The Pan-European University holds licenses for conducting first-cycle studies outside the university headquarters in the Bijeljina department on the study programs: Entrepreneurial Management, Management of Banking, Finance and Trade, General Law and Business Informatics.

Faculties, departments and study centers are not legal entities, but organizational units, so the formal enrollment of students is done in the corresponding study programs at the university whose seat is in Banja Luka. The registers of enrolled students of the University are kept at the headquarters of the University in Banja Luka. Students receive diplomas from the Pan-European University with an indication of the study program they completed at the respective faculty and without referencing the location where the teaching process took place.

Digital education

The university performs the educational process as a synthesis and combination of classical educational forms innovated in the form of interactive teaching and modern educational forms of digital education of the new generation...


Licensed departments of the university enable the teaching process to be organized outside the headquarters in full capacity on the study programs for which permission has been given to work in those departments.

Departments, that is, study centers, also provide appropriate information, communication, professional, consulting, logistical and administrative support to all students from the geographical area covered by the department (internet center/study center), regardless of the enrolled study program:

administrative and technical support:

  • Informative and technical support during student enrollment in all study programs in providing information, forwarding enrollment, technical, pedagogical and marketing material related to enrollment and collecting student applications;>
  • Receiving all written student submissions and sending them to headquarters, and providing feedback to the submitter;
  • Providing information on teaching schedules for all study programs at the university headquarters and in departments for all categories of students, full-time and part-time students and students using distance learning resources;
  • Collection, control and forwarding of student exam applications to the responsible teaching staff;
  • Determining the lists of students from the area of ​​the department for the teaching of part-time studies and for joining the examination deadlines;
  • Providing information related to student services (exam deadlines, exam results, etc.);
  • Organizing and collecting student surveys.


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In addition to the above, they enable the following functions:

  • Access to the Internet via a broadband high-speed connection that provides fast, efficient, pleasant and high-quality work on the Internet both in downloading content from the Internet and in uploading queries and results of student work (e.g. sending seminar papers and other written works via the university WEB -mail service).

  • They provide a sufficient number of multimedia computer systems that are networked in the local network of the study center itself. The multimedia features of the computer provide video and audio communication in educational forums and on-line sessions that are organized at the university headquarters and in other organizational units of the university, direct on-line communication and consultation with professors, professional associates or with fellow students in specific interest and working groups students.
  • They provide access to other input-output network devices (printers, plotters, scanners) and other electronic equipment that is installed within the department's local network, thereby creating conditions for free support for all students of the Pan-European University in printing and scanning documents, dealing with computer graphics, making seminar papers and other student works, research activities and practical work of students.
  • The study centers are designed to enable group, collaborative and classic individual learning of students, because in addition to computer equipment, they are also equipped as standard academic reading rooms. Each center is also equipped as a regional library of the Pan-European University.
  • In the study centers, students are provided with direct insight into part of the teaching process held at the Pan-European University through online tele-conferencing, as well as insight into the teaching process held directly at the Pan-European University at its headquarters, which is broadcast via video-streaming. . This service applies especially to students who do not have adequate broadband access to fast Internet.
  • The centers are fully equipped with the necessary audio equipment, video projection equipment and tele-conferencing equipment.
  • Within the Pan-European University distance education support study centers, certain professional and pedagogical support is provided to all students, regardless of the enrolled study program.

Full regular classes and classic exams for study programs licensed in those departments take place in departments outside the University headquarters. However, in accordance with the legal and statutory rights of students, all students of the Pan-European University, regardless of the enrolled study program, i.e., regional or geographical affiliation, enjoy appropriate complex and comprehensive support that includes: information, communication, professional, consulting, logistical and administrative support. All students are provided with high-quality, comprehensive and effective support through a unique concept of digital education (see section "DIGITAL EDUCATION"). Regional study centers take over, in accordance with the Law on Higher Education, a significant part of the above-mentioned support for all students, regardless of the study program the student enrolled in and the student's regional affiliation. Within the framework of the study centers, the student can access those knowledge tests that are allowed by positive legal and by-law regulations. Also, at the headquarters of the Pan-European University, a special teaching process and examination deadlines are organized, which are adapted to the needs and capabilities of part-time students, regardless of their geographical affiliation, in terms of time, schedule and schedule.

(1) Learning, individual and group work of students / Study outside the seat

  • Individual student learning via the Internet, access to the distance learning system of the Pan-European University and other knowledge bases and educational resources on the Internet;
  • Individual study of students with written sources and printed textbooks in the reading room of the study center;
  • Group learning of students via the Internet within educational Internet forums that are formed for each subject, that is, a narrower scientific field in the distance learning system;
  • On-line oral and written consultations with teaching and associate staff;
  • Collaborative learning of students in working groups in the premises of the Internet center/study center itself;
  • All forms of practical work and student research projects that require computer, telecommunication and IT support.

(2) Teaching activity / Study outside the seat

  • In study centers organized in departments, only consultative, i.e., instructional classes are organized. Contact classes will not be held for study programs that are not licensed in certain departments. The full teaching process for part-time students is organized at the University headquarters.
  • Ad-hoc consultations with mentors, tutors, teaching and associate staff will be organized in the study centers as needed, that is, at the request of the students;
  • Seminars, conferences, round tables and various forms of pedagogical workshops organized in departments are available to all students of the Pan-European University;

(3) Knowledge evaluation / Off-site study
Within the study centers in the departments, exam dates will be organized for all students of the Pan-European University in the subjects of the common foundations of the study cycle, i.e., common foundations of wider subjects that are taken at the Pan-European University (as an integrated university) according to a single program for all study programs and for which in the teaching process and in the evaluation of knowledge are organized into unique teaching groups.

The Pan-European University will organize exams outside the university headquarters for exams in teaching subjects whose nature requires it. In certain study programs, a number of clinical and laboratory subjects as well as subjects in the field of sports science fall into this category, as well as work practice, internships and student volunteering, which are also scored in the ECTS system.

In order to provide effective support for these subjects and these student activities, the Pan-European University has entered into appropriate agreements on academic and business-technical cooperation with regional clinical, spa, sports and laboratory institutions, so that students in this part of their studies receive appropriate, close, efficient and quality support.

  • In the study centers, at the request of the students, only those knowledge evaluations in the students' pre-examination obligations can be organized, which are carried out on computers through a direct, protected, encrypted and direct connection with the server system of the Pan-European University in Banja Luka, and within the standardized software LMS (Learning Management System) package.
  • Evaluation activities in the student's pre-examination duties take place via the global computer network on the server system of the Pan-European University itself, because every computer of the study center is part of the WLAN network of the Pan-European University.
  • Evaluation activities in the domain of pre-examination obligations take place in controlled conditions with provided physical and technological protection of the evaluation process itself using the following instruments:
    • Authentication of each student's access to any computer system in the study center based on a card reader that loads the student's card for which the individual PIN-code, username and password of each student is entered;
    • Controlled conditions during the evaluation period;
    • Evaluation tests, questionnaires or other applied forms of pre-examination obligations of students are generated in the server system at the headquarters of the Pan-European University, while the computers in the Internet centers actually play the role of workstations.
    • The communication channel is encrypted and protected by the card PKI system, while the connection channel is coded with a 1024-bit encryption algorithm, which is also used in banking business.


Address: Miloša Obilića 73, 76300 Bijeljina
Senior administrator Vesna Perić
Tel. 055/225-999, Fax 055/225-995