The institution's vision is to position itself as a leader in the field of higher education, professional education and scientific research in the realization of its social mission, while achieving the highest European standards in the organization of studies, the application of didactic methods and curricula based on the best experiences and traditions. American colleges, European universities and reform principles initiated by the Bologna process of restructuring the European system of higher education.
The optimal number of compulsory subjects is defined, and the student is given the freedom and initiative to independently choose elective and optional subjects within the framework of multidisciplinary study programs, or to acquire additional knowledge and skills within vocational academies, institutes and functional educational units of the university, individualizing and designing their own studies according to the changes in their social environment.
Study programs at the Pan-European University are aimed at acquiring knowledge that will qualify students for jobs in a high-tech environment that requires understanding of processes and the ability to manage systems that possess "meta" intelligence, but also initiative, entrepreneurship, the ability to psychologically evaluate associates and orchestrate work groups and teams, the ability to make decisions in a time deficit, the ability to further lifelong learning, the ability to focus relevant information in environments of information abundance and information pollution, the ability to process multiple simultaneous tasks and the ability to creatively integrate knowledge and practice.
For the needs of education and scientific-research development, personnel with scientific dignity are engaged whose competence coefficient corresponds to their knowledge, ability and willingness to take risks and responsibility for their own lives and for the reconstruction of their local and global communities, transforming these communities into "knowledge societies" ( society of knowledge) and "society of learning". That is why the commitment of the Pan-European University is to develop multidisciplinary study programs from fringe scientific fields that are neglected in the established studies of public universities, and which have the greatest potential for the future, and to implement modern pedagogical technologies based on interactive teaching, modern pedagogical workshops, virtual teaching environments and application of information and communication technologies of distance education. The efficiency and effectiveness of studies, the attractiveness of multidisciplinary teaching programs that correspond to future challenges, and the psychological and entrepreneurial animation of students through the application of interactive pedagogical methods in the organization and execution of the teaching-scientific process, produces a high passing rate as a function of the transferred knowledge and skills, but also as a consequence of high students' motivation.
In its practice, the university will also apply the principles of lifelong learning (life-long learning) in realizing the basic human right to study and education, promoting the European transparency of studies, the mobility of students and professors, the "European dimension" (values of a united Europe) in higher education, the system quality assurance and management, quality control and evaluation, student-centered education, the public, transparency and cumulation of all forms of work in the system of evaluating students' knowledge and achievements, the educational process designed in the form of a stepped spiral in which the accumulation of credit- points for all forms of student work, the condition for vertical mobility, individualized and credible studies designed according to the intellectual and psychological measure of students, and the versatile development of the research and business functions of the University as an incubation and "career guidance" center.
University of European Knowledge
The mission of the Pan-European University "APEIRON" is to make a full contribution to improving the quality of life of the population and to play a significant role in the development of the economy in the country by organizing academic studies for young people and lifelong learning programs, educating future leaders capable of creating a sustainable social, the economic and technological strategy of the state, and to value the human resources that will successfully qualify the young academic generation to face its civil and economic environment and the challenges of the future.
The Pan-European University "APEIRON" bases its mission on the assumptions that societies in the region of Southeast and Eastern Europe are in the process of change, reform and transition towards a civil democratic society, characterized by parliamentary pluralism, the rule of law, the rule of law and a market economy dominated by private ownership. , and that in the time of transition, new deep knowledge, a new view of the world and a different approach to the economy, legal system, health care, dissemination of information and acquisition of knowledge are needed. Within these frameworks, the Pan-European University strives to assume the responsibility of educators.
With the slogans "University of European knowledge" and "University we trust", starting from the experiences of socially and economically successful and technologically developed countries, the university strives to create personnel educated in multidisciplinary areas with operational knowledge through the process of study and practical training, applying modern educational standards. and with a focus on the development of students' creative abilities. Our social mission is therefore to educate future leaders capable of creating a sustainable social, economic and technological strategy of the state, and to value human resources that will successfully qualify the young academic generation to face their civic and economic environment and the challenges of the future.
Therefore, the University applies a mentor-supported dialogue system of teaching, which is designed as a creative workshop of teaching staff and an author team with a high scientific and pedagogical reputation, expert knowledge and practical experience, capable of taking responsibility for their own results and for the education of the young generation. Student education is carried out using modern standards in the assessment system, organization of studies, didactic methods and curricula based on the best traditions of American colleges and European universities with the application of the Bologna principles of European higher education reform.
The optimal number of compulsory subjects is defined, and students are given the freedom to independently choose optional and optional subjects within the framework of multidisciplinary study groups, or parallel acquisition of collateral knowledge and skills within professional academies, functional organizational units and institutes within the University (such as: Business Incubation Center, Center for Career Guidance, Center for Public Relations, Center for Publishing Activities, Sports Center of the University), which students are enabled to obtain secondary "minor" diplomas and optional qualifications.
The theoretical and practical knowledge and skills that students acquire during their studies are designed to qualify students for performing future jobs in a high-tech environment, enabling students to develop initiative, entrepreneurship, the ability to psychologically evaluate and orchestrate working groups and teams, the ability to make decisions in a time deficit, the ability further lifelong learning, the ability to focus relevant information in environments of information abundance and information pollution, the ability to process multiple simultaneous tasks and lead complex projects, and the ability to creatively integrate knowledge and practice from disparate professional areas.
For the needs of education and scientific-research development, personnel with scientific dignity and a competence coefficient are engaged who are capable and ready to take the risk and responsibility for the reconstruction of their local and global communities and the transformation of Bosnia and Herzegovina into a "society of knowledge" (society of knowledge) or "society of learning" (society of learning).
That is why the commitment of the Pan-European University "APEIRON" is to develop multidisciplinary study groups from scientific fields that are neglected in the established studies of public universities, and which have the greatest potential for the future, and to implement modern pedagogical technologies based on interactive teaching, modern pedagogical workshops, virtual teaching environments and application of ICT (Information & Computer Technologies) and eLearning technologies.
The efficiency and effectiveness of studies, the attractiveness of multidisciplinary teaching programs that correspond to future technological and social challenges, and the psychological and entrepreneurial animation of students through the application of interactive pedagogical technologies in the organization and execution of the teaching-scientific process, produces a high passing rate as a function of the knowledge and skills imparted to students, but it also results in high student motivation. In its practice, the university also applies the principles of lifelong learning (life-long learning) and the realization of the democratic right to study and education, the promotion of European transparency of studies and the mobility of students and professors, the promotion of the "European dimension" (values of a united Europe) in higher education, the establishment of a European system of quality assurance of higher education and system of quality management, control and evaluation, principles of student-centered education, publicity, transparency and cumulation of all forms of work in the system of assessment and evaluation of students' knowledge and achievements.
The versatile development and permeation of the research and business functions of the University is the basis of the realization of the university as a business, incubation and "career guidance" center.
University of European Knowledge
Quality policy
The institution's vision is to position itself as a leader in the field of higher education, professional education and scientific research in the realization of its social mission, while achieving the highest European standards in the organization of studies, the application of didactic methods and curricula based on the best experiences and traditions. American colleges, European universities and reform principles initiated by the Bologna process of restructuring the European system of higher education.
The Pan-European University is able to achieve a high level of teaching-scientific process in accordance with the integration processes defined by the Bologna Declaration and to provide lasting trust and satisfaction of students, business and society with the quality of service.
The quality policy of the Pan-European University "APEIRON" is a priority of the overall business policy and aims at permanent progress, with maximum fulfillment of requirements and satisfaction of the needs of all service users, business partners, employees and society as a whole.
The quality management system is aimed at the constant improvement of the teaching-scientific process and the constant innovation of the work process and is based on ESG quality standards, and through continuous checks of the quality system of an internal and external character, as part of the business policy, resources will be constantly directed to the development of the quality system.
The management of the Pan-European University "APEIRON" has a special responsibility for quality and its permanent improvement. The responsibility for quality assurance is the responsibility of every employee for the work they perform.
The mission of the Pan-European University "APEIRON" is to make a full contribution to improving the quality of life of the population and to play a significant role in the development of the economy in the country by organizing academic studies for young people and lifelong learning programs, educating future leaders capable of creating a sustainable social, the economic and technological strategy of the state, and to value the human resources that will successfully qualify the young academic generation to face its civil and economic environment and the challenges of the future.
The university will continuously improve the quality of teaching programs, develop the highest quality standards and affirm the highest standards of teaching and evaluation of acquired knowledge.
The quality policy is binding for all participants in the work processes of the University.
University of European Knowledge