accreditation of the institution and the criteria for the accreditation of the study programs of the first and second cycle of studies and ESG 2015 standards (European Standards and Guidelines), received positive recommendations from experts of the commission for issuing a decision on University accreditation and recommendations from the Agency for the Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance of Bosnia and Herzegovina - HEA on accreditation of the University and study programs, the Agency for Higher Education of the Republic of Srpska issued a decision on accreditation.
As before, accreditation provides an answer to the question of why Pan-European University diplomas are highly rated and why they have successfully positioned graduates on the domestic and foreign labor market.
The accreditation also showed that "Apeiron" justified the way and direction in which it carries out its mission.
"Apeiron" is where all the prestigious universities of the old continent are - in the unique area of European higher education. This is the space that included the Pan-European University, its degrees, students and teachers "side by side" with universities in Europe.
The submission of the application for accreditation was preceded by an extensive and comprehensive internal self-evaluation of quality (a total of six regular annual self-evaluations), in accordance with the applicable legal regulations, the Rulebook on accreditation of higher education institutions and study programs and the Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European area of higher education.
Report of the Agency for Higher Education of the Republic of Srpska
Report on external evaluation of the institution (2022)
The Pan-European University "Apeiron" Banja Luka submitted an application for reaccreditation of the higher education institution and study programs on June 25.06.2020, 1.9.2020. to the Agency for Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions of the Republic of Srpska (later renamed to the Agency for Higher Education of the Republic of Srpska). The agency is XNUMX. concluded an Agreement with the University for the review of study programs for the purpose of accreditation.
The visit to the higher education institution was carried out in the period from 14.-16.3.2022. years. Based on the overall quality assessment, the Committee of Experts recommended to the Agency for Higher Education of the Republic of Srpska that, in accordance with the Rulebook on Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions and Study Programs, the higher education institution Pan-European University Apeiron should issue a decision on accreditation for 5 years.
The report of the Agency for Higher Education of the Republic of Srpska on the external evaluation for the Pan-European University Apeiron (Act No. dated 10.11.2022) can be downloaded from the link of the Agency for Higher Education of the Republic of Srpska
Report on the external evaluation of the institution (year 2022)
Report on external evaluation of the institution (2015)
Of the nine criteria evaluated by the Agency: development and strategy of the higher education institution, management, internal quality assurance and quality culture, procedures and quality assurance of study programs, evaluation of students, human resources, quality of physical resources, information systems, presentation of information for the public and international of cooperation, four received the rating "The HEI mostly meets the requirement", and five were rated "The HEI fully meets the requirement". This outcome is the result of checking the crucial elements of quality, the established way of functioning of "Apeiron" University, and the analysis of all documents and procedures during the visit to the higher education institution. The external evaluation was carried out by checking the level of fulfillment of ESG (European Standards and Guidelines) standards and criteria for accreditation of higher education institutions in the performance of study programs of the Pan-European University.
The university submitted the application for accreditation on June 17, 2015, and the Commission for Quality Assessment and Audit and Making Recommendations on the Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions was appointed by the Decision on the Formation of the Commission of Domestic and International Experts for Quality Assessment and Audit and Making Recommendations on the Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions. number 175-2-1/15 of 27.08.2015. of the Accreditation Agency of the Higher Education Institution of the RS. The submission of the application for accreditation was preceded by an extensive and comprehensive internal self-evaluation of quality (a total of six regular annual self-evaluations in the period 2010-2015), in accordance with the Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European area of higher education and the Criteria for the accreditation of higher education institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina. and in accordance with the Procedure for Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions (HEAA PR114: Sep. 2011).
The five-member commission: the president and a member of the academic community of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a representative of international experts, a representative of business and practice, and a representative of students during a three-day visit to the University spoke with the management of the higher education institution, the team for quality and self-evaluation, representatives of the student service, legal service , accounting and library, the representative of the office for international cooperation and the director of the Institute for Scientific Research, representatives of graduated students, representatives of the economy and the labor market, representatives of the academic staff, deans and vice-deans of all faculties and heads of all study programs through which the work of the institution was evaluated , and to representatives of students of all years.
