Biblioteka Initial
The library performs tasks of systematic collection of library material from the scientific fields for which the University is the parent and provides access to relevant electronic professional media and databases. Library workers provide efficient and transparent access to library materials to all students and University employees for the purposes of studies and scientific research.
Library services
A library is available to all students and workers for the needs of scientific and research work. The library fund amounts to 31.577 titles, of which 15.560 are printed publications: books, textbooks and scientific publications located directly in the library, while 11.501 are electronic editions;
- Information and help with material selection: Based on consulting the catalog (classical or electronic), the librarians will bring you any requested book.
- Loan: Library users can borrow one book or scientific journal for 15 days or two for 30 days.
- Interlibrary loans: In cooperation with other libraries, such as the National and University Library of the Republic of Srpska, we can provide our students with titles that are not in our library stock.
- Reading room: In addition to a large collection of books and magazines in printed and electronic form, the reading room also has nine computers connected to the network of all networks. This gives University students access to all the world's information and references.
Scientific journals
The library of the Pan-European University subscribes to 15 scientific journals:
- Foreign legal life, Institute of Comparative Law, Belgrade - Scientific journal
- Social research, Institute of Social Sciences IVO PILAR, Zagreb, Scientific journal
- Info M - magazine for information technologies and multimedia systems, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Belgrade, Scientific magazine
- Technology, Union of Engineers and Technicians of Serbia, Belgrade, - Multidisciplinary scientific magazine in the field of Mechanical Engineering, Traffic, Management and Quality - Scientific magazine
- World of work, Center for socio-ecological research and documentation, magazine for issues of safety and health at work, occupational medicine and environmental protection. Belgrade, - Scientific journal
- Selection from judicial practice, Glossary, Belgrade - Scientific, professional and informative magazine
- Panoeconomicus, Association of Economists of Vojvodina, Novi Sad - Scientific journal
- General Medicine, Serbian Medical Society, Belgrade - Scientific journal
- Russian Peace, Russian Peace Fund, Moscow - Russian-language magazine
- Journal of Moscow University Series 22, - Theory of Translation, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, - Scientific Journal
- Journal of Engineering Management and Competitiveness (JEMC) - Technical Faculty, Zrenjanin, Scientific Journal
- ITRO-A Journal for Information Technology, Education Development and Teaching Methods of Technical and Natural Sciences, Technical Faculty, Zrenjanin, Scientific Journal
- Acta Kinesiologica, DPTZK Ljubuški – Teskera - Scientific journal
- Journal of Moscow University Series 22, - Theory of Translation, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, - Scientific Journal
- Sport Science - Faculty of Education, Travnik - Scientific journal
- Sports Scientific and Practical Aspects - Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Tuzla - Scientific Journal
- Management: journal of contemporary management issues – Faculty of Economics Split – Scientific journal
- Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology, Zagreb - Scientific journal
- Road and traffic - Journal of Road and Traffic Engineering, - Scientific and technical magazine
- Nursing, Association of Nurse Technicians-Clinical Center of Serbia, Belgrade, - Scientific Journal
- Finrar, Finrar DOO, Banja Luka, - Professional magazine
- ZIPS, Privredna štampa DOO, Sarajevo, Professional magazine
- BUG, BUG DOO for newspaper and publishing activities, Zagreb, - Professional magazine
- Networks, BUG DOO for newspaper and publishing activities, Zagreb, - Professional magazine
- In store - Altermedia Doo - Sarajevo - Professional magazine
- Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska, Public Institution Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka.
Library catalog
Download library catalog and a catalog of electronic books. The catalogs are in PDF format, if you do not have PDF Reader please download it Here.
Free literature
- Project Gutenberg
- Bibliomania
- e-Prints
- Read print
- PDF books
- PDF Planet
- Capital and classical works
- Classic authors
- Print repository
- Online books
- Oxford Text Archive
- Project Rastko
- Digital books
- Wikipedia
- Medical Library
- MIT literature warehouse
- question
- Sonnets
- Audio books
- Classic Croatian literature
- Free books for doctors
- Science library
- �expiration
- Technical books
- Economic literature
Contact Us
You can get all additional information about the work of the library and library members at
phone +38751247941,
or personally at Pere Krece 13, Banja Luka