What is Erasmus + ?
Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. It has an estimated budget of €26.2 billion. This is nearly double the funding compared to its predecessor programme (2014-2020). The 2021-2027 programme places a strong focus on social inclusion, the green and digital transitions, and promoting young people’s participation in democratic life. It supports priorities and activities set out in the European Education Area, Digital Education Action Plan and the European Skills Agenda. The programme also:
- supports the European Pillar of Social Rights
- implements the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027
- develops the European dimension in sport
Studying abroad is a central part of Erasmus+ and has been shown to have a positive effect on later job prospects. It is also an opportunity to improve language skills, gain self-confidence and independence and immerse yourself in a new culture. Erasmus+ also offers the chance to combine studying abroad with a traineeship. Opportunities are available for students at short-cycle Bachelor, Master or Doctoral levels.
Studying abroad
Erasmus+ can offer you support during your period of study abroad: whether this is in an Erasmus+ Programme country or in an Partner country.
Traineeships abroad
Erasmus+ supports traineeships (work placements, internships, etc.) abroad in a Programme or Partner country for students enrolled in higher education in a Programme Country. These opportunities are also open to recent graduates.
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees
Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters are offered by multiple higher education institutions and run across various countries. They are distinguished by their academic excellence and by the high-level of integration of the courses. There are also scholarships for students to take part in these prestigious programmes.
Students with physical, mental or health-related conditions
Additional funding is available and students have the right to the same support services offered to local students by receiving institutions.
Teaching opportunities for staff
With Erasmus+, opportunities are available to spend time teaching at an education institution abroad. These opportunities are available to both staff working in the education sector and to individuals in businesses invited to share their knowledge of a given sector, subject or issue to students. Opportunities to teach abroad with Erasmus+ are available in education institutions operating at all levels.
Higher education
Erasmus+ supports teaching periods at higher education institutions abroad. If you work in higher education, you can spend time teaching at an institution in an Erasmus+ Programme or Partner country. People working in businesses can receive support to teach and share knowledge with higher education institutions located in a Programme country.
Oportunities for organisations
Organisations wanting to participate in Erasmus+ may engage in a number of development and networking activities, including strategic improvement of the professional skills of their staff, organisational capacity building, and creating transnational cooperative partnerships with organisations from other countries in order to produce innovative outputs or exchange best practices. In addition, organisations facilitate the learning mobility opportunities for students, education staff, trainees, apprentices, volunteers, youth workers and young people. The benefits for involved organisations include an increased capacity to operate at an international level, improved management methods, access to more funding opportunities and projects, increased ability to prepare, manage, and follow-up projects, as well as a more attractive portfolio of opportunities for learners and staff at participating organisations.
Key Actions
Key Action 1: Learning mobility of individuals
Learning mobility opportunities aim to encourage the mobility of students, staff, trainees, apprentices, youth workers and young people. The role of the organisations in this process is to organise these opportunities for individuals. The benefits for the organisations include an increased capacity to operate at an international level, improved management skills, access to more funding opportunities and projects, increased ability to prepare, manage, and follow-up projects, a more attractive portfolio of opportunities for students and staff at participating organisations, the opportunity to develop innovative projects with partners from around the world.
Key Action 2: Cooperation among organisations and institutions
The cooperation among organisations and institutions is expected to result in the development, transfer and/or implementation of innovative practices at organisational, local, regional, national or European levels.
Key Action 3: Support for policy reform
Opportunities under this Key Action contribute to supporting the overall EU policy agenda, the Education and Training 2020 cooperation framework, and the Youth Strategy. Organisations will contribute to improving the quality of education, training, and youth systems in Europe, as well as promoting transnational learning and cooperation between authorities. They will also contribute to developing the basis for evidence based policy-making, as well as supporting networks and tools for policy implementation. Organisations will also contribute to improving the involvement of young people in democratic life and their engagement with politicians.
Jean Monnet
Opportunities for teaching, research, and policy debate on the EU and its policies.
Designed to develop and implement joint activities to promote sport and physical activity, identify and implement innovative activities in the field of sport, and manage not-for-profit events to increase participation in sport.
Opportunities from outside the EU
Organisations from countries outside the EU can take part in selected actions of the Erasmus+ programme. In the context of Erasmus+, these countries are referred to as "non-associated third countries (Partner Countries)".
ECTS and Accumulation System
What is the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System?