During the tour of the University, the commission had the opportunity to see modern and IT-equipped classrooms where lectures are recorded, a multimedia classroom that is used as a Microsoft test center, and recordings of some lectures. They visited the TV studio and the control room, where they were presented with the operation of software that detects plagiarism, as well as a technical room with a communication node. They also visited the premises of the High School, whose physical resources are used in accordance with the needs of the University and vice versa.
The report of the Agency for Higher Education of the Republic of Srpska on the external evaluation for the Pan-European University Apeiron (Act No. 148-7/15) can be downloaded from the link
Report on the external evaluation of the institution (year 2015)
State register of accredited higher education institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Pan-European University "Apeiron" as a higher education institution, is registered in the state register of accredited higher education institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina. You can view the solution at the link of the Agency for the Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Enrollment decision
Licenses and accreditation of study programs
All study programs conducted at the Pan-European University "Apeiron" in all study cycles (I, II, III study cycle) are licensed and accredited. Also, for all study programs of the first and second cycle of study, a request for reaccreditation was submitted within the legal deadline to the Agency for Higher Education of the Republic of Srpska and they are in the process of reaccreditation. Reports of the commission on the reaccreditation of those study programs that have already been evaluated by the appointed professional commission of experts are available at the link
Report on external evaluation of study programs
Accreditation has equally placed the Pan-European University in a unique area of European higher education, in which this higher education institution in general, as well as its diplomas, will be recognized and accepted, as well as its students and teachers in exchange with professors and students of other higher education institutions in Europe. This accreditation, mandatory according to the Bologna Declaration, verified the diploma of the completed student of the Pan-European University as equal in the fight with the diplomas of other higher education institutions on the modern, European and domestic labor market, and confirmed that the quality system according to which the Pan-European University carries out its mission, educates and educates at the very top of the best higher education institutions in this area.

The quality policy of the Pan-European University in the field of higher education is a priority of the institution's overall business policy. By putting quality as a priority in business policy, teaching and scientific services of the highest quality are provided, in accordance with the needs and expectations of our students and society as a whole, a safe and healthy environment for all employees, as well as continuous improvement of the business process and the entire system.
In the influential world ranking list "Webometrics Ranking" (www.webometrics.info) compiled according to the volume of internet activities of universities and colleges, among more than 20 thousand higher education institutions, Pan-European University "APEIRON" Banjaluka is among the best ranked higher education institutions in BiH and countries surroundings. The ranking included all data on higher education institutions published on the Internet, the number of published works by teachers and students on the Internet, student Internet activities, the dynamism of displaying information... The aim of the ranking is to assess how active the universities and colleges are as participants in the information society in the 21st century. century.
By putting quality as a priority in business policy, teaching and scientific services of the highest quality are provided, in accordance with the needs and expectations of our students and society as a whole, a safe and healthy environment for all employees, as well as continuous improvement of the business process and the entire system.
Reports on external evaluation of study programs
You can download reports on the external evaluation of study programs (no. aka 01/1.3.180-19/20 from November 10.11.2022, XNUMX) at the linkReport on external evaluation of study programs
Since its establishment, the Pan-European University "Apeiron" has been operating as an accredited higher education institution. The institution had initial accreditation until the completion of the first institutional accreditation procedure, that is, until March 24, 2016. On March 24, 2016, the Agency for Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions of the Republic of Srpska issued a decision on the accreditation of the Pan-European University "Apeiron" (Act No. 01/1.3.74/16). The decision, which is valid until March 2021, confirmed the standard of work quality of the University "Apeiron". Supplementary decisions number 01/1.3.74-1/16, dated 04.03.2021. year and 01/1.3.180-32/20 which is 23.03.2023. issued by the Agency for Higher Education of the Republic of Srpska, the accreditation period was extended until March 24.03.2024, XNUMX.
The Pan-European University is in the process of re-accreditation, which began with the submission of the application for the accreditation of the higher education institution and study programs on June 25.06.2020, XNUMX. to the Agency for Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions of the Republic of Srpska.
Quality regulations
Rulebook on quality assurance
Quality policy
Organizational chart of the University - Extract from the rules of procedure on quality
Organizational and management structure - Extract from the Statute
Mission and Vision
Hardware and software resources
Student code of conduct
Ethical code of teachers
Application of the Bologna process in practice
Accreditation procedure
Quality self-assessment reports