The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is a tool of the European Higher Education Area for making studies and courses more transparent. It helps students to move between countries and to have their academic qualifications and study periods abroad recognised. ECTS allows credits taken at one higher education institution to be counted towards a qualification studied for at another. ECTS credits represent learning based on defined learning outcomes and their associated workload. ECTS enhances the flexibility of study programmes for students. It also supports the planning, delivery and evaluation of higher education programmes. It is a central tool in the Bologna Process, which aims to make national education systems more comparable internationally. ECTS also helps make other documents, such as the Diploma Supplement, clearer and easier to use in different countries. ECTS has been adopted by most of the countries in the European Higher Education Area as the national credit system and is increasingly used elsewhere.
Why is ECTS needed?
Differences between national higher education systems can lead to problems concerning the recognition of qualifications and mobility periods abroad. This issue is addressed in part by enhancing the comprehension of the learning outcomes and workload of programmes of study. ECTS also makes it possible to blend different learning styles, such as university and work-based learning, within the same programme of study or through lifelong learning.
How does it work?
60 ECTS credits are the equivalent of a full year of study or work. In a standard academic year, these credits are usually broken down into several smaller modules. A typical 'short cycle qualification' typically includes 90-120 ECTS credits. A ‘first cycle’ (or bachelor's) degree consists of either 180 or 240 ECTS credits. Usually a ‘second cycle’ (or master's) degree equates to 90 or 120 ECTS credits. The use of the ECTS at the ‘third cycle’, or PhD level, varies. ECTS is applied to support student mobility between higher education institutions. The course catalogues, Learning Agreements and Transcripts of Records help the recognition and transfer of credits earned by students during a mobility period abroad. The ECTS Users' Guide describes the system and how it is used in greater detail.

Internationalisation strategy
Ljubljana School of Business – VEDEFaculty of Health Sciences, University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic
Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Poland
University of Seville, Spain
University of Cadiz, Spain
Tarsus University, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Republic of Turkey
University of National and World Economy, Bulgaria
EDUCONS University, Serbia
Marmara University, Republic of Turkey
Kahramanmaras University, Turkey
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia
University of Malaga, Spain
Istanbul Technical University, Republic of Turkey
Sakarya University of Applied Sciences, Turkey
Balikesir University, Turkey
Inonu University, Turkey
University “G. D’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara, Italy
University of Information Science and Technology "Saint Paul the Apostle" Ohrid, Republic of North Macedonia
Our Experience
Incoming Mobilities
Marcela Mikova, professor of Physiotherapy at the University of South Bohemia – Czech Republic, gave a lecture in the field of neurorehabilitation to Physiotherapy students in the period from February 6 to February 9, 2023.
Prof. Mikova deals with topics such as: stroke, cerebral palsy, neurorehabilitation, cognitive rehabilitation and spasticity.
Our guest is the head of the Institute of Physiotherapy and Selected Medical Disciplines, and also a Doctor of Physiotherapy.
This lecture was organized as part of the ERASMUS+ program in which students and professors of the Pan-European University stayed at the University of South Bohemia last summer.
Our guest from Slovenia, Professor Katarina Aškerc Zadravec, PhD from the Ljubljana School of Business, held a workshop for the teaching staff of the Pan-European University on March 21, 2023, titled:
"Internationalization of curriculum"️
Professor Aškerc Zadravec is the vice-dean for quality and international affairs at the Ljubljana School of Business, which is a partner of our University within the ERASMUS+ international exchange program.
Exceptional cooperation was achieved in the past period. Our students, teaching and non-teaching staff stayed in Ljubljana, while our guest's team was the host.
Prof. Dr. Katarina Aškerc Zadravec is a member of the European Association for International Education and the EUMMAS Women's Forum. She participated in the development of the Strategy for the Internationalization of Higher Education in Slovenia and the Handbook on the Internationalization of the Curriculum for Professors in Higher Education.
The Quality Assurance Office of "Apeiron" University, in cooperation with Katarina Aškerc Zadravec, professor of our partner institution – Ljubljana School of Business, organized a workshop for academic staff on October 25 on the subject of the Bologna model and the application of learning outcomes in the educational process.
The workshop was held online, through the MS Teams application.
We remind that Professor Aškerc Zadravec is the Vice-Dean for Quality and International Affairs at the Ljubljana School of Business, and she has recently held a lecture for students of the Pan-European University.
Prof. Nana Weber, PhD, a professor at the Ljubljana School of Business, held the first lecture within the ERASMUS+ program on May 7, 2022.
Professor Weber spoke on the subject of "Termination of the employment contract due to the business situation caused by the COVID-19 virus" within the International Business Law course. The lectures were held as part of the Erasmus+ program for the mobility of teaching staff.
Dr. Anna Dybala, our guest from the Jan Kochanowski University from Poland, gave lectures in the field of economic sciences to the students of the Pan-European University on June 8 and 9, 2023, followed by an introductory presentation at EDASOL, the international scientific conference of the "Apeiron" University.
The stay at our University took place within the framework of the ERASMUS+ program and the mobility of teaching staff.
Professor Krzysztof Sielski from the same University also visited us and held lectures for our students.
"Apeiron" signed a Cooperation Agreement with the aforementioned University this year
The professor of the Polish University "Jan Kochanowski", Agnieszka Kasińska-Metryka, gave a lecture for the students of the "Apeiron" University today, within the course Philosophy of Life.
Professor Kasiński-Metryka is our guest thanks to the Erasmus+ program, through which "Apeiron" and "Jan Kochanowski" signed a cooperation agreement.
The agreement includes the exchange of students, academic and non-academic staff, and the current visit is just a continuation of cooperation, given that already in June of this year, professors from the same university from Poland interacted with "Apeiron" students at lectures and participated in our international conference EDASOL 2023 .
Prof. Agnieszka Kasińska-Metryka is a political scientist, professor of social sciences, full professor at the "Jan Kochanowski" University in Kielce, and in 2016 she became the director of the Institute for International Politics and Security at the Faculty of Law, Administration and Management.
Danilo Marković from Novi Sad, a student of the Educons University, visited the College of Information Technologies at the Pan-European University "Apeiron" through Erasmus+, a student exchange program.
Danilo will spend the entire summer semester with us, as he discussed all important issues with the dean, Prof. Dr. Branko Latinović and vice dean, Prof. Dr. Željko Stanković on Friday, March 3.
Last year, "Apeiron" and Educons University signed a cooperation agreement within the Erasmus+ program, which includes the exchange of students, academic and non-academic staff from the Colleges of Information Technologies, Law, Sports and Philological Sciences, as well as the College of Modern Management.
Professor Şükrü Anıl TOYGAR from our partner University of Tarsus, gave a lecture on "Health Policy" to the students of the College of Health Sciences – Health Management on April 19, 2023.
Professor Şükrü was staying at the Pan-European University as part of the Erasmus+ program, which includes the exchange of students, academic and non-academic staff.
This year, our university and the University of Tarsus from Turkey signed a cooperation agreement within the Erasmus+ program.
The academic staff of "Apeiron" University will hold a meeting with a guest from Turkey today, and the main topic will be cooperation and future joint projects of the two universities.
Rector and professor from Turkey discussed mutual educational and scientific endeavors
Sükrü Anıl TOYGAR, professor from our partner University Tarsus from Turkey
and rector of the Pan-European University "Apeiron", Prof. Dr. Sanel Jakupović, discussed future joint projects of the two universities.
The emphasis of cooperation is on the publication of scientific journals, the organization and participation of joint scientific conferences, but also on the broader continuation of the mobility of students and staff through the ERASMUS+ program.
As part of this program, a guest from Turkey stayed at our University and gave a lecture to the students of "Apeiron" University.
They also discussed the preparation and implementation of joint projects within the ERASMUS+KA2 program.
Professor Sûkrų emphasized that there is a possibility for the joint application of the "Tarsus" and "Apeiron" university projects to the national funds for education and research in Turkey.
We continue the exchange of teaching staff through the ERASMUS + program
On April 20, Valentina Đorić, an English lecturer at the Faculty of Sport and Psychology at the "Educons" University in Novi Sad, held a workshop for Pan-European University students on the topic "Conversation Skills and Vocabulary Building."
Our guest's visit, in the period from April 18 to 22, was organized as part of the ERASMUS+ program staff exchange.
We remind that last year "Apeiron" and Educons University signed a Cooperation Agreement within the Erasmus+ program, which includes the exchange of students, academic and non-academic staff from the Colleges of Information Technologies, Law, Sports and Philological Sciences, as well as the College of Modern Management